
Recursos de programación de agile
Después de interesarme por XP y por muchas de las prácticas técnicas, comencé a interesarme por Scrum, pero lo entendía como un método para organizar el equipo, con sus artefactos, y algunos principios pero secundarios. Pero no fue hasta que asistí al curso de Scrum Master impartido por Alan Cyment y Ariel Ber (Madrid Nov 2010) que mi mente no hizo el “Click” y comencé a entender el profundo cambio que requiere Scrum en la forma de trabajo. Cristalice todas estas ideas mientras Ariel nos ayudaba...
Post previously published in Spanish agilidad no es una receta para el exitoAgile is not a recipe for success, is a recipe for failure...Fail fast, cheap and learning during the process... Agile will not avoid the failure, but it will help to avoid failing in the same way, at the same problem or using a ton of resources.Agile assume the following:We will fail to estimate.We will fail to understand the customer's requests.We will fail to select technologies.The requirements will change (alwa...
Joshua Kerievsky - Modern Agile - Agile 2016 Atlanta
I like to think that I can consider myself a professional software developer after 20 years or working on it. Since some years ago I feel very aligned with agile software development movement and lately with the software craftmanship movement. I started to be interested in agile in 2002-2003 and in the software craftsmanship in 2012.Currently when I try to describe myself I use the words “software craftsman” as an equivalent to “software developer, continuously trying to improve his skills and c...
The following quote explains many of the existing problems of agile methodology. "I learned from Jeff Sutherland that the first Scrum actually did all the XP practices. But Ken Schwaber convinced him to leave the engineering practices out of Scrum, to keep the model simple and let the teams take responsibility for the tech practices themselves. Perhaps this helped spread Scrum faster, but the downside is that a lot of teams suffer because they lack the technical practices that enable sustainable...
This are some interesting talks/podcasts/presentations about DevOps and Agile culture that I watched during June and July:#NoStaging - PIPELINE Conference 2016 Dave Nolan. Should we use always a staging environment? Of course, it depends on the context... We  should always evaluate continuously any practice that we are using. Including having a staging environment. A lot of teams have one, but perhaps not all of this teams have a clear idea about the costs and the benefits.Ho...
1,2th july Santiago de CompostelaOfficial site: official hastag: SessionsDesign Sprint ( explains the complete process of a “design sprint” created by Google Ventures to initial design of a product, or to understand a startup product.They use this artifact to put all the team on the same page and answer important questions for the prod...
17, 18th JuneOfficial site: Twitter: Twitter official hastag: event was organized basically by three guys (#amazing) from was a mix of Open Space and Talks.SessionsWhat a mess! Alfredo CasadoExamples about rewrites of systems that as usually gone bad… is very strange that this kind of things are good idea…The most important thing is to he... is a good and practical book about Inceptions. In the book, is very obvious that Enrique have lot of experience using this technique.The book is easy to read, very practical and with good tips and tricks. Any case, there are very few references related with this agile practices, and sure that this book is the best of this references.