
Recursos de programación de docker
If you are a developer, you shouldn't be surprised about the fact that developers spend more than 24% of their time dealing with their development environments. Imagine having a magic button that instantiates a new development environment for you in seconds, integrated with the same hardware, network, and services that you need in production! This experience is now possible thanks to technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and the automation provided by the cloud. About: Pablo Chico de Guzman, Founder & CTO, Okteto Inc Founder & CTO @oktetohq (YC W19). Docker Community Leader. Cloud Native Development Advocate.
Hoy empezamos una nueva sección: Analizar el código de un proyecto real. En este caso veremos código de #Brainity. Donde con una aplicación hecha a base de Docker, #Laravel, #VueJS, y tests han conseguido arrancar un proyecto que dará mucho que hablar ???? ???? Enlaces relacionados: ├ ???? DDD en Laravel: Desintoxicándonos de Eloquent: ├ ???? Estructura de carpetas - DDD en PHP: ├ ???? Brainity: ├ ????‍???? Curso "Migración progresiva a VueJS": ├ ???? Curso "Docker: De 0 a deploy": ├ ✅ Curso "Testing: Introducción y trabajo en equipo": ├ ???? Curso "Arquitectura Hexagonal": └ ???? Oferta lanzamiento curso "DDD en PHP": {▶️} CodelyTV ├ ???? Suscríbete a nuestro canal: ├ ???? Facebook: ├ ???? Instagram: ├ ???? Twitter CodelyTV: ├ ???????? Twitter Javi: ├ ????‍♂️ Twitter Rafa: └ ???? Catálogo cursos:
More companies are embracing flexible working and distributed teams - whether that's individuals working remotely, or fully distributed companies with no central hub. This can have great benefits, but the path to success isn't always smooth. At the FT, we collaborate daily across time zones, from New York to Manila. How do we help our teams remain effective, avoid "us-and-them", and feel part of a greater whole? Having fixed production issues while up a mountain, I'll cover: - effective communication across locations - what we learnt from other companies - advice on leading distributed teams. About: Euan Finlay, Senior Engineer, Financial Times Euan is part of the Operations & Reliability team at the FT, managing incidents across the globe. Before that, he lead a distributed team responsible for Go microservices, Docker containers in Kubernetes, and the backend APIs powering the website. On the Ops-ier side of DevOps, he has occasionally admitted to being a sysadmin in public.
Jenkins does not scale. There's no denying it. If we need more power because the number of concurrent builds increased, we cannot scale Jenkins. We cannot hook it into Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler to change the number of replicas based on metrics like the number of concurrent builds.. At times, Jenkins is struggling under heavy load. At others, it is wasting resources when it is underutilized. As a result, we might need to increase its requested memory and CPU as well as its limits to cover the worst-case scenario. AboutL Viktor Farcic, Developer Advocate, CloudBees Viktor Farcic is a Developer Advocate at CloudBees, a member of the Google Developer Experts and Docker Captains groups, and published author. His big passions are DevOps, Microservices, Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment (CI/CD) and Test-Driven Development (TDD). He often speaks at community gatherings and conferences. He published The DevOps Toolkit Series and Test-Driven Java Development. His random thoughts and tutorials can be found in his blog
The Inside Guide to Container Security 12:30/13:10 This talk will explain everything you need to know about container security, what the real risks are, and how to avoid them, what to worry about and what to not worry about. It will be an in depth talk, explaining why not just what, and you should go away understanding how things work in more detail. The talk will be applicable to Docker and Kubernetes. Justin Cormack is technical lead for security at Docker, and knows the inside details of container security. Language: English Level: Advanced Speaker: Justin Cormack, Engineer, Docker Justin is an engineer at Docker, based in Cambridge, UK. He is a maintainer on the Moby project, tech lead on LinuxKit, and works on many other open source projects. He has worked in both dev and ops in the past.
Docker, Docker Swarm, contenedores, imagenes, orquestadores, Kubernetes son palabras que están presentes en cualquier arquitectura “moderna”. ¿Pero realmente sabes lo que significan o de qué hablan? Piensas que hablan en otro idioma. No te preocupes el objetivo de esta charla es aclarar todos esto “palabros” y que puedas entender por fin de que están hablando. En esta charla se va a explicar de manera simple y sencilla que en qué consiste Docker y Kubernetes. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
If you are a developer, you shouldn't be surprised about the fact that developers spend more than 24% of their time dealing with their development environments. Imagine having a magic button that instantiates a new development environment for you in seconds, integrated with the same hardware, network, and services that you need in production! This experience is now possible thanks to technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and the automation provided by the cloud. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Un software de curación de contenidos suena a poca cosa hasta que ves las "tripas" de esta plataforma. Primer episodio de la tercera temporada del podcast. Gracias a todos por seguir ahí durante el verano escuchando con tanta atención. 100 episodios Recomiendo, por si te lo has saltado, volver al episodio 100. Aunque fuera en plena semana de vacaciones, ahí lo doy todo. Es un resumen en forma de compromiso de lo que he compartido con vosotros en los 99 primeros episodios. Puedes escuchar...
Over the last twenty years, there has been a paradigm shift in software development: from meticulously planned release cycles to an experimental way of working in which lead times are becoming shorter and shorter. How can Java ever keep up with this trend when we have Docker containers that are several hundred megabytes in size, with warm-up times of ten minutes or longer? In this talk, I'll demonstrate how we can use Quarkus so that we can create super small, super fast Java containers! This will give us better possibilities for scaling up and down - which can be a game-changer, especially in a serverless environment. It will also provide the shortest possible lead times, as well as a much better use of cloud performance with the added bonus of lower costs.