
Recursos de programación de go
¿Por qué empezar con Go? ¿Cuáles son las utilidades de este lenguaje? ¿Puede competir con otros que están más de moda como Python?
Codemotion Milan 2015 - "CSS3 Layouts: Flexbox vs CSS Grid" by Sara Vieira - The way we create layouts is messy we have to admit it, those floats and inline-block's don't make anyone's life any easier and they aren't exactly tools for creating massive layouts, just properties we adapted for our layout needs because, well, they worked and we got used to them. With CSS3 we got Flexbox and the CSS grid , two things created especially for the creation of layouts , in here I will talk about each one, the pros , the cons and why you should be looking forward to using these in production. All of this so you can go home with even more hope for the future of CSS.
go , php
Tras escuchar por segunda vez el episodio 23 sobre Go, donde hacíamos alguna mención no muy favorable a PHP, Daniel Gonzalez decidió que ya era hora de que alguien saliese en defensa de este lenguaje, denostado por muchos. Junto con Daniel recorreremos la historia de PHP, como ha ido evolucionando, sus principales características y su [...]
The presentation focuses on our journey of migrating a legacy PHP application to a modern implementation, following the industry’s best practices and with 95% code coverage, capable of serving our global pool of users fast and reliable. We will go through all the steps we followed from the beginning, choosing the best framework for the job (Silex), building the application in increments, testing it and releasing it one page at a time without causing service interruption. For more information visit https://joind.in/talk/view/15870
Setbacks are a normal part of the entrepreneurial journey. Pitches go wrong, early product builds don’t work out, competitors are chipping away at your market share -- entrepreneurs need to develop a thick skin and an iron-clad determination to keep going and learn from their experiences.  There are tools to use such as pivots and post-mortems designed to help you iterate and move forward -- what are they and how can you take advantage of them? Tune in to hear from our guests, Richard Branson and Tyra Banks, who have dealt with huge failurees to find huge success. Richard has seen notable failures from Virgin Cola to Virgin Brides. Tyra Banks’ singing career failure and she was turned down as a model multiple times - she now runs a $90M empire. Have a question for our panelists? Send them our way using the hashtag #FailAndSucceed and we’ll be sure to get them answered!
In this talk Patrick will describe how to easily scale out using Akka Cluster. You will learn what Akka Cluster offers, appropriate use cases, and practical issues we encountered in implementing Omnia, our distributed and reactive data platform that builds on Akka Cluster. Patrick will focus on exploring the different clustering strategy, and illustrate with code examples from Omnia how to create a custom clustering strategy. Akka Cluster is a framework for coordination in a distributed system. It uses a peer-to-peer approach, where there are no master nodes and machines can join and leave the cluster at any time. This is a very flexible system but does require careful thought about how work is distributed around the cluster---the clustering strategy---to meet the availability and consistency goals of the system. On a busy Saturday at William Hill they have to cope with a peak of 5 million price updates per minute and track 300'000 active user sessions. The team needed to modernise their data pipeline. Akka Cluster provided an ideal platform to build on, due to its decentralised peer-to-peer design which avoid single point of failure, allowing easy scale-out in response to load. However you have to think carefully about how you use Akka Cluster, and primarily the clustering strategy to adopt. The strategy determines how data and load is distributed around the system, and hence determines its ability to function given node failures and under stress conditions. Akka Clustering provides and extendible model which allowed us to define our own strategy to fulfil our requirements. Patrick will describe the use of Akka Cluster in Omnia, and dive deep into the cluster strategy and other issues the William Hill team encountered in use.
Muchos ya conoceréis el lenguaje Go, incluso algunos conocerán la dotGo, la primera conferencia europea sobre Golang. Este año @dotConferences celebra la segunda edición de este evento, con una expectación de asistencia aún mayor. Como ya es costumbre de dotConferences, la dotGo se celebrará en un teatro parisino, marco digno del evento. El evento, además, seguirá las costumbres de los eventos de dotConferences, es decir,
Yesterday we practiced doing the Sieve of Eratosthenes kata at a Barcelona Software Craftsmanship event. My partner Fernando Mora and I used TDD in Scala to write the code. Today I did it once again in Clojure. I'd like to explain here how I did it step by step in order to share it with the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship members. I started by writing this test: which I quickly got to green by just hard-coding the response: In this first test I used wishful thinking to get the function and s...
http , go , tdd , ddd
We were working through the following iterations of an exercise: First iterationA user can register with a user name. For instance: @foolano If anyone else has already registered with that name there is an error. Second iterationA user can follow another users. To do so it's only required to know the user name of the user to be followed. Anyone can query the followers of any given user just knowing its user name. Third iterationThe registered users and their followers must be persisted. (source:...