
Recursos de programación de devops
Explore the world of eco-friendly software with Paola E. Annis in this insightful talk. As a founding member of the Green Software Foundation since 2021, Paola discusses the fundamental principles and guidelines for making cloud workloads more sustainable. From practical techniques like demand shaping and shifting to carbon awareness, she explores ways to make applications greener and more environmentally friendly. With over 25 years of IT experience, Paola shares her unique insights into the evolution of sustainable software. Currently at Microsoft, she delves into her work on strategic projects, large migrations, and digital transformation, emphasizing the importance of cost governance and sustainable software engineering. Paola also touches on her involvement in women in tech communities. Join us for this informative conversation where Paola addresses key questions about her journey as a Green Software Advocate, sustainable software initiatives, the intersection of AI and Green Software, and provides valuable insights into the future of green software. -- 📖 🍃 🍃 👉 measure the carbon footprint of your website here: 👉 what is the carbon intensity of your country right now: -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 0:00 Introduction 0:55 Paola's journey to Green Software Advocate 3:14 Green software initiatives 5:15 AI and Green Software 8:07 Insights regarding the future of Green Software 10:09 Closure
Eoin Woods, Co-author of the book "Software Systems Architecture" & "Software Architecture Metrics" Eoin Woods is the CTO of Endava where he is responsible for capability development, innovation and emerging technologies. In previous professional lives he has developed databases, created security software and designed way too many systems to move money around. Outside his day job he is interested in software architecture, software security, DevOps and software energy efficiency. He is a regular conference speaker, has co-authored a three books on software architecture and was the recipient of the 2018 Linda Northrup Award for Software Architecture, from the Software Engineering Institute at CMU. His web site About the talk: Modern software engineering practices stress the need to optimise for learning throughout the software delivery process, which means that we need to create rapid feedback loops to allow this learning. Feedback loops work by allowing us to see how our work affects key measures such as quality, complexity, scalability, security, frequency of release, lead time, change failure rate and many other more specific measures for our individual situations. However the difficulty we often face is that it is difficult to measure many of the factors that we care about. This is often because we don't treat the ability to measure our systems as a requirement, but try to add measurement on-demand when needed. Would it not be better to treat measurement as an explicit architectural concern and incorporate it into our architecture practices? In this talk we will try to do just that, by examining what types of measurement we are likely to need, the techniques we can use to provide those types of measurement and how to incorporate consideration of measurement as an architectural concern into our work. -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The event features two days of talks by industry experts such as Mark Richards, Neal Ford, Nathaniel Schutta and one day of workshops. It is focused on software architecture topics as backend & frontend development, DDD, mobile development techniques, software architecture models & beyond. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: Organizer site: -- 0:00 Introduction 00:54 The Intersection of Architecture Fitness Functions and Metrics 48:10 Audience Questions
🙋‍♂️ Cada jueves, Diego y Eric nos enseñan cuáles son los operadores más comunes en programación funcional, y cómo se implementan. ✍🏻 El operador map es una función que toma una función y una lista como argumentos, y devuelve una nueva lista con los resultados de aplicar la función a cada elemento de la lista original. Por ejemplo, si tenemos una lista de números [1, 2, 3] y una función que eleva al cuadrado un número, map aplicaría la función a cada número de la lista y devolvería una nueva lista con los resultados: [1, 4, 9] 🙌 Suscríbete al canal de Youtube de Apiumhub para seguir esta serie y aprender a usar operadores clave de este paradigma con Diego y Eric. 😎 La semana que viene, aprende a filtrar elementos de una colección. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 00:00 Introducción 00:43 Resolución del problema en paradigma iterativo clásico 04:32 Implementando map 10:00 Encadenar un map después de otro 10:52 MapNotNull, MapIndexed 11:40 Beneficios de los constructos 14:33 Despedida
About the talk: Couchbase it's a distributed JSON database with an integrated caching layer. It features a variety of services allowing developers to choose, to make their own trade-off, for different use cases like Key/Value, Cache, Document, SQL, Fulltext search, Analytics, Eventing, Data synchronization and more. All in one box. It's more of a Data Platform than a Database. In this presentation, we will offer a tour of Couchbase’s features by building an application using Spring, Liquibase and testcontainer. Laurent Doguin: Laurent is a nerdy metalhead who lives in Paris. He mostly writes code in Java and structured text in AsciiDoc, and often talks about data, reactive programming and other buzzwordy stuff. He is also a former Developer Advocate for Clever Cloud and Nuxeo where he devoted his time and expertise to helping those communities grow bigger and stronger. He now runs Developer Relations at Couchbase. -- The Barcelona Java Users Group (BCNJUG) is a community of software developers that focuses on Java and JVM technology. The community organizes events and workshops to share knowledge and experiences, meet enthusiasts and geeks, and learn about new technologies. You can find more information about the community and its events on their official website -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 00:00 Introduction 06:42 Couchbase Through Examples with Spring Boot 12:38 Demo 23:42 Couchbase Through Examples with Spring Boot 1:10:41 Questions & Ansers
