
Recursos de programación de go
Event-Driven Architecture reflects how we conduct business in real life - asynchronously and in response to events. That is why it is gaining popularity as the go-to architectural pattern for building enterprise applications. ZenWave 360º is a set of tools built on the foundations of Domain Driven Design and API-First principles for Event-Driven Architectures to help developers Create Software Easy To Understand. In this session we will be building in real-time an Event-Driven Architecture with ZenWave ZDL Modeling Language, AsyncAPI and OpenAPI using MongoDB as data store and Kafka as message broker.
¿Qué conocimientos tiene que tener un perfil de desarrollador/a front-end? ¿Es suficiente con saber HTML, CSS y JavaScript, o se necesita algo más?. En el episodio de hoy vamos a analizar en detalle las funciones más importantes de este perfil y descubriremos por qué el equipo de front es clave en el éxito de un proyecto. Links mencionados en el episodio: https://go.ivoox.com/rf/103408685 ¿Quieres ver nuestros tutoriales? https://www.youtube.com/c/ParadigmaDigital/playlists ¿Quieres escuchar nuestros podcasts? https://open.spotify.com/show/4IQF9XRgHN7j5Mz52t9wJS?si=7ba64ce69fc04a92 ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: https://www.paradigmadigital.com/eventos/
Terratest es una librería en GO que nos ayuda a escribir Tests para nuestro código de infraestructura. Nos provee de una gran variedad de funciones helpers y patrones de infraestrctura para testear el códgio. ﹤🍍﹥ Enlaces ricos └ 🌍 Curso Terraform https://bit.ly/curso-terraform-codely Sube de nivel. Haz tu código mas mantenible, escalable y testeable 🤟 ¡Suscríbete al canal!
Ponente Nombre: Murilo Cunha Título: Faster Python with friends Sala: Tejita ———————— About the talk Python's flexible and intuitive syntax enables developers to quickly build applications. But on the other hand, it may be slow during runtime. There have been different attempts into making Python faster. In recent years, Python 3.11 was released and popularized as the "faster Python" and Mojo programming language was recently announced, advertised as having "usability of Python with the performance of C". Going back further, we see languages such as Cython, Just In Time (JIT) compilers and bindings. In this talk, we'll go over the different approaches to increasing the speed of a Python application. We'll briefly explain how they work, compare the performance through a simple use case, and look at the limitations, tooling, trade-offs, and ease of use. Outline Introduction and setup (3min) Baseline - Python 3.9 (3min) Alternatives (20min): Python 3.11 Cython & Mypyc Pypy3 PyO3 Mojo Recap and takeaways (4min) — Python España: https://es.python.org/ Python Canarias: https://pythoncanarias.es/ Twitter/X: @PyConES Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/ @pycones
Ponente Nombre: Laszlo Kiss Kollar Título: The wheelhouse of horrors Sala: Antequera ———————— You might be surprised to learn that, besides naming and cache invalidation problems, building a binary wheel for a Python extension is one of the hardest problems in computer science. Or more precisely, building that binary wheel correctly. Lucky for us, a few amazing community-led projects hide all that complexity from us, so we can instead focus on shipping and using Python code. One of Python's strong suits is its ability to use native C and C++ code, which is a big reason why it’s the number one language for date science and machine learning applications. However, distributing native code in Python libraries is far from trivial: subtle issues in the build process can result in runtime issues that are extremely difficult to track down. This talk will showcase some notable examples of how things can go wrong, while also helping users and maintainers recognise these typical error scenarios. We will learn how to avoid these issues and what users can do when they encounter such issues when using a library. The audience will learn about the manylinux standard and its role in standardizing Linux platform wheels. We will also take a look at the cibuildwheel project, which offers library authors a simple solution to automate the building and distribution of manylinux wheels. — Python España: https://es.python.org/ Python Canarias: https://pythoncanarias.es/ Twitter/X: @PyConES Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/ @pycones
