
Recursos de programación de graphql
In this talk I’ll be talking about why GraphQL could be the next thing on developing APIs and how it could complement your existing REST APIs. GraphQL is a query language for your API, and a server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system you define for your data. GraphQL isn’t tied to any specific database or storage engine and is instead backed by your existing code and data.
1. Is it useful to use GraphQL for single page apps? (Mario García to Rubén Mondéjar) @marioggar / @Ruuben4 2. Next profile you're working? (Rubén Mondéjar to Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal) @Ruuben 4 / @alvaro_sanchez 3. Opinion GORM 6.1 (Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal to Burt Beckwith) @alvaro_sanchez / @BurtBeckwith 4. Why is JavaFX better than Swing? (Burt Beckwith to Alexander Sascha Klein) @BurtBeckwith / @saschaklein 5. Do you think that GraphQL will solve the relationship between front and backend developers? (Alexander Sascha Klein to Mario García) @saschakelin / @marioggar
In this talk I’ll be talking about why GraphQL could be the next thing on developing APIs and how it could complement your existing REST APIs. GraphQL is a query language for your API, and a server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system you define for your data. GraphQL isn’t tied to any specific database or storage engine and is instead backed by your existing code and data. @greach @marioggar @autentia
Jose María Rodríguez Hurtado (Genbeta Dev / Jobandtalent) Las APIs más populares que utilizamos a día de hoy son RESTful APIs o un pseudo estándar ad hoc HTTP. Pero la necesidad de avanzar rápido en productos cada vez más complejos más allá de un simple CRUD ha empujado un cambio en la forma en que interactuamos con las APIs. Aquí es dónde surge GraphQL, un fuerte candidato predestinado a sustituir a REST en muchas aplicaciones, sobre todo en el ecosistema móvil de apps. ¿Qué hay de malo en REST? Nada en su concepción inicial y en el contexto dónde surgió, pero desde que fuera definido la forma de interactuar con las APIs ha cambiado. Vamos a repasar las razones por las que deberíamos repensar las tradicionales APIs basadas en RESTful en favor de GraphQL. Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
Uri Goldshtein ( explains what is GraphQL (, why is it a good practice for modern Angular applications ( and how to use it in your existing apps with the help of the Angular-Apollo library ( - 00:00 - Intro - 01:53 - Brief general overview of GraphQL - 06:08 - Why should Angular developers care about GraphQL - 10:08 - The problems of REST - 15:53 - Rethinking data fetching - 18:30 - GraphQL example - 23:32 - A Modern web app with GraphQL - 25:05 - More features of GraphQL - 28:08 - Live Angular2 GraphQL example - 33:28 - Misconceptions about GraphQL - 35:07 - Summary Resources and links: - Slides - GraphQL as the new standard for modern Angular apps - Angular2-Apollo library - Angular2 example from the talk #AngularCamp #Angular