
Recursos de programación de devops
¡Os damos la bienvenida a las Sonar Talks de Apiumhub! Se trata de una iniciativa en la que presentamos herramientas de software de forma clara y concisa. En esta charla, Javier Gallo, desarrollador Backend en Apiumhub, presentará Arrow, una librería de programación que intenta ayudar a introducir conceptos de programación funcional en Kotlin. Se define como "lingua franca funcional", ya que intenta unir dos mundos. Arrow tiene como objetivo ayudar a los desarrolladores a escribir un código más expresivo, modular y mantenible, de una manera diferente a la programación imperativa clásica. Para lograrlo, proporciona un conjunto de abstracciones como Either que te permiten manejar errores de una manera más funcional, utilizando tipos en vez de excepciones. Ya seas nuevo en la programación funcional o un desarrollador experimentado, Arrow puede ayudarte a llevar tu código de Kotlin al siguiente nivel, y ofrecerte una manera diferente de afrontar los problemas. ¡Descubre el poder de la programación funcional con Arrow! -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social:
Todos estamos escribiendo tests y tenemos controlado el Code Coverage, pero un 100% Code Coverage solo significa que todas las líneas se han ejecutado al menos una vez por nuestros tests, pero no dice nada sobre la precisión de los tests o la integridad de los casos de uso, y es por eso que el Mutation Testing es muy importante. MutationTesting se utiliza para diseñar nuevos tests y evaluar la calidad de los tests existentes. La idea es modificar el código cubierto por tests de forma sencilla, comprobando si el conjunto de tests existente para este código detectará y rechazará las modificaciones. Cada cambio en el código se llama mutante y da como resultado una versión alterada del programa, llamada mutación. La calidad de los tests se mide en función del porcentaje de mutación eliminada. En esta sesión veremos como se puede hacer Mutation Testing en Java con Pitest, modificar su engine para reducir el tiempo de ejecución y como usarlo en proyectos multi-module. ¿Quién es el ponente? Ismail Ahmedov. Hands-on Software Architect, eterno aprendiz y formador. Promuevo las buenas prácticas en el desarrollo de software, los principios S.O.L.I.D, TTD, DDD y la cultura DevOps en los equipos. Siempre estoy dispuesto a asumir nuevos retos y salir de mi zona de confort para aprender algo nuevo.
Welcome to "Talks withs software development experts". A new iniciative by Apiumhub. Where we will have interviews with software development experts and leaders of software development communities. Today we interview Inma Navas, software developer at Mango. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 00:00 Introduction 00:28 Introducing Inma 1:16 Main highlight of 2022 1:50 Interesting software development topics 2:25 What books would you recommend? 2:50 Favourite software development events 4:20 Favourite software development blogs 5:02 Some software experts you should follow 5:51 Software development insights 6:23 What would you like to improve this year 7:00 Closure
Conoce a Anna López, Frontend Developer, y Developer Advocate en Apiumhub. Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- 00:00 Presentación y desarrollo laboral 00:26 Un aprendizaje del último año 00:52 Eventos favoritos de desarrollo de Software 1:19 Desarrolladores a los que seguir -- Social
Meet Daniel Agg, Fullstack Developer at Apiumhub. Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, an user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit every year (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Sucessful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social:
Meet Daniel Agg, Fullstack Developer at Apiumhub. Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, an user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit every year (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Sucessful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social:
#knowledgepills ​​​ #devops #aws Descarga nuestras píldoras de conocimiento en formato ficha 👉 ​​​ Síguenos en nuestras redes para estar al día de las novedades: - Twitter: ​​​ - Instagram: ​​​ - LinkedIn: ​​​ - Facebook: ​​
Severn Everret, backend developer at Apiumhub, will present his talk “Going Native: Trying Out AOT For Spring Boot” at the Online Summit for Java Devs on Feb 22nd! Save the date to not miss it. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social:
Meet Daniel Agg, Fullstack Developer at Apiumhub. Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, an user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit every year (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Sucessful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Software Architecture Metrics: Rust for rustaceans: Apiumhub: Apium Academy: Global Software Architecture Summit: Jobs offers:https: -- Social:
#knowledgepills ​​​ #devops #aws Descarga nuestras píldoras de conocimiento en formato ficha 👉 ​​​ Síguenos en nuestras redes para estar al día de las novedades: - Twitter: ​​​ - Instagram: ​​​ - LinkedIn: ​​​ - Facebook: ​​