Ponente Nombre: Cheuk Ting Ho Título: Untangle Python Spaghetti - Deep dive into environments and dependencies management Sala: Antequera ———————— After learning doing in Python, we started multiple Python or Data Science projects. Dependency management becomes a skill that we need to avoid requirement conflicts amount projects. In this talk, we will learn how dependencies management tools work and how to choose the right one to use. In this talk, we will use venv, the environment managing tool that come with CPython, and conda, the tool that is popular among data science partitioners to decipher how environment and dependency management works. First, we will go through some basic knowledge of how Python ""sees"" your package and know where to import them when needed. Then, we will make the audience aware that, to avoid the requirement conflict amount different projects, we need a new set of environments for each project. Then, we will see how tools like venv and conda can create a new set of environments. We will cover both the practical aspect - how to use the tools and which one to use, and the theoretical aspect - the inner working of the tools and why they are different. This will make the audience get familiar with some tools that are at their disposal and inspire them to start using them for their work. This talk is for beginner Pythonistas or data scientists who started to use Python professionally and those who are curious to know how the environment and dependency management tools work. — Python España: https://es.python.org/ Python Canarias: https://pythoncanarias.es/ Twitter/X: @PyConES Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/ @pycones
Ben Evans is Observability Lead and Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat Runtimes. Previously he was Lead Architect for Instrumentation at New Relic, and co-founded jClarity, a performance tools startup acquired by Microsoft. He has also worked as Chief Architect for Listed Derivatives at Deutsche Bank and as Senior Technical Instructor for Morgan Stanley. He is a Java Champion and served for 6 years on the Java Community Process Executive Committee, helping define new standards for the Java platform. Ben is the author of seven books, including "The Well-Grounded Java Developer", "Optimizing Java" and the new editions of "Java in a Nutshell". His technical articles are read by thousands of developers every month. Ben is a regular speaker and educator on topics such as the Java platform, Observability, systems architecture, performance and concurrency for companies and conferences all over the world. About the talk: As applications move to containers and migrate to the cloud, they become ever more complex, and it's increasingly important to monitor, analyze, and diagnose their behaviour. Observability is a new way of thinking about monitoring and understanding your applications. It’s supported by a growing range of open source tools and standards - part of the new wave of technologies that modern developers need to go fully Cloud Native. Join Ben Evans to get the basics of Observability, including the fundamentals of metrics, logs, and tracing. You'll learn how to achieve observability using OpenTelemetry, the emerging Open Standard for Observability, and we'll meet several other related OSS libraries and tools along the way. -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The event features two days of talks by industry experts such as Mark Richards, Neal Ford, Nathaniel Schutta and one day of workshops. It is focused on software architecture topics as backend & frontend development, DDD, mobile development techniques, software architecture models & beyond. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: https://gsas.io/ Organizer site: https://apiumhub.com/ -- 0:00 Introduction 02:17 The Intersection of Architecture Fitness Functions and Metrics 56:14 Audience Questions
Terratest es una librería en GO que nos ayuda a escribir Tests para nuestro código de infraestructura. Nos provee de una gran variedad de funciones helpers y patrones de infraestrctura para testear el códgio. ﹤🍍﹥ Enlaces ricos └ 🌍 Curso Terraform https://bit.ly/curso-terraform-codely ﹤🍍﹥ CodelyTV ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: https://youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_confirmation=1 ├ 🐦 Twitter CodelyTV: https://twitter.com/CodelyTV ├ 🫧 Twitter Javi: https://twitter.com/JavierCane ├ 📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/CodelyTV ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/codelytv ├ 🥋 Academy: https://codely.com/academy └ 📕 Catálogo cursos: https://bit.ly/cursos-codely
