
Recursos de programación de android
'Have you heard about GRAALVM? Maybe yes, but, how can we use it? In this talk we are going to see how to create images to execute our JVM applications faster and what are the GRAALVM limitations when using Groovy or Kotlin as program languagues' Greach is a yearly technical conference around Android, JVM Frameworks and alternative JVM languages. It brings together JVM developers with framework creators and international speakers. Developers learn about JVM languages such as Groovy, Kotlin, platforms such as Android, JVM frameworks such as Grails, Micronaut, Ratpack, Spock... or cloud environments such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services or PWS. The most talented developers around Europe come to Greach to learn how to develop better, faster and smarter. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Greach 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
No cabe duda que la herramienta clave para el desarrollador android de hoy en dia es Android Studio. En este último Google I/O ésta herramienta ha recibido una importante actualización, centrada en mejorar los tiempos de build, un nuevo y flamanta UI builder, apk analyzer y manifest editor entre otros. Esta charla sin diapositivas muestra cada una de estas nuevas herramientas directamente en el editor, como por ejemplo, utilizar el nuevo ConstraintLayout sin tocar código. Sin olvidar que Android Studio está desarrollado en el top de IntelliJ, se mostrarán multitud de trucos para utilizar la herramienta sin usar el touchpad o ratón, permitiendo un desarrollo a gran velocidad y con mucha eficacia, se tratarán temas de navegación, selección, inspecciones, live templates y mucho más! Todo en riguroso directo.
Si ya has repetido mil veces los ejemplos de Espresso y quieres ir más allá del testing del “Hello World”, ¡esta es tu charla!. A través de un ejemplo práctico partiremos de esas cosas básicas de Espresso para ir profundizando en conceptos más interesantes como la integración de nuestros tests con Dagger o cómo testear funcionalidades que el emulador no nos provee como la cámara. Queremos animaros a que compartáis también vuestro punto de vista y experiencias con nosotras para que juntos consigamos llevar nuestros tests al siguiente nivel.
Greach is a yearly technical conference around Android, JVM Frameworks and alternative JVM languages. It brings together JVM developers with framework creators and international speakers. Developers learn about JVM languages such as Groovy, Kotlin, platforms such as Android, JVM frameworks such as Grails, Micronaut, Ratpack, Spock... or cloud environments such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services or PWS. The most talented developers around Europe come to Greach to learn how to develop better, faster and smarter. ------------- ------------- Todos los vídeos de Greach 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- Greach is a yearly technical conference around Android, JVM Frameworks and alternative JVM languages. It brings together JVM developers with framework creators and international speakers. Developers learn about JVM languages such as Groovy, Kotlin, platforms such as Android, JVM frameworks such as Grails, Micronaut, Ratpack, Spock... or cloud environments such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services or PWS. The most talented developers around Europe come to Greach to learn how to develop better, faster and smarter. ------------- Android developers are facing a common problem: how to test our applications on many devices without sacrificing too much time or money? How to build and test automatically our applications for each commit? How can we find those devices inside the company, whatever its size may be? Could there be a directory somewhere that lists those available devices? Could we use a device remotely and share it with other developers as if it were in the cloud? What if you could answer all these questions with the help of a low cost device farm that fits into a pocket? A pocket full of clouds... Poddingue, our proposal, aims to tackle this problem thanks to Docker, HypriotOS, Armbian, Gitlab CI and OpenSTF. It’s an internal solution made of OSS readily available, but it has not yet been publicly announced as a whole. This is a feedback about an idea on its way to production, a long journey full of different feelings : horror, happiness, suspense, boredom... This presentation won’t be too technical ; it is opened to anybody who has an interest into Android, exotic hardware or continuous integration, as long as you can stand a bad sense of humour. At the end of the talk, you should know how to build your own cloudy pocket farm of Android devices and how to use it to test your applications within your ci pipeline. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Greach 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
A menudo nuestras aplicaciones móviles necesitan de un backend o servidor para autenticación de usuarios, almacenar y sincronizar datos o incluso un sistema de mensajería. En este último Google IO se ha presentado la evolución de Firebase, que agrupa todos los servicios que necesita una aplicación móvil olvidándonos de toda la infraestructura necesaria para nuestro backend o aplicación de servidor. En esta charla de Firebase aprenderemos a incorporar a nuestra aplicación móvil: Autenticación y registro de usuarios Bases de datos en tiempo real Mensajería Almacenamiento y hosting de ficheros Configuraciones remotas Crash reporting y analíticas Para la charla se tomará de ejemplo y se verá código de una aplicación Android (Java) pero los conceptos son aplicables a iOS y web también.
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- Greach is a yearly technical conference around Android, JVM Frameworks and alternative JVM languages. It brings together JVM developers with framework creators and international speakers. Developers learn about JVM languages such as Groovy, Kotlin, platforms such as Android, JVM frameworks such as Grails, Micronaut, Ratpack, Spock... or cloud environments such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services or PWS. The most talented developers around Europe come to Greach to learn how to develop better, faster and smarter. ------------- 'Develop IoT solutions with Kotlin is possible thanks to the incorporation to Kotlin as a first class programming language to Android and the becoming of Android Things, an optimized version of Android for embedded devices. This talk is looking for explore the aspects around IoT projects, Hardware, Security, Server Side, Data Analysis from the hand of Android Things and Kotlin.' - 'The Internet of Things is a technology that has been echoing for some time. Arriving to generate interesting and attractive solutions. It usually happens that those who develop this type of solutions know about the Hardware, or they only have knowledge of the Software side. This talk seeks to explore all those aspects around IoT in the hand of a real project for monitoring fishbowls (something that you can implement at home).' - 'In the hardware side, we will use sensors and different technologies for handle the information obtained from these (Raspberry PI, Arduino, etc). Since we want to show how to use Kotlin for develop IoT solutions, we will use Android Things with Kotlin and Raspberry PI.' - 'The server side, using Serverless or IoT cloud solutions, options to analyze our information. Finally, is important take some considerations over the security aspects in IoT projects, although there are not yet 100% solid solutions, there are already efforts to solve this.' ------------- Todos los vídeos de Greach 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Greach is a yearly technical conference around Android, JVM Frameworks and alternative JVM languages. It brings together JVM developers with framework creators and international speakers. Developers learn about JVM languages such as Groovy, Kotlin, platforms such as Android, JVM frameworks such as Grails, Micronaut, Ratpack, Spock... or cloud environments such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services or PWS. The most talented developers around Europe come to Greach to learn how to develop better, faster and smarter. ------------- Develop IoT solutions with Kotlin is possible thanks to the incorporation to Kotlin as a first class programming language to Android and the becoming of Android Things, an optimised version of Android for embedded devices. This talk is looking for explore the aspects around IoT projects, Hardware, Security, Server Side, Data Analysis from the hand of Android Things and Kotlin. The Internet of Things is a technology that has been echoing for some time. Arriving to generate interesting and attractive solutions. It usually happens that those who develop this type of solutions know about the Hardware, or they only have knowledge of the Software side. This talk seeks to explore all those aspects around IoT in the hand of a real project for monitoring fishbowls (something that you can implement at home). In the hardware side, we will use sensors and different technologies for handle the information obtained from these (Raspberry PI, Arduino, etc). Since we want to show how to use Kotlin for develop IoT solutions, we will use Android Things with Kotlin and Raspberry PI. The server side, using Serverless or IoT cloud solutions, options to analyse our information. Finally, is important take some considerations over the security aspects in IoT projects, although there are not yet 100% solid solutions, there are already efforts to solve this. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Greach 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook: