
Recursos de programación de kotlin
Hoy charlaremos y daremos nuestra opinión al respecto de las distintas rutas de aprendizajes y opciones a escoger al empezar en el mundo de la programación y el desarrollo web. Principalmente hablaremos de 3 aspectos: 🧑‍🎓 Estudios: Bootcamp vs. Universidad vs. Ciclos Formativos 🤯 Escoger especialidad y stack: Frontend, backend, fullstack, Node, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Java, Kotlin, Python, Golang, C#… 👷‍♂️ Primeros trabajos: Aspectos a tener en cuenta, cómo encontrarlos, cómo postular, etc {▶️} CodelyTV ├ 👾 Twitch CodelyTV: https://twitch.tv/CodelyTV ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: https://youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_confirmation=1 ├ 🐦 Twitter CodelyTV: https://twitter.com/CodelyTV ├ 🌶 Twitter Núria: https://twitter.com/nuria_codes ├ 🧔🏻 Twitter Javi: https://twitter.com/JavierCane ├ 📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/CodelyTV ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/codelytv ├ 🟦 Facebook: https://facebook.com/CodelyTV └ 📕 Catálogo cursos: https://bit.ly/cursos-codely
​"When I had to move back to Java in my day-to-day, I found out that I was writing things differently, even in Java, just thanks to all the knowledge that I've gotten from #Kotlin." Don't miss @Antonio Leiva - Android & Kotlin Development on the second part of the #SngularMerge interview, where we'll discuss: 👉#Kotlin and how it has impacted the way we develop #Android apps 👉New and exciting features in #AndroidDev 👉 The evolution of the #AndroidStudio
The first episode of #SngularMerge with @Antonio Leiva - Android & Kotlin Development is out. In the first part of this interview, we'll discuss #AndroidDev and Antonio's expertise in #Kotlin as well as #DevExperto. Part 2 of this interview is coming out next Thursday at 6 PM EST.
We are excited to introduce #SngularMerge, a show committed to pushing valuable news in technology. Our cohosts, Adam Richman and Federico Gutierrez, will interview experts on #Kotlin, #Flutter, #DevOps, and much more. Subscribe to our Youtube channel, so you never miss an episode.
Ktor is a web framework built from the ground up using Kotlin and coroutines. Amongst other things, it allows for creating robust and performant HTTP server applications. In this talk, we’re going to take a look at Ktor, the ideas behind it, and how we can easily create applications and have these deployed to Google Cloud with very little effort. About: Hadi Hariri, Developer Advocacy - JetBrains Developer and creator of many things OSS, he has been programming in one way, shape or form since the age of 12. Author of various publications and courses, Hadi has been speaking at industry events for nearly two decades. Host to Talking Kotlin, he works at JetBrains leading the Developer Advocacy team, and spends as much time as he can writing code.
Information is everywhere and for many people, especially in the connected world, it is accessible freely or at a minimal cost. News outlets rely on social media to broadcast breaking news. Social media in turn relies on us to feed it with information, be it of our surroundings or our personal information. It’s become somewhat of a self-sustaining self-serving machine in which we’re all part of. It’s big data and we’re a cog in the wheel. For now of course, because with big data and cheap yet powerful hardware, AI also wants to play the game. About: Hadi Harir, Developer Advocacy, JetBrains Developer and creator of many things OSS, he has been programming in one way, shape or form since the age of 12. Author of various publications and courses, Hadi has been speaking at industry events for nearly two decades. Host to Talking Kotlin, he works at JetBrains leading the Developer Advocacy team, and spends as much time as he can writing code.
¿Cuál es el mejor lenguaje de programación en el 2020? ¿Cuál es el mejor framework del 2020? ¿Cuál es la mejor tecnología del 2020? ¡¡¡Vamos a analizar todo y a hacer un anuncio de la GUERRA que se avecina!!! ???? Kotlin vs Java, TypeScript vs JavaScript, Sass vs CSS, Laravel vs Symfony... ???????????? Y todo gracias al #CodelyTechRadar que hicimos juntos. ???? Aquí el #CodelyTechRadar para que podáis añadir las vuestras y comentarlo la semana que viene ???? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U3zVzWdmEHYNr1epUqgC3kOx70AeYwxJ6azmngrOKLQ/edit #gid=247989200 Es un directo... ¡Así que háblanos por el chat! ???? {▶️} CodelyTV ├ ???? Suscríbete: https://youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_confirmation=1 ├ ???? Twitter CodelyTV: https://twitter.com/CodelyTV ├ ????‍♂️ Twitter Rafa: https://twitter.com/rafaoe ├ ???????? Twitter Javi: https://twitter.com/JavierCane ├ ???? Instagram: https://instagram.com/CodelyTV ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/codelytv ├ ???? Facebook: https://facebook.com/CodelyTV └ ???? Catálogo cursos: https://bit.ly/cursos-codely #programación #guerra
Jakub discusses the growth of interest in Kotlin, his experience building the local Kotlin community, Codemotion and more...
In the latest years, there has been some push-back against frameworks, and more specifically annotations: some call them magic. Obviously, they make understanding the flow of the application harder. Spring and Spring Boot latest versions go along this trend, by offering an additional way to configure beans with explicit code instead of annotations. It’s declarative in the sense it looks like configuration, though it’s based on Domain-Specific Language(s). This talk aims to demo a step-by-step process to achieve that. ¿Quieres saber más? https://www.paradigmadigital.com/ ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: https://www.paradigmadigital.com/eventos/ Ver más eventos nuestros: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2yjEVbRSX7XaQgyjsApXIqydTrC7v_Of
Micronaut es un nuevo framework de la JVM para desarrollar microservicios reactivos en Java, Groovy y Kotlin. Entre sus principales características destaca el arranque en menos de un segundo, aplicaciones muy ligeras que se pueden ejecutar en menos de 10 MB de ram, inyección de dependencias sin uso de reflection en runtime,... Todo ello lo consigue al estar realizar todas estas tareas en tiempo de compilación. En esta charla veremos sus características principales: Inyección de dependencias, configuración, servidor y cliente HTTP, testeo, service discovery...