En esta entrevista a Marco y Francesc de Pullpo.io nos contarán cómo ha ido el primer año desde que empezaron con la startup. Han hecho una primera ronda de inversión con un fondo internacional, han pasado por una aceleradora, hoy anunciarán el lanzamiento en Product Hunt, y sobre todo, han conseguido los primeros 100 clientes. Primero nos contarán qué tal el periplo pasando del mundo de la programación como ingeniero de software al mundo de montar una startup, y luego profundizaremos en el código que han desarrollado durante este primer año. Hace 8 meses ya hablamos con ellos y vimos un poco del código en Go y Nuxt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B64QLnVC_aw Pullpo.io consiste en 2 principales productos: - Conectar las Pull Requests de GitHub a un canal de Slack de forma bidireccional para facilitar la comunicación - Descubrir cuellos de botella en el ciclo de desarrollo mediante la combinación de métricas de tu repositorio git con feedback proporcionado por devs ﹤🍍﹥ Enlaces relacionados ├ 🔺 Vota Pullpo en Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/pullpo-io ├ 🤖 https://pullpo.io ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: https://youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_confirmation=1 ├ 🐦 Twitter Marco: https://twitter.com/marco_1ope2 ├ 🐦 Twitter CodelyTV: https://twitter.com/CodelyTV ├ 🧔🏻 Twitter Javi: https://twitter.com/JavierCane ├ 📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/CodelyTV ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/codelytv └ 📕 Catálogo cursos: https://bit.ly/cursos-codely
Ben Evans, a respected JVM technology architect and software expert, and Principal Engineer at RedHat, shares his insights into the evolution of artificial intelligence and observability in the current technological landscape. From the changing nature of AI to the challenges and opportunities of observability in containerized and cloud applications, we delve into the complexities facing the world of software. According to Ben, Artificial Intelligence models face the following issues: Sustainable Costs: Advanced AI solutions, such as language models, are extremely expensive to develop and maintain. Often, companies have not adequately considered the actual costs of operating these models, raising concerns about their long-term sustainability. Limited Accuracy: Evans points out that current AI models do not always produce accurate and reliable results. He highlights a case in which models like ChatGPT experienced a 10% decrease in traffic due to the lack of accuracy in their responses. Negative Feedback Cycles: The expert raises the possibility that AI models might worsen over time due to negative feedback cycles. In other words, if the data generated by the model is used for future training, it could introduce errors and reduce the overall quality of results. Limits of Web Training: Evans questions how to maintain the separation between the training dataset and the online corpus, especially in models trained with Internet data. This poses challenges related to intellectual property and the possibility of the model generating text based on its own training. Focus on Restricted Domains: Ben suggests that the focus of AI should shift towards highly domain-specific models instead of attempting to address the generalization of online text. He argues that using private and specific corporate data could lead to more accurate and useful responses. In summary, Ben Evans emphasizes the need to address issues related to costs, accuracy, and negative feedback cycles in artificial intelligence, while exploring more focused and specific solutions in the field of observability. -- Ben Evans is a JVM technology architect and a prominent figure in the realm of observability and software development. He has held notable roles in companies like New Relic and Red Hat Runtimes, and co-founded jClarity, a performance tool startup acquired by Microsoft. Ben is a Java Champion and has been a member of the Java Community Process Executive Committee for 6 years, contributing to defining new standards for the Java platform. Additionally, he is the author of several technical books and is recognized as a speaker and educator on topics such as the Java platform, system architecture, and observability. Ben's talk at #GSAS23 will be called "The Why & What of Observability in 2023" A brief summary of Ben's talk at GSAS 2023: As applications move to containers and migrate to the cloud, they become ever more complex, and it's increasingly important to monitor, analyze, and diagnose their behaviour. Observability is a new way of thinking about monitoring and understanding your applications. It’s supported by a growing range of open source tools and standards - part of the new wave of technologies that modern developers need to go fully Cloud Native. Join Ben Evans to get the basics of Observability, including the fundamentals of metrics, logs, and tracing. You'll learn how to achieve observability using OpenTelemetry, the emerging Open Standard for Observability, and we'll meet several other related OSS libraries and tools along the way. -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The event features two days of talks by industry experts such as Mark Richards, Neal Ford, Nathaniel Schutta and one day of workshops. It is focused on software architecture topics as backend & frontend development, DDD, mobile development techniques, software architecture models & beyond. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: https://gsas.io/ Organizer site: https://apiumhub.com/