commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
Sometimes a developer faces the question or even a tough choice — should I become a teamleader or a manager? I cannot answer this question for anyone, but I can tell others what experience I had. I’ve met two types of teamleaders in the industry — one that is more an architect and doesn’t manage estimates or prioritisation, but is just responsible for the architecture and the code quality; and the second one that does both management and architecture. The latter one is the most interesting one, and is the topic of the talk.
The world gets connected more and more every year due to Mobile, Cloud and Internet of Things. "Big Data" is currently a big hype. Large amounts of historical data are stored in Hadoop to find patterns, e.g. for predictive maintenance or cross-selling. But how to increase revenue or reduce risks in new transactions? "Fast Data" via stream processing is the solution to embed patterns into future actions in real-time. This session discusses how machine learning and analytic models with R, Spark MLlib, H2O, etc. can be integrated into real-time event processing. A live demo concludes the session
In this talk I'll present some of the new features of PHP 7. I will present the scalar type and return type declarations, the spaceship and null coalescing operators, the anonymous classes, the new Error exception, the security features, etc. Moreover, I will present some benchmarks and use cases of PHP 7 regarding the huge performance improvement.
Devices (phones, tablets, etc.) already consume most services/data, but they have to get those services somewhere! In this session, learn how to use proven patterns & open source software to quickly and effectively build edge services - API gateways - that marshal & streamline communication between your key services and end-users with devices in hand. This session addresses vital points such as: Configuration services Microservice registration and discovery Circuit breakers for graceful degradation Load balancing and intelligent routing Asynchronous messaging Leveraging OAuth2 for service security Additional topics discussed include logging & tracing, testing approaches, and migration patterns. The presenter will demonstrate how to develop & manage microservices & expose them via an edge service, securely, using OSS tools employed by Netflix to keep movies streaming globally 24x7. Todos los videos de Codemotion 2016; Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
¿Cualquier clase de Java te acaba llevando más de 500 líneas? ¿Estas cansado de repetir el mismo código una y otra vez para getters, setters, hashcode, etc.? ¿Cuantos tests e ifs escribes para comprobar nulls? ¿Los try/catch inundan tu código? Kotlin es un lenguaje que soporta los paradigmas OO y FP, de tipado estático y compilado a Bytecode y JS que te ayudará a reducir esas incomodas características de Java. ¡Ven y descubre como! Todos los videos de Codemotion 2016; Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
NodeJS es una de las plataformas de más rápido crecimiento hoy en día y desde el punto de vista de la seguridad en necesario conocer todas las posibilidades que ofrece la plataforma para los desarrolladores. Esta charla tratará de cómo proteger las aplicaciones express en términos de autenticación, middleware, y las mejores prácticas antes de subirla a producción. Los puntos a tratar podrían ser: -Estado de la seguridad en NodeJS -Comentar las principales vulnerabilidades a través del proyecto OWASP NodeGoat -Herramientas para proteger nuestras aplicaciones de las principales vulnerabilidades como SQL injection,XSS Todos los videos de Codemotion 2016; Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
Mostraremos cómo hemos trabajado en un proyecto Ruby basándonos en Arquitectura Hexagonal/Clean: Patrones varios, inyección de dependencias, TDD, Crafted Design, unas gotas de DDD... Y por supuesto mostraremos código y las herramientas/gemas utilizadas en el camino: Sinatra/Grape, Sequel, APIs de terceros, Rspec... Todos los videos de Codemotion 2016; Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
Containers are the past, orchestration of containers is the future. In this talk you are going to learn the basic definitions that you will find in a Kubernetes cluster and how to deploy your applications there. You are going to move your app from running it in a simple container to do a rolling-update in several machines and with 0 downtime. Don't be scared, there will be loads of examples that will help to understand the abstractions that people from Kubernetes came up with. Todos los videos de Codemotion 2016; Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
A great coding culture gives the power back to the developer and concentrates on making them productive and happy by removing unnecessary overhead, bringing autonomous teams together, helping the individual programmer to innovate, and raising the awareness among developers to create better code. I will talk about how to establish and foster a strong engineering-focused culture and give lots of examples from our experience at Atlassian to show that once you're working in a great coding culture, you won't want to work anywhere else.