
Recursos de programación de java
I've recorded myself doing the Tire Pressure Monitoring System refactoring kata in order to be able to later watch me and detect problems to correct. This is the recording of what I did: Tire Pressure Monitor System Refactoring Kata If you decide to watch it, please do it at 2x speed (I still write slowly). These are the commits after every refactoring step. You can see the code in this GitHub repository. - por Garajeando
Some weeks ago we did Luca Minudel's Tire Pressure Monitoring System refactoring kata as part of a mentoring program that Álvaro García and I were doing at Magento Barcelona. We had done this kata several times before in Java and in Ruby, presented it at some events (Refactoring legacy code driven by tests (Java version) at SCBCN, Refactoring legacy code driven by tests (Java version) at Gran Canaria Ágil, Refactoring legacy code driven by tests (Ruby version) at SCBCN, Refactoring legacy code...
Una de las ventajas de usar un lenguaje de la JVM es que tenemos a nuestras disposición muchas librerías. Durante la charla haremos un poco de live-conding con JRuby usando librerías de varios lenguajes. Evaluaremos las ventajas y desventajas de usar una librería no desarrollada en el lenguaje de tu proyecto y veremos un ejemplo de proyecto que mezcla varias librerías punteras como sinatra (Ruby) y lucene (Java).
Yesterday I facilitated the Ohce kata in a Barcelona Software Craftsmanship event. Since I was facilitating, I didn't have the opportunity to write any code. So, when I got home, I did the kata in Java using outside-in TDD and jMock. I committed after each passing test and each tiny refactoring, so that you can follow the process if you feel like. You can check the commits step by step here. You can find the resulting code in this GitHub repository. Thanks to all the attendees and to Magento Ba...
I've recorded myself using outside-in TDD to code the Printing Account Statement subset of the Bank Account kata in Java using jMock, in order to be able to later watch me and detect problems to correct. This is the recording of what I did: Bank Account kata recordingIf you decide to watch it, please do it at 2x speed (I still write slowly). These are the commits after each green and every refactoring step. You can see the code in this GitHub repository. I recently did another version of this ka...
This presentation will show how the O2 Platform APIs and tools can be used on the creation of powerful 'Application Security-focused Tests' The Tests range from (simple) Unit Tests to (lots of moving parts) Integration tests, with the focus being on the 'non Happy Paths' (i.e. the areas that developers don't tend to naturally test) This is a developer focused presentation, with demos being executed in: * multiple IDEs (VS, Atom, IntelliJ, Eclipse) and languages (C#, Java, NodeJS) * multiple CI technologies (Docker, Travis CI, Cloud) * 'Real-time test runners (NCrunch,Wallaby)
I did again the Printing Account Statement subset of the Bank Account kata in Java using jMock. This time, I managed to do it using outside-in TDD without big problems, (see the problems I had the first time). The only thing I didn't like was that some steps felt too big. This time I committed after each green and each refactoring steps. Check the commits here. I think I'm starting to see how this goes. You can find the resulting code in this GitHub repository. - por Garajeando
Per automatizzare la CI e la CD, durante sviluppo, test, in preproduzione e in produzione si utilizzano le tecniche chiamate attualmente DevOps, in locale con Vagrant oppure su una PAAS su cloud, privati o pubblici. Possiamo costruire una PAAS scalabile utilizzando solo Docker, Docker e Kubernetes oppure soluzioni già pronte come Openshift 3 (che sta sopra Docker e Kubernetes). Nella presentazione vedremo come avere questi tre tipi di PAAS con in più uno strato di orchestrazione in GO/Java e Ansible per automatizzare il comportamento in base ad eventi monitorati
Malgrado l'introduzione delle lambda, la gran parte degli sviluppatori Java non è ancora abituata agli idiomi della programmazione funzionale e quindi non è pronta a sfruttare a pieno le potenzialità di Java 8. In particolare non è ancora comune vedere dati e funzioni usate insieme quando si modella un dominio di business. Lo scopo del talk è mostrare come alcuni principi di programmazione funzionale quali l'impiego di oggetti e strutture dati immutabili, l'uso di funzioni senza side-effect e il loro riuso mediante composizione, possono anche essere validi strumenti di domain modelling.
I've recorded myself using TDD to code the Brownish Greenfield Gilded Rose kata in order to be able to later watch me and detect problems to correct. This is the recording of what I did: Brownish Greenfield Gilded Rose kata recordingIf you decide to watch it, please do it at 2x speed (I still write slowly). These are the commits after each green and every refactoring step. You can see the code in this GitHub repository. I also did this kata in JavaScript last week. - por Garajeando