🙋‍♂️ Te damos la bienvenida a esta serie en la que cada jueves Diego y Eric explicarán en qué consiste la programación funcional, así como qué operadores son los más comunes, y cómo se implementan. ✍🏻 La programación funcional es un paradigma en que se tratan las funciones como ciudadanos de primera clase. ¿Qué significa eso? Básicamente, en la programación funcional, las funciones se pueden almacenar en variables, pasarse como argumentos a otras funciones y devolverse como resultados. Es como si las funciones fueran como piezas de Lego que puedes combinar y reutilizar de muchas maneras. Ahora bien, ¿para qué puede ser útil? La programación funcional es genial para hacer que tu código sea más claro, fácil de entender y menos propenso a errores. Al tratar las funciones como piezas independientes y desacopladas, puedes escribir funciones más pequeñas y fáciles de probar. Además, la programación funcional se presta bien para la concurrencia y paralelismo, lo que significa que puedes hacer que tu código se ejecute más rápido en sistemas multicore sin volverte loco. 🙌 Te animamos a suscribirte al canal de Youtube de Apiumhub para seguir esta serie y aprender a usar operadores clave de este paradigma de la mano de Diego y Eric. 😎 La semana que viene, aprende a transformar listas usando map. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 00:00 Introducción 01:15 qué es la programación funcional 03:48 Side effects 07:36 High-order functions (funciones de orden superior) 14:05 Map sobre una lista 16:18 Programación funcional objetc-oriented 20:21 Despedida
¿Os gustaría conocer como se puede asegurar la calidad de vuestros productos mediante integración continua (CI) de una forma automática? En esta sesión os contaremos como podemos verificar que cualquier implementación es segura y cumple todos los criterios de aceptación de forma automática mediante pipelines Sonar Cloud: Importar los resultados de Sonar Cloud para comprobar que se cumple con las Quality Gates definidas. Integration Tests: Comprobar los resultados de la ejecución de los test automáticos en cada uno de los despliegues de los dintintos entornos. Specflow+LivingDoc with Azure DevOps Integration: Permite acceder y compartir tus ficheros de pruebas en lenguaje Gherkin directamente en Azure DevOps. Azure load testing: Ejecución de pruebas de rendimiento a través de un script de JMeter mediante la definición de los requisitos no funcionales desde Azure DevOps. Aparte de todo esto, no estaría de más tener unos pipelines definidos y programadas para que se ejecuten en una franja horaria donde el servidor no esté sobrecargado ni estresado. A esto se le denomina nightly execution. Te mostraremos como podemos crear desde Azure DevOps dashboards interactivos y, por qué no, también atractivos, con el resultado de la ejecución de los proyectos de tests automáticos y su duración con un enlace directamente al resultado de loa mismos. Con todo esto, aplicado en el sector de Banca y Seguros, es como aseguramos la calidad para conseguir la máxima eficiencia en cada uno de los productos de una forma automática. ¿Te gustaría conocer por qué QA es imprescindible en el proceso de CI? Pues no dudes en apuntarte a este evento. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
Many years ago, when undergoing a strong digital transformation, adidas has built a strong platform engineering area that helped propel the IT organization to success. Soon after that, it embraced DevOps and went through a cultural as well as strategy change, and achieved close collaboration with business, adding more value, improving deployment times, enhancing automation, removing silos and delivering faster to market. But what comes after that? What is a next step for a company with strong DevOps Maturity that needs to maintain stability and performance in order to handle the ever-increasing demand for online browsing & shopping but also bot attacks? In this talk, we will take a look at how adidas uses DevOps and their own flavor of SRE to run a billion dollar ecom store that never closes but is also capable of serving millions of requests within minutes all over the world, degrade gracefully and deploy safely several times per day. Expect to find insights into implementing SRE in your own organization as well as learnings from adidas journey. We will take a look at MTTD and MTTR throughout the last couple of years and see if it makes sense to invest in an organization that just works on site reliability. We will show success stories and pitfalls directly from the trenches by an SRE from adidas that works daily with product, operations, architecture and development in order to optimize every SDLC step. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
CHARLA Un antipatrón es algo que al principio parece beneficioso pero que termina generando problemas a largo plazo. A la hora de automatizar existen diferentes antipatrones que debemos evitar si queremos tener una suite de pruebas sana y mantenible. Los más habituales suelen estar relacionados con el fuerte acoplamiento de los tests al código, no tener variabilidad en los datos de pruebas, probar toda la funcionalidad mediante la UI, no hacer test independientes o difícilmente paralelizables. En esta sesión veremos cómo evitar estos problemas desde un principio PONENTE Francisco Moreno QE Director Siempre he tenido una visión ágil del testing, centrada en el aporte de valor a negocio y en la mejora del proceso del delivery de software. Intento impulsar técnicas de XP y filosofía DevOps en todos los proyectos en los que participo
Tienes un API , ¿aplicas integración continua y gobiernas el ciclo de vida de tu api ? ¿Versionas ? ¿ usas pipelines para incrementar versión? Estas en el camino, pero, ¿ que pasa si ahora te pongo 200 APIS en tu marketplace,te digo además que tienes que venderlo en múltiples canales y monetizar el consumo? … . hola ¿ sigues ahí ? El camino es claro Gobernanza como producto y mucha operación automatizada, la cultura DevOps te va a permitir que tus clientes no pierdan servicio y tengan los cambios prácticamente on-demand. Nuestro claro objetivo es ver tus APIS como un PRODUCTO y reducir el TIME TO MARKET. No te lo pierdas te cuento lo que hemos pensado para conseguirlo, y como la manualidad no esta permitida, el PIPELINE marca el camino. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
¿ qué es DevSecOps ? En esta sesión veremos como aplicar DevSecOps y guidelines a seguir, siempre orientado a ver qué ofrece GitHub y Microsoft Defender for DevOps para conseguirlo. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook: