
Recursos de programación de go
Greach 2015, The Groovy Spanish Conf April 10th-11th, Madrid, Spain http://greachconf.com Follow us on twitter http://twitter.com/greachconf Slides in http://beckje01.com/talks/greach-2015-sec-ratpack.html #/ So you are all excited about this hot framework Ratpack now you are about ready to launch into production. But you need security, I will go over using pac4j with Ratpack to secure your application. Showing integrations with Twitter, Basic Auth, and others. I will also go over a case study of CellarHQ and their security in Ratpack. Jeff Beck I am an Engineer at SmartThings, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have been doing Grails since 2010. I try to be an active member of the local Groovy community as well as an open source contributor, contributing to Grails plugins and Ratpack in my free time. I am very interested in creating code that is easy to maintain and share not only within a team but in the broader community as well. Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @beckje01
@MagdKudama nos va a contar los detalles del lenguaje de programación Go. Se trata de un lenguaje creado por Google en 2007 que viene pisando fuerte.
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Estas son las diapositivas de la charla que Jaime Gil de Sagredo y yo presentamos ayer en el grupo GoMad:golang-design4concurrencyEl código de ejemplo, las diapositivas y un mind map inicial se puede encontrar en:https://github.com/aleasoluciones/golang_design4concurrency_talk/Y las referencias usadas son:Go concurrency patterns concurrencyAdvanced Go concurrency patterns advanced-go-concurrency-patternsDesigning for Actor Based Systems designing-for-actor-based-systemsGolang patterns for s...
Greach 2015, The Groovy Spanish Conf April 10th-11th, Madrid, Spain http://greachconf.com Follow us on twitter http://twitter.com/greachconf Slides in http://greachconf.com/speakers/jeff-beck-grails-and-cassandra/ As our applications grow and need to deal with new big data challenges and global distribution we look to new data stores designed to deal with these new challenges. Cassandra is one great tool to deal with both of these problems, we will go over some of the different ways of dealing with Cassandra from Grails. I will cover the various Cassandra plugins for grails, including the Cassandra ORM, Astyanax, and Cassandra GORM. Also, I will talk about using the Cassandra Java driver directly. By the end of the talk you should have a overview of the data modeling that will working well in Cassandra paired with Grails, when to use or not use each plugin, and some of the basic connection configuration details needed. Jeff Beck I am an Engineer at SmartThings, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have been doing Grails since 2010. I try to be an active member of the local Groovy community as well as an open source contributor, contributing to Grails plugins and Ratpack in my free time. I am very interested in creating code that is easy to maintain and share not only within a team but in the broader community as well. Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @beckje01
Título: Gooo Go! Ponente: Carlos Linares López Link: https://techfest.uc3m.es/programa/gooo-go/ Go es un lenguaje de programación muy reciente (fundado en 2007 actualmente se distribuye la versión 1.4) liderado por Rob Spike. Ofrece un garbage collector para la gestión eficiente de punteros (¡como debe ser!) y está entre los lenguajes más rápidos; aunque no soporta la programación orientada a objetos ofrece modelos alternativos como métodos o interfaces. Aunque tiene instrucciones que facilitan la programación no estructurada, está diseñado de tal modo y manera que incita al control de versiones y a evitar errores comunes en programación. Su sencillísima sintaxis unida a su eficiencia y el soporte nativo de estructuras como canales para concurrencia lo convierte en una elección excelente para muchas tareas.
One of the problems I found while working on a legacy Angular application last year, was resources with deeply nested structures that were being accessed directly from many different places. That code was revealing too much about the resources inner structure and that meant that the code that interacted with the resources was spread all over therefore generating a lot of duplication. That made it really hard to change and understand. It was suffering from a severe case of primitive obsession in...
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Last week I gave a talk about Clojure functions for some of the Clojure Developers Barcelona study group members. This is the the code I showed on Lightable to explain a bit about Clojure functions: I had a great time and learned a lot preparing this talk. During the talk I mentioned some destructuring techniques I had explained more deeply in a previous talk. This time there were many more attendants than in previous events of the group which is really great. Thanks all for coming! I hope we'll...
The collaborative economy, the emergence of Generation Y and the increase in the extended workforce are factors that have positively influenced the exponential growth of coworking spaces worldwide. These factors are a mantra to combine the concept of coworking with companies in order to help them to evolve to new demands and expectations of new workers. There are different types of corporate coworking, some more conservative than others. In any case, the benefits of all of them go beyond the capture of new ideas, but the idea that employees may be sharing ideas with a group of non-employees makes nervous to some companies. However, there are already many success stories most in USA or Google Campus, the first in our country. Autora: Maite Moreno
KPIs are definitely one of the most controversial topics on agile right now. The scrum guide doesn’t tell anyone anything about it but regardless of the companies being willing to embrace agile and lean the truth is that they all “need” KPIs. After all everything should / needs to be measure in order to get some sense of assurance on the quality of the work that is being done. Usually KPIs tend to go around velocity, points committed vs points delivered, etc. In my opinion the KPIs above are only measuring the ability of your teams to guess effort / duration of tasks. Is that what the companies are looking for? Is that how you should measure the success of a team? What if the team doesn’t estimate at all? What happens to those KPIs? Author: Pedro Gustavo Torres