
Recursos de programación de go
"The Amazon Echo is more than a home toy – you can have the real star trek experience in your home with hooks into home automation platforms, streaming music, news, help you cook, tell you jokes, etc. Now let’s Groovy all the things and make a Grails app that can host new Alexa skills! I will go over how to make them in two ways, via Grails 3 and web services and also via AWS Lamba. You can use Groovy for both of these approaches! I will bring a couple Alexa capable devices to demonstrate some fun things you can do with it. I’m sure if you don’t already have one you’ll be hacking away as soon as you get home!" Todos los videos de Greach 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVzwQkePSmyNh6xuapnqtB0 Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; bit.ly/newsletterautentia Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/Autentia-127966880558674/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/autentia
*** FOR BETTER AUDIO: https://youtu.be/JHmFs8FV7LY *** We all have moments that change the way we think, the way we look at the world, the things we want to do with our lives. On July 20, 1969 millions of people had one of those transforming experiences: Two men landed on the Moon and nothing was ever the same again. Why did we go to the Moon? How did we get there? What was it like to witness it all? And what does any of this have to do with writing software 40 years later? In this talk, Russ Olsen will take you back to a humid Sunday afternoon that changed his life. It might yet change yours.
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There are two types of deadlines:Fake deadline: arbitrary date that has no real meaning for the product, the team or the company. Very often it is used only to push a team because management believe that employees dislike work, are lazy, dislike responsibility and must be coerced to perform (Theory X. see McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y).Real deadline: A date that can have lot of impact on the success of a product (for example because there are a presentation of other similar products, legislat...
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There are two types of deadlines:Fake deadline: an arbitrary date that has no real meaning for the product, the team or the company. Very often it is used only to push a team because management believes that employees dislike work, are lazy, dislike responsibility and must be coerced to perform (Theory X. see McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y).Real deadline: A date that can have a lot of impact on the success of a product (for example because there are a presentation of other similar products, le...
"Me gustaría contar mi experiencia de los últimos 3 meses, en los que he pasado de no saber escribir una línea de código, a manejar con soltura herramientas de maquetación como HTML5, responsive, flexbox, SASS, animaciones CSS3, grid y maquetación por componentes, así como conocimientos sobre programación con JavaScript. Y los más importante, mejorar mis habilidades personales y profesionales de tal forma, que me puedeo enfrentar a una charla como esta. He logrado todo esto a través de mi participación en el programa de Adalab “Reinvéntate como programadora web front-end”, que incluye formación intensiva desarrollo webfront-end, coaching en desarrollo personal, y mentoring." Todos los videos de Women Techmakers 2017; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVgiDv0Ya7sBxM9AOTmFhH7 Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; bit.ly/newsletterautentia Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/Autentia-127966880558674/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/autentia
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From the talks I've seen lately, these are the most interesting.Team and organization related:Teal Organizations Sandro Mancuso. How they are trying to be a teal organization at Codurance. Very interesting talk.The 5 dysfunctions of a team  Patrick Lencioni. A good summary of the book with the same name (here my Book Review).the Key to High Performing Teams at Google Matt Sakaguchi. Deep conversation about which are the key characteristics of a high performance team. Thi...
http , go , .net , agile , lean , xp
From the talks I've seen lately, these are the most interesting.Team and organization related:Teal Organizations Sandro Mancuso. How they are trying to be a teal organization at Codurance. Very interesting talk.The 5 dysfunctions of a team  Patrick Lencioni. A good summary of the book with the same name (here my Book Review).the Key to High Performing Teams at Google Matt Sakaguchi. Deep conversation about which are the key characteristics of a high performance team. Thi...
"Cómo hicimos Flow up en 2 meses y quedó perita" Todos los videos de FREAKEND 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pUaVhRKxYErhAvjU9xqwZOb Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; bit.ly/newsletterautentia Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/Autentia-127966880558674/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/autentia
Jorge del Val Santos (BEEVA) El "Reinforcement Learning" es un área del machine learning y la inteligencia artificial que trata con agentes que aprenden y se adaptan dinámicamente a un entorno incierto en base a su experiencia. Has oído hablar de los recientes éxitos de Google Deep Mind? Programas que aprenden automáticamente a jugar a Atari usando sólo los pixeles, o ganar al campeón mundial de "Go" varias veces. El aprendizaje por refuerzo está en la frontera de las matemáticas aplicadas y la inteligencia artificial, siendo un campo de investigación extremadamente activo y profundo. En esta charla revisaremos brevemente, de una forma accesible, los fundamentos matemáticos y algorítmicos para entender cómo o por qué funcionan estas técnicas. También veremos algunas implementaciones y ejemplos en Python y discutiremos brevemente la aproximación funcional por medio de redes neuronales profundas. Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; bit.ly/newsletterautentia Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/Autentia-127966880558674/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/autentia
Our amazing web applications need high-quality UI components. So we have Angular 2 app on one hand and Material Design visual language on another. How to combine these without calling designer and spending days on struggling with CSS cross-platform issues and re-inventing client-side code for common UI scenarios? Right! Angular Material 2, set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components, is going to solve this issue. It's still under active development but we can look behind the scenes and create our cross-platform, UI-rich app just in minutes. Let's go exploring and coding! Bonus: after our app is created we'll check its Accessibility, how it's automagically added by Angular Material 2 to allow users of all abilities to navigate, understand, and use our UI successfully. #AngularCamp #Angular