
Recursos de programación de devops
Welcome to "Talks withs software development experts". A new iniciative by Apiumhub. Where we will have interviews with software development experts and leaders of software development communities. Today we interview Nacho Cougil, Founder of @BarcelonaJUG, Cofounder of @Dev_Bcn (previously @JBCNConf), Java Champion & Principal Software Engineer at @dynatrace. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 00:00 Introduction 00:24 Introducing Nacho Cougil 02:44 Nacho & Apiumhub 03:35 Highlights of 2022 5:35 What books would you recommend? 7:28 Favourite software development events 09:54 Some software experts you should follow 10:25 What would you like to improve this year? 13:15 Favourite software development blogs 14:25 Closure
Por Rubén Eguiluz Fernández, Javier Prieto Cepeda. La adopción de la nube por parte de la industria ha cambiado completamente el modelo de desarrollo y despliegue dentro de las organizaciones. Este cambio implica una inversión en formación y recursos a ésta nueva arquitectura que si no se siguen una metodología de buenas prácticas puede desembocar en una serie de riesgos de seguridad que los atacantes no dudarán en aprovechar.En esta sesión, se detallará desde el punto de vista del ingeniero software qué es el modelo de responsabilidad compartida, por qué es necesaria la implementación de mecanismos que permitan la identificación y remediación de los riesgos y cuáles son las principales soluciones de seguridad en Cloud que cualquier DevOps debe de considerar: Cloud Secure Posture Management (CSPM) y Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM). Finalmente repasaremos qué herramientas open source (como prowler) tenemos disponibles para cumplir con éstas recomendaciones. 📅 Puedes ver el programa completo en nuestra web:
#knowledgepills ​​​ #devops #aws Descarga nuestras píldoras de conocimiento en formato ficha 👉 ​​​ Síguenos en nuestras redes para estar al día de las novedades: - Twitter: ​​​ - Instagram: ​​​ - LinkedIn: ​​​ - Facebook: ​​
¡Os damos la bienvenida a las Sonar Talks de Apiumhub! En esta charla, Óscar Galindo, desarrollador Fullstack en Apiumhub, presenta Apache Camel, un framework de integración de software que permite crear aplicaciones empresariales de manera más sencilla y eficiente. Apache Camel es una herramienta que se utiliza para integrar diferentes sistemas y tecnologías. La integración de software es un proceso complicado que implica conectar distintas aplicaciones, bases de datos, sistemas de mensajería, entre otros, para que funcionen juntos como un todo. Apache Camel hace esto más fácil proporcionando una interfaz de programación de aplicaciones (API) simple y coherente para diferentes protocolos, formatos y tecnologías. La gran ventaja de Apache Camel es que permite a los desarrolladores conectar sistemas de forma más eficaz sin tener que escribir tanto código manualmente. Esto significa que los desarrolladores pueden centrarse en la lógica empresarial en lugar de preocuparse por la conectividad. Con Apache Camel, se pueden crear flujos de trabajo complejos de manera rápida y sencilla, lo que permite a las empresas lanzar sus aplicaciones más rápidamente al mercado. ¡Descubre Apache Camel para conectar diferentes sistemas y tecnologías de forma eficaz y sin tener que escribir tanto código! -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social:
Welcome to "Talks withs software development experts". A new iniciative by Apiumhub. Where we will have interviews with software development experts and leaders of software development communities. Today we interview David Bonilla, founder & director of manfred. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 00:00 Introduction
Meet Severn Everett, Backend Developerr at Apiumhub. Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called Apium Academy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our Apium Academy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- 0:00 Intro 00:16 What have you learned during this past year? 01:10 What books would you recommend to your peers? 02:09 What are your favourite software development events? 03:14 What are the key software development insights you could share? -- Social:
¡Os damos la bienvenida a las Sonar Talks de Apiumhub! Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo presentar herramientas y tecnologías de software de manera clara y concisa para ayudar a los desarrolladores a estar al día con las últimas tendencias y mejores prácticas. En esta charla, Héctor Pelícano, Ingeniero de QA en Apiumhub, presentará Xray, una herramienta de gestión de pruebas para Jira que soporta todo el ciclo de vida de las pruebas. Con Xray, los usuarios pueden crear, planificar, realizar un seguimiento y reportar sobre sus esfuerzos de prueba dentro del entorno de Jira. Xray proporciona una interfaz fácil de usar y capacidades de informes poderosas, lo que permite a los equipos realizar un seguimiento de los resultados de las pruebas e identificar problemas fácilmente. Descubre cómo Xray puede ayudar a agilizar tus procesos de prueba y mejorar la calidad general de tu software. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social:
Welcome to "Talks with software development experts," a new initiative in which we will have interviews with software development experts and leaders of software development communities. Today we interview Henriette Hettinga, project manager of CodeWomen. CodeWomen ( is a community in Barcelona for women, by women, of of around 630 tech women. Their goal is to support and empower women+ who are tech professionals or want to make a career change into tech. They meet three times a month in different locations, to network, work on coding projects and UX/UI design, help each other, and get career advice and tips from other women developers. CodeWomen is a project of Open Cultural Center, a support organisation for refugees and migrants in Barcelona. The project is managed by Henriette Hettinga. Read more about CodeWomen on their webpage: Contact: LinkedIn: Eventbrite: Website: -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 00:00 Introduction 00:31 Introducing Henriette & CodeWomen 4:30 Recommendations on the diversity issue 11:42 Reception among companies 15:43 The success of CodeWomen 18:05 About exclusive spaces for women in the world of technology 19:33 The process later on 22:25 Women in technology companies 28:04 Highlights of 2022 30:20 What would you like to improve this year 33:04 Current topics that interest you the most 37:00 Closure
Check out this short teaser video of Apiumhub and uCloud at the exclusive afterparty for the Mobile World Congress and 4YFN in Barcelona. Watch as our teams mingle with other attendees, enjoy exquisite organic wines and delicious tapas, and toast to a successful event together. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social:
¡Os damos la bienvenida a las Sonar Talks de Apiumhub! Nuestra iniciativa tiene como objetivo presentar herramientas y tecnologías de software de manera clara y concisa para ayudar a los desarrolladores a mantenerse actualizados con las últimas tendencias y mejores prácticas. En esta charla, Rafa Ruiz, líder de Backend en Apiumhub, presentará Cucumber, una herramientade testing BDD que permite a desarrolladores, gente de negocio y testers colaborar en la definición y automatización de pruebas de aceptación. Cucumber utiliza un lenguaje simple y legible llamado Gherkin para describir el comportamiento esperado del software en términos de escenarios y pasos. Estos escenarios se escriben en un formato similar al lenguaje natural y luego se pueden automatizar usando lenguajes de programación como Java, Ruby, Python, entre otros. Cucumber facilita la comunicación y la colaboración entre los miembros del equipo, permitiendo que las pruebas de aceptación se definan de manera clara y concisa, y se ejecuten automáticamente a lo largo del ciclo de vida del desarrollo del software. Descubre cómo Cucumber puede mejorar tus procesos de testing y asegurar la calidad de tu software. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: