
Recursos de programación de java
READ MORE DATE: Thursday the 26th of March. Java 8 has been the most revolutionary Java release. It not only introduced lambdas making Java an hybrid object oriented and functional language, but also enriched its API with extremely useful classes like Stream and CompletableFuture. This WS will explain all these news with practical examples.
Sin descripción.
Charla impartida por Pablo Alba, CTO de Kaleidos en las oficinas de Tuenti; Groovy Goodness: porque Groovy no es Java sin punto y coma.
Codemotion Training: l'intervento di Massimo Avvisati al Tech Day del 21 gennaio 2015. E-mail: Tw: @codemotionTR
I've recently revisited the Java version of Conway's Game of Life that I did nearly a year ago, to refactor it using some of the ideas I used in my more recent Clojure version. This is the UML for the refactored design:I eliminated the LivingCells class that appeared in the previous design.I pushed a lot of code from the GameOfLife class into Generation to eliminate a bit of feature envy. This is GameOfLife's code now: and this is Generation's one: I also refactored the tests eliminating all the...
Álvaro and I have been pairing lately to do a subset of the Bank Account kata that Sandro Mancuso proposed as an exercise in his Crafting Code course. We had to write and make the following acceptance test pass using Outside-In TDD: Given a client makes a deposit of 1000.00 on 01/04/2014And a withdrawal of 100.00 on 02/04/2014And a deposit of 500.00 on 10/04/2014When she prints her bank statementThen she would seeDATE | AMOUNT | BALANCE10/04/2014 | 500.00 | 1400.0002/04/2014 | -100.00 | 900.000...
Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal es un arquitecto e instructor con más de 10 años de experiencia trabajando con soluciones Java en empresas de España y Portugal. Comenzó su carrera profesional en el sector del desarrollo de software para compañías como Accenture, IBM BCS e IT Deusto. Posteriormente formó parte del equipo de Professional Services de BEA Systems Ibérica, donde realizó labores de consultoría y formación durante 3 años.
Alonso Torres ofreció el pasado viernes 21 de Noviembre en el evento Codemotion 2014 celebrado en Madrid en la Universidad San Pablo Ceu en el campus de montepríncipe, una charla sobre la máquina virtual de Java.
Alex is a software engineer specializing in enterprise technologies, test automation and continuous delivery based on the Java platform. He has over a decade of experience in the Java world, yet continually renews his skill set by learning new aptitudes and technologies every day. Presentation slides: