commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "UX for Developers, Seriously!" by Agnieszka Naplocha - User Experience is becoming more and more crucial aspect while creating new applications. It aims to make life easier for the users, but at the same time is a huge pain for developers. I'll help you explain why it is so important and show the most useful tools and techniques you can use without design background. With the set of simple tools, developers can easily validate their ideas and find a way to develop better projects (especially when there are not UX Designers in the team). UX skillset among developers is really appreciated, so why not to try?
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "Is WebAssembly the killer of JavaScript" by Boyan Mihaylov - JavaScript has established itself as one of the most popular programming languages. Spreading from the client side to the server side, it serves well in different situations. Furthermore, a new version, ES6, has been accepted and mostly implemented by all major browser vendors. JavaScript is however limited to what we, developers, could do in the browser. And we want to do a lot - video rendering, playing games, embracing mobile apps experience. All these things are already working today with the help of additional libraries and modules. However, Microsoft, Google, and Mozilla are already work
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "Remote working per un imprenditore, istruzioni all'uso" by Francesco Fullone - Github, automattic, trevis-ci, 37 signal tutte aziende che hanno puntato sul remote working. Non tanto come forma di "telelavoro" ma come strumento abilitante a lavorare con i migliori sviluppatori sparsi per il mondo senza obbligarli a (costosi) traslochi. In questo talk vedremo come si può abilitare la propria azienda a questa filosofia senza, per questo, perdere in produttività o qualità del lavoro.
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "CSS3 Layouts: Flexbox vs CSS Grid" by Sara Vieira - The way we create layouts is messy we have to admit it, those floats and inline-block's don't make anyone's life any easier and they aren't exactly tools for creating massive layouts, just properties we adapted for our layout needs because, well, they worked and we got used to them. With CSS3 we got Flexbox and the CSS grid , two things created especially for the creation of layouts , in here I will talk about each one, the pros , the cons and why you should be looking forward to using these in production. All of this so you can go home with even more hope for the future of CSS.
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "Explorations in Cooperative, Distributed Systems with Uber's Ringpop" by Jeff Wolski - Supporting the growth of Uber's product, business and systems necessitated a new way to think about its dispatching systems. Availability is taken extremely seriously. Manual operational intervention should be kept to a minimum. And scaling is a continuous exercise and should be possible with little effort. With these tenets in mind, we developed Ringpop. Ringpop is a library that brings cooperation and coordination to distributed applications. In this talk, you'll hear about gossip protocols, consistent hashing and the fun ways we applied Ringpop to distributed systems programming! Join me!
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "Alert overload: How to adopt a microservices architecture without being overwhelmed with noise" by Sarah Wells - You've heard all about what microservices can do for you. You're convinced. So you build some. Reasoning about your functionality is way easier: these services are so simple! Then you get to the point where you have 35 microservices, in three data centres, and all the monitoring and alerting tactics you used for your monoliths are a complete disaster. You can't pick out the important stuff and your inbox is unusable. Something needs to change, and this talk will explain what and how.
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "Da Angular a React - Un viaggio inaspettato" by Salvatore Laisa - React è il nuovo gioiello splendente dello sviluppo frontend, ma aspettate... fino all'anno scorso non era Angular? Cos'è successo ne frattempo, Angular non va più bene? React è davvero così superiore? E' solo una questione di trend o ha davvero senso imparare nuovi framework ogni anno? In questo talk illustrerò il mio (recente) viaggio verso React arrivando da delle solide basi ed esperienze di Angular, mostrando i lati positivi e negativi di questa migrazione.
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "The Magic of Elixir" by Gabriele Lana - Elixir è un nuovo linguaggio di programmazione che offre la gioia e la produttività di Ruby fondendola con la solidità e le performance di Erlang. In questo talk introdurrò velocemente il linguaggio di programmazione per concentrarmi sugli aspetti che fanno di Elixir un eccellente linguaggio per la creazione di sistemi concorrenti e distribuiti. Non perdete l'occasione di esplorare un linguaggio di programmazione che sarà protagonista nei prossimi anni. Attenzione! Questo talk potrebbe seriamente danneggiare il rapporto fra voi e il vostro linguaggio di programmazione preferito :-)
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "Handling Millions of Concurrent Users with Erlang/OTP" - Manuel Rubio - Software as a Service is a very popular term very used lately. All the code is in the cloud and should be accessible for every user without problems. Scale up and handle concurrency is a problem very common, mostly in systems with chat or sharing information for cooperative work or playing games together. Erlang was discovered for a lot of companies in several sectors and they felt in love with their features. This is a story about what are those features and how help to those companies or specific sectors to be successful.
Codemotion Milan 2015 - Gianluca Varisco - DevOoops (Increase awareness around DevOps infra security) - DevOps is increasingly blending the work of both application and network security professionals. In a quest to move faster, organisations can end up creating security vulnerabilities using the tools and products meant to protect them. What happens when these tools are used insecurely or - even worse - they are just insecure? Technologies discussed will encompass AWS, Puppet, Hudson/Jenkins, Vagrant, Docker and much, much more. Everything from common misconfigurations to remote code execution.