
Recursos de programación de docker
¿Quieres saber más? Índice interactivo aquí debajo: 01:14 Presentación 01:36 Índice 01:51 1. Introducción 01:55 Quién soy yo 02:18 ¿Qué voy a contar? 03:17 2. Desarrollo 03:20 BDD 07:31 Feature 10:20 Spring Boot 14:55 Código fuente 17:04 Git Flow 20:31 Git 21:53 Automatización 24:42 3. Dockerizado 25:00 Dockerfile 26:29 4. Desplegado 26:49 EC2 Container 28:31 Imagen Docker 30:30 Cloudformation 31:54 CloudFormation Stack 34:52 Demo 1:00:14 5. Preguntas
Es muy fácil comenzar a crear nuestros primeros containers de Docker en local, y facilitarnos la vida durante el desarrollo. Pero, ¿y si queremos compartir nuestros containers con nuestros compañeros de equipo o con otros equipos? ¿E introducirlos dentro del flujo de integración continua? ¿Cómo escalamos Docker dentro de nuestra organización? En esta charla explicaremos las lecciones aprendidas durante nuestra aventura intentando conseguir utilizar containers en todas las fases del desarrollo del producto: desde la máquina del programador hasta producción. Y veremos qué patrones y buenas prácticas podemos adoptar para que la creación, distribución, y el despliegue de containers de Docker no sea una utopía.
¿Quieres saber más? Índice interactivo aquí debajo: 00:10 Presentación 00:58 What is Couchbase? 01:18 Couchbase Server Defined 06:51 The Power of the Flexible JSON Schema 08:05 Document Fundamentals- Composition 09:31 Storing and Retrieving Documents 10:36 Couchbase Data Access 12:21 Choose how to build your apps. and where to run them 13:58 Docker Support 14:14 Top Use Case 19:32 World of Operational Databases 21:52 Couchbase Architecture 22:58 Couchbase Read Operation 23:10 Write Operation 24:18 Auto sharding-Bucket and vBuckets 25:47 Cluster Map 26:24 Cluster Map-2 nodes added 27:01 Basic Operation 27:26 Add Nodes to Cluster 27:46 Fail Over Node 28:20 Modern Architecture-Multi-Dimensional Scaling 29:41 Demo: Install Couchbase 38:38 Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR) 39:47 Memory-to-memory, topology aware replication 42:49 Demo: XDCR: Replicate data between clusters 52:10 Languages and Interfaces for Couchbase 52:38 Interacting with Data 52:48 Data Modeling 54:36 Reference Documents for Lookup 55:39 Compound keys: example 56:50 Demo: Code examples: CRUD 1:04:30 Couchbase Query (N1QL) 1:04:37 Why SQL for JSON? 1:04:49 SELECT 1:05:51 Indexing 1:06:46 Data writes 1:07:10 Document-oriented Extensions 1:07:36 Expressions 1:07:55 N1SQL samples 1:15:47 Summary 1:15:48 Develop with Agility 1:16:13 Operate at Any Scale 1:16:35 Dudas
Everybody is now using virtualization, containers are all the rage today, and microkernels start to gain traction… But how is all this working? How did these solutions come to be? What are the differences between containers and virtual machines? Where and why should you use docker, runc, rocket, kvm, xen, virtualbox, includeOS, rancherOS? This talk is a full session providing understanding on how these technologies work, how they compare to each other, and how you can put them to work. So, let’s look under the hood, and understand how your system works (hint: it’s not magic). And yes, it will be understandable even if you are not an OPS or an expert. That’s precisely the point.
Testing is important for any system you write and at eBay it is no different. We have a number of complex Scala and Akka based applications with a large number of external dependencies. One of the challenges of testing this kind of application is replicating the complete system across all your environments: development, different flavors of testing (unit, functional, integration, capacity and acceptance) and production. This is especially true in the case of integration and capacity testing where there are a multitude of ways to manage system complexity. Wouldn’t it be nice to define the testing system architecture in one place that we can reuse in all our tests? It turns out we can do exactly that using Docker. In this talk, we will first look at how to take advantage of Docker for integration testing your Scala application. After that we will explore how this has helped us reduce the duration and complexity of our tests.
This presentation will show how the O2 Platform APIs and tools can be used on the creation of powerful 'Application Security-focused Tests' The Tests range from (simple) Unit Tests to (lots of moving parts) Integration tests, with the focus being on the 'non Happy Paths' (i.e. the areas that developers don't tend to naturally test) This is a developer focused presentation, with demos being executed in: * multiple IDEs (VS, Atom, IntelliJ, Eclipse) and languages (C#, Java, NodeJS) * multiple CI technologies (Docker, Travis CI, Cloud) * 'Real-time test runners (NCrunch,Wallaby)
Per automatizzare la CI e la CD, durante sviluppo, test, in preproduzione e in produzione si utilizzano le tecniche chiamate attualmente DevOps, in locale con Vagrant oppure su una PAAS su cloud, privati o pubblici. Possiamo costruire una PAAS scalabile utilizzando solo Docker, Docker e Kubernetes oppure soluzioni già pronte come Openshift 3 (che sta sopra Docker e Kubernetes). Nella presentazione vedremo come avere questi tre tipi di PAAS con in più uno strato di orchestrazione in GO/Java e Ansible per automatizzare il comportamento in base ad eventi monitorati