
Recursos de programación de kotlin
Antonio Leiva facilitó un workshop sobre programación funcional en Kotlin. En esta entrevista nos cuenta qué hicieron en el workshop, cómo es facilitar un workshop en la LambdaWorld, y los cursos que están preparando en kotlinfuncional.com Subscríbete al canal, pronto publicaremos el screencast con Raúl Raja sobre Kategory en Kotlin y qué se puede hacer con él! https://www.youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_confirmation=1
This presentation was given as part of Lambda World 2017 by Raul Raja and Paco Estevez. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://www.twitter.com/raulraja -https://www.twitter.com/pacoworks Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details - http://kategory.io/ ___ Kategory is a library that started as a port of Typelevel Scala cats for the Kotlin Programming Language and is now evolving to bring the best of typed FP to Kotlin. This talk will cover some of the main datatypes and abstractions that make typed Functional Programming in Kotlin Possible. Kategory features techniques such as monadic comprehensions, laws, cartesian builders, emulated higher kinds, free monads, and global typeclass instances for the increasingly popular Kotlin programming language. Raul and Paco will discuss some pragmatic applications of Kategory and some of the different styles you can adopt when working with typed FP in Kotlin including transformers, tagless final, and free algebras.
Kotlin is one of those “new” JVM languages that are currently rocking the boat. Although it’s made a great impact on Android, it’s equally good on the server side. As Domain-Specific Languages are constrained by the language they run on, Kotlin frees developers from Java fluent builders to propose something better. Taking the example of a Vaadin UI DSL, I’ll demo how one could design its own DSL with Kotlin."
1. What's Groovy's future (ask Alexa) (Andrés Almiray to Ryan Vanderwerf) @aalmiray / @RyanVanderwerf 2. How long do you think until Groovy will work in Gradle before Kotlin? (Ryan Vanderwerf to Schalk Cronjé) @RyanVanderwerf / @ysb33r 3. Automated excel. How much work for other drive suite? (Schalk Cronjé to Vladimir Orany) @ysb33r / @musketyr 4. What are the advantages & disadvantages of specific implementation of HTTP builder NG (Vladimir Orany to Noam Tenne) @musketyr / @NoamTenne 5. Real identity of El Groovissimo? (Noam Tenne to Sergei Egorov) @NoamTenne / @bsideup 6. What would happen if you add .groovy to dockerfile? (Sergei Egorov to Tomás Crespo) @bsideup / @TomasCrespo 7. Groovy feature (Tomás Crespo to Gorka Garay) @TomasCrespo / @gorka_garay Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; bit.ly/newsletterautentia Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/Autentia-127966880558674/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/autentia
Reactive programming is a paradigm oriented around data flows and propagation of changes. Kotlin is a programming language intended to be a better Java, and it's designed to be usable and readable across large teams with skill and discipline variances. Despite its object-oriented building blocks, Kotlin fits well in the functional reactive programming landscape. In this essay, I will deep-dive into the most relevant aspects of FRP in Kotlin focusing on the advantages that everyone can get when using this approach to build an Android app.
¿Cualquier clase de Java te acaba llevando más de 500 líneas? ¿Estas cansado de repetir el mismo código una y otra vez para getters, setters, hashcode, etc.? ¿Cuantos tests e ifs escribes para comprobar nulls? ¿Los try/catch inundan tu código? Kotlin es un lenguaje que soporta los paradigmas OO y FP, de tipado estático y compilado a Bytecode y JS que te ayudará a reducir esas incomodas características de Java. ¡Ven y descubre como! Todos los videos de Codemotion 2016; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pUvMn4lZ8zin500bsp3oL2A Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; bit.ly/newsletterautentia Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/Autentia-127966880558674/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/autentia
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El vídeo muestra un cara a cara entre dos lenguajes de la JVM que cada vez tienen más adeptos, Scala y Kotlin tratados desde el punto de vista de Android. En modo debate Javi nos hará una introducción sobre scala y como nos mejora la vida a la hora de programar para Android, además de intentar llevarnos al lado oscuro de la programación funcional y por otro lado, Antonio dará las pautas sobre cómo usar Kotlin para sacarle el máximo partido.