
Recursos de programación de cqrs
Dates: 7th, 8th OctoberOfficial site: http://scbcn.github.io/ Talks Feedback: https://joind.in/event/software-craftsmanship-barcelona-2017/schedule/listTwitter : https://twitter.com/bcnswcraftOfficial hashtag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/scbcn17?src=hashThis past weekend (7-8th Oct) I was at the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Conference 2017. This is the second time attending this conference (http://www.eferro.net/2014/10/software-craftsmanship-barcelona-2014.html).This conference is a two days...
Dates: 7th, 8th OctoberOfficial site: http://scbcn.github.io/ Talks Feedback: https://joind.in/event/software-craftsmanship-barcelona-2017/schedule/listTwitter : https://twitter.com/bcnswcraftOfficial hashtag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/scbcn17?src=hashThis past weekend (7-8th Oct) I was at the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Conference 2017. This is the second time attending this conference (http://www.eferro.net/2014/10/software-craftsmanship-barcelona-2014.html).This conference is a two days...
Por fin! Después de *mucho* trabajo, hoy presentamos CodelyTV Pro. Oferta lanzamiento ???? http://bit.ly/lanzamiento-yt CodelyTV Pro es la plataforma de cursos de CodelyTV. Ya tenéis disponibles cursos sobre Agile (retrospectivas), AWS (deploy en EC2), Testing en iOS y Android, CQRS (arquitectura de Software), y por último, introducción a Scala. Cada día publicaremos un nuevo vídeo de alguno de los cursos. Por 30€ al mes podrás acceder a todo el catálogo de cursos y los que se vayan publicando. ¡Pero ojo! Ahora tenemos una oferta al 50% durante el primer mes de lanzamiento: http://bit.ly/lanzamiento-yt Le hemos puesto mucho cariño. Esperamos que lo disfrutéis, os sea útil en vuestro día a día, y aprendáis nuevas cosas para desarrollar mejor ???? Mil gracias a todos los colaboradores que apoyan este proyecto para que salga adelante. Cualquier cosa, aquí estamos.
These are some interesting talks/podcast that I've seen during August:LeanBreaking Business Bottlenecks - Theory of Constraints (3mins)Serverless and ArchitectureFunctional architecture - The pits of success - Mark SeemannServerless Architectures Mike RobertsIf (domain logic) then CQRS, or Saga? Udi DahanPatrick Kua on Growing Technical Leadership and Evolutionary Architecture (InfoQ Engineering Culture Podcast)Event Driven Serverless with Sebastien Goasgoen (Software Engineering Daily Podcast)O...
These are some interesting talks/podcast that I've seen during August:LeanBreaking Business Bottlenecks - Theory of Constraints (3mins)Serverless and ArchitectureFunctional architecture - The pits of success - Mark SeemannServerless Architectures Mike RobertsIf (domain logic) then CQRS, or Saga? Udi DahanPatrick Kua on Growing Technical Leadership and Evolutionary Architecture (InfoQ Engineering Culture Podcast)Event Driven Serverless with Sebastien Goasgoen (Software Engineering Daily Podcast)O...
???? Oferta pre-lanzamiento 3 meses por 30€: http://bit.ly/codelytvpro-yb Vídeo presentación de la nueva plataforma de formación continua CodelyTV Pro. Cursos avanzados de programación para mantenerte al día y aprender nuevos conceptos. CQRS, Testing iOS y Android, AWS, Agile, Scala, y mucho más! Oferta lanzamiento: http://bit.ly/codelytvpro-yb
We've been at the #BuildStuffEs conference organized on April 29th. There we could talk with Greg about his talk "The Elephant in the Room". Greg coined the term “CQRS” (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and it was instantly picked up by the community who have elaborated upon it ever since. Here you have some links to the information commented out in the interview: * Versioning in an Event Sourced System book (by Greg Young): https://leanpub.com/esversioning * Distributed systems paper: Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System (by Leslie Lamport) * Lamport's Logical Clock: ** Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDkx-c1Tjg4 ** Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaptoWIYgeg * Lamport's Physical Clock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgWz_s7uugE * Lamport's Total Order: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2oY8LWHYq8
Event Sourcing and CQRS are the new buzz words for a while now. Driven by the modernization needs of old monolithic applications, the industry's march towards more modular applications through microservices seems unstoppable. But you don't have to use latest buzzy microservices frameworks to build rock solid and modular applications. You can also use proven technology like Akka. This talk gives an overview about event sourcing and how to achieve this with Akka and Java 8. You'll learn how CQRS fits into the puzzle and what other technologies are there to help you build state of the art applications.
http , .net , agile , lean , cqrs , ddd
After my talk El arte del patadon pa'lante / Libro de recetas (Spanish) at the Pamplona Software Craftmanship 2017, some colleagues ask me about references for evolutionary architectures. This post tries to give the best references I know about this concept...To have context for the other references, I find the following resources essential:Who needs an Architect? (Martin Fowler)Competing On The Basis Of Speed  (Mary Poppendieck)  Optimizing for speed, flow, and waste re...
http , .net , agile , lean , cqrs , ddd
After my talk El arte del patadon pa'lante / Libro de recetas (Spanish) at the Pamplona Software Craftmanship 2017, some colleagues ask me about references for evolutionary architectures. This post tries to give the best references I know about this concept...To have context for the other references, I find the following resources essential:Who needs an Architect? (Martin Fowler)Competing On The Basis Of Speed  (Mary Poppendieck)  Optimizing for speed, flow, and waste re...