Devoogle tiene indexados actualmente 17924 recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de software.

¿Qué pueden aportar la inteligencia artificial y la analítica de datos en la mejora del rendimiento de los deportistas? 📊 En este proyecto de SNGULAR y The Embassy, en colaboración con RSPCT Basketball, Google Cloud y Bosch Security and Safety Systems, sus protagonistas nos cuentan como la #VisiónArtificial y los servicios en computación en la nube ayudan a obtener ese porcentaje de mejora que permite diferenciar a los buenos jugadores de los excepcionales. Gracias a José Manuel Calderón, Berni Rodríguez, Oren Moravchik, Laura Alcázar, Israel Olalla y al equipo de SNGULAR por participar en el proyecto y contarnos vuestra experiencia. 🏀🤖🌟
My position is that an architect needs a good understanding of five things: 1. The environment in which their system is intended to run. For cloud based systems this is an understanding of distributed system principles, virtualization, networking, containerization, failure in the cloud, and security. 2. Architectural design principles. These are: quality attribute requirements drive design choices, business goals lead to quality attribute requirements, and design choices are constrained by the environment and by business considerations. 3. Processes to make the design principles concrete. Translating an architectural design principle into a design repeatedly requires a process. Knowing that quality attributes drive design does not get you a design but a series of questions: what are the important quality attribute requirements, what are the options for realizing those requirements, and what are the trade offs among the requirements that result from these options? 4. Architectural styles. Systems are not derived from first principles. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of various architectural styles allows the designer to take advantage of the experiences of the field. 5. The tools to be used in the development, deployment, and forensic processes. Current tool suites have the side effect of deskilling software engineers. Software architects must understand the tool suite and their characteristics. Len Bass is an award-winning author who has lectured widely around the world. His books on software architecture are standards. His book on DevOps is, in the words of an Amazon reviewer, “the first DevOps book that shows a realistic and achievable view of the full implementation of DevOps.” He has just published a book with John Klein titled “Deployment and Operations for Software Engineers”. Len has over 50 years’ experience in software development, 25 of those at the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon. He also worked for three years at NICTA in Australia and is currently an adjunct faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University, where he teaches a course in DevOps. GSAS (2019 edition) -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: Organizer site:
J On The Beach will take place 8-10 May 2024 in Hotel Occidental Torremolinos. Speakers like Allen Holub, Joe Reis, Wes McKinney or Sol Rashidi will be some of the experts who will lead more than 40 talks and 10 workshops.
¿Alguna vez te sientes abrumado/a por ciertas situaciones? ¿En alguna ocasión pierdes la calma? ¿Has sentido que el día te lleva, en vez de llevar tú el día? En este vídeo te damos una estrategia que puedes poner en práctica en esos momentos y un bonus track con recursos adicionales. ¿Quieres ver nuestros tutoriales? ¿Quieres escuchar nuestros podcasts? ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?:
📢 Il Futuro è ora: verso una Tecnologia Sostenibile 📆 giovedì 18 aprile; 🕛 alle 18:30; 💻 live sui canali Linkedin, YouTube e Twitch di Codemotion. Mentre l'innovazione si muove alla velocità della luce, una nuova consapevolezza sta emergendo: c'è il bisogno impellente di un futuro tecnologico sostenibile. In questo meetup Davide, Roberto e Mara si confronteranno in un dibattito sui temi di tecnologia e sostenibilità, consentendoci di conoscere obiettivi, sfide e complessità vantaggi del green tech, dall'efficienza energetica alla riduzione delle emissioni, fino all'impatto sociale ed economico delle scelte sostenibili nello sviluppo del software. Ospiti: ⭐ Davide Bianchi | Senior Tecnical Leader @Mia-Platform Appassionato di sviluppo e operations, dopo una laurea in Fisica Davide ha comunicato la sua avventura nel mondo dello sviluppo. Con oltre 5 anni di esperienza in NodeJS, React, Go e Kubernetes, Davide è oggi Senior Tecnical Leader di Mia-Platform. Open souce fan and contributor. ⭐ Mara Marzocchi | Co-founder @Codemotion Mara è Co-Founder di Codemotion. Da sempre appassionata di tecnologia, in Codemotion si occupa dell’ingaggio della tech community e della relazione con gli sviluppatori e le sviluppatrici. Diversity e inclusion sono la sua missione. Ama gli animali, il quartiere dove vive (la Garbatella), il Franciacorta e suoi gatti (Bart e Lisa). ⭐ Roberto Freato | CTO @Witailer e Retex Con una solida formazione in informatica e una specializzazione in cloud computing, in particolar modo su Azure, Roberto ha iniziato la sua carriera come consulente freelance. Ha ricevuto riconoscimenti come Microsoft MVP dal 2010 e ha scritto diversi libri su Azure. Ha contribuito a iniziative educative e ha parlato in molti eventi del settore. Come CTO di Retex e Witailer il suo obiettivo è fornire leadership e coordinamento tecnologico strategico. Master of Ceremonie: Luca Fregoso | Dev Talent Partner & Content Manager in Codemotion Vi aspettiamo live il 18 aprile: ------------------------------------------------------------- 🌟 Scopri tutte le novità e le iniziative della community di Codemotion: 🦸‍♂️ Diventa #CodemotionContributor: 🧡 Unisciti alla community su Telegram: 📆 Aggiungi il DevCalendar alla tua agenda: 🫶 Diventa #CodemotionPartner: 📍 Scopri l'iniziativa Cerco / Offro location per tech meetup:
Te vamos a explicar qué son los mínimos a saber para poder empezar a aplicar Inteligencia Artificial en tu web o app. Curso → ﹤🍍﹥ Codely ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: ├ 🔖 Cursos: └ 👋 Redes sociales: ├
Conoce cómo la #InteligenciaArtificial está cambiando nuestra vida cotidiana tanto en lo personal como en algunos ámbitos profesionales en “AI Everywhere by Doing”.
En este webinar atacamos uno de los grandes temas que más dolores de cabeza da: la creación y gestión de un portfolio. Lo que en Jira Server se llamaba Jira Portfolio y ahora en Jira Cloud tenemos como Plans. Además, en este webinar haremos un repaso completo desde el inicio para que, si es la primera vez que lo ves, tengas toda la información de lo que puedes hacer con esta herramienta.
Para Jose Eduardo Pereira Valbuena, 🎸 #SNGULARocks porque es mucho más que un lugar de trabajo, es un entorno familiar donde las personas y la calidad técnica se unen para crear un ambiente agradable y de crecimiento constante. ¡No te pierdas su testimonio!