
Recursos de programación de http
La misión del week[EMPRENDE] es promover la cultura emprendedora entre los alumnos de la UPV, y fomentar una metodología práctica basada en compartir conocimiento y learning by doing. Suscríbete a las novedades en twitter: Y también por facebook: Y no olvides suscribirte a nuestro canal aquí en Youtube:
These are some resources about Object Oriented Design, testability and legacy code that I collected for the developers at
These are several links about the physical structure of C++ projects that I collected for the C++ developers at
These are several links about continuous integration for C++ projects on Windows that I collected for the C++ developers at
I've recently coded a solution to the StringCalculator kata in C++ using GoogleMock, (you can check its code in GitHub).In one of the refactoring steps, I extracted the code that filters out not numeric tokens to a separated helper method: filterOutNotNumericTokens:Once all the kata requirements were satisfied, I refactored this method a little bit more using C++11 copy_if algorithm:We can use the same technique to refactor the method that ignores numbers greater than 1000, ignoreTooBig, from th...
I've just made a small refactoring kata in C++.Some of the tests in the initial code* were very slow because their code had to sleep some time in order for them to pass. Some other tests relied on having certain environment variable set to a given value.The behavior that checked the environment variable and the one related to time were embedded in the Course class.Through refactoring this behavior was isolated and extracted so that it could be injected into Course and then two fake classes were...
http , c++ , tdd
I've just coded the StringCalculator kata in C++ using GoogleMock and Boost.Regex.I commited it step by step. Check the resulting code in Github. --------------------------Update: I did some refactorings to my solution in order to a) reduce some duplication and b) avoid having to use Boost.Regex. They're explained, respectively, in the two following posts:Extracting reusable C++ templated functions from StringCalculator codeUsing C++11 to split strings without using the boost library - por Gara...
Título: Desarrollo, Coste, Distribución y Promoción de Aplicaciones para Móviles Ponente: Guillermo Cañizal, Agustín Batuecas y Roberto Tornero Link: En esta charla hablaremos de nuestra experiencia en el sector a lo largo de todo el proceso de creación del producto: desarrollo, distribución a través de las tiendas de aplicaciones y la promoción. Trabajamos en una compañía dedicada al desarrollo de aplicaciones para móviles. Principalmente trabajamos en proyectos de aplicaciones nativas en iOS y Android para compañías de varios ámbitos. Nuestros proyectos los podéis ver en la web: