
Recursos de programación de kubernetes
Immutable infrastructure is a pattern to change/evolve processes without modifying the running code, actual configuration, and the base components (library, auxiliary processes, SO configuration, SO packages, etc).  In summary, avoid any manual or automatic configuration change to the running systems.But if we don't allow changes, how can we evolve our application and service?  Easy, change the whole piece (function, container, machine) in one shot...So to make any kind of change (code...
Immutable infrastructure is a pattern to change/evolve processes without modifying the running code, actual configuration, and the base components (library, auxiliary processes, SO configuration, SO packages, etc).  In summary, avoid any manual or automatic configuration change to the running systems.But if we don't allow changes, how can we evolve our application and service?  Easy, change the whole piece (function, container, machine) in one shot...So to make any kind of change (code...
Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the practice of defining/declaring the infrastructure we need for a system using some kind of machine-readable source files. These source files are used by a tool to provision, create or maintain in a defined state our infrastructure.These definitions help to provision/create a different kind of resources, compute, storage, communication services, networkFor cloud-based infrastructures, we can use these definitions to create "virtual resources"...
Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the practice of defining/declaring the infrastructure we need for a system using some kind of machine-readable source files. These source files are used by a tool to provision, create or maintain in a defined state our infrastructure.These definitions help to provision/create a different kind of resources, compute, storage, communication services, networkFor cloud-based infrastructures, we can use these definitions to create "virtual resources"...
We'll talk about the challenges we are facing in Spotahome in order to maintain and deliver a toil-less platform based on Kubernetes. Also, We'll explain how to extend Kubernetes with operators, CRDs, and APIs to manage clusters and build bridges between engineers and the platform, reducing overhead in the operative tasks while improving security and reliability in a continuous delivery environment. Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
Building microservices is easy, operating a microservice architecture is hard. Many companies are successfully using tools like Kubernetes for deploys, but they still face runtime challenges when they have to perform routing, monitoring or security. Having a mess of tens, hundreds or even thousands of services communicating in production is a job only for the very tough ones... Service Mesh is an architectural pattern that comes to solve these problems with a simple, clean approach. Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
These are some interesting talks/podcast that I've seen/heard during the past month:Cloud Native related:Anatomy of a Production Kubernetes Outage Oliver Beattie A great example of a complex outage and the learning derived from it.Altitude NYC 2018: Observability workshop Peter Bourgon Good workshop to understand how to instrument our applications for good telemetry, logging, and tracing.Kubernetes: Finally...A True Cloud Platform Sam Ghods A good description of kubernetes as...
These are some interesting talks/podcast that I've seen/heard during the past month:Cloud Native related:Anatomy of a Production Kubernetes Outage Oliver Beattie A great