
Recursos de programación de go
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: https://www.ivoox.com/34985405 ------------- What differentiates functional programming from other paradigms, what are its benefits. How simple programmes written functionally look in an object-oriented language and in a functional language. If you don`t know Haskell, don`t worry, it`s not necessary to understand the talk. We will use Haskell to see examples of functional programming and I will explain it as we go. Who knows, maybe you will leave wanting more and become a Haskell developer ;) ------------- Todos los vídeos de WTM Barcelona 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/WTMbcn19-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
SVG is the old new hot thing on the web today; we’re seeing it everywhere. Despite being around for quite a very long time, we’re only getting to know SVG today and finding new things about it every day. Getting started working with SVG may seem overwhelming at first. Where do we start? There are different ways to embed an SVG, so which one should we choose? What about browser support for SVG? How well does it work with CSS? In this talk I want to give you an overview of how to get started working with SVG. We’ll go over several point from creating and exporting SVGs, optimizing them, embedding them, providing fallback for non-supporting browsers, dealing with CSS, and much more!
Serverless is becoming more and more popular. Big companies like Netflix, Coca Cola and Nordstrom have already moved most of their workloads to serverless technology, as it makes it easier for anyone to just focus on their code, sparing the need to manage application servers. In this talk, we will do an introduction to serverless with AWS Lambda. And as it is so easy to start using it, we will go through the process of creating our own AWS Lambda function and connecting it with some other AWS services in real time. We will present the benefits of AWS Lambda and talk about when it makes sense to use it. ------------- Todos los vídeos de WTM Barcelona 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/WTMbcn19-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
Go beyond standard integration provided by Micronaut core libraries and unleash the power of other AWS services. In this session, you get familiar with Agorapulse Micronaut Libraries which is a collection of tools providing data services for DynamoDB, declarative clients for Kinesis, Simple Notification Service (SNS), Simple Queue Service (SQS) and easier integration for Simple Storage Service S3 and Simple Email Service. You will also learn how to develop applications for AWS API Gateway with Proxy integration using standard Micronaut HTTP capabilities.
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ClojureBridge is an all-volunteer organization inspired by RailsBridge that provides free, introductory workshops to increase diversity in the Clojure community. I first learned about ClojureBridge thanks to a talk by Ali King at EuroClojure 2015 in Barcelona: ClojureBridge, Building a more diverse Clojure community. I really liked the idea and we (the Clojure Developers Barcelona) tried to organize one in Barcelona, but failed to actually do it because we lacked the numbers, money and time. So...
Por Orestes Carracedo So you've put together a couple of IoT projects, and it'd be pretty cool if you were able to control them with your voice, right? In this deep dive we'll go through all the pieces you'll need to integrate your nifty gadgets with the Google Assistant. We'll showcase a neat demo project: a cute Lego house controlled with your voice or via the Google Home app. We'll start with a light intro to modern IoT prototyping, a simple component architecture for the system, and an we'll take an in-depth loo... Más información: https://t3chfest.uc3m.es/2019/programa/integrating-iot-projects-with-google-assistant-smart-home-api ------------------- T3chFest es un evento sobre nuevas tecnologías e innovación anual gratuito celebrado en Madrid. Consulta en nuestro canal las charlas de las pasadas ediciones. Sitio web: https://t3chfest.uc3m.es Twitter: https://twitter.com/t3chfest
Todo el mundo sabe programar en python, es bastante fácil. Pero, ¿es tu código Pythonico? En este live coding partiremos de varios ejemplos de código "python" reales y los mejoraremos para que sean más legibles, mantenibles y eficientes. ------------- Todos los vídeos de WeCodeFest 2019 en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zY4tfRMyAo&list=PLKxa4AIfm4pXYvEpS1qs5pyv0Uj4DDt5o ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
As we start to go toward cloud-native infrastructure and build our applications out of microservices, we must fully face the drawbacks and challenges to doing so. Some of these challenges include how to consistently monitor and collect statistics, tracing, and other telemetry, how to add resiliency in the face of unexpected failure, how to do powerful feature routing and much more. Istio and service mesh in general helps developers solve this in a non-invasive way. In this deep-dive, we'll show how you can take advantage of these capabilities in an incremental way. We expect most developers haven't adequately solved for these issues, so we'll take it step by step and build up a strong understanding of Istio, how to get quick wins, and harness its power in you production services architecture.
Have you ever thought about the legal implications of the software you write? Did you ever even consider that you could actually go to jail for it? Crazy as it may sound, it has already happened. Here we'll reflect a bit on recent precedents, and we'll review testing as an ethical approach to developing software and how to prevent your software to take you places you definitely did not want to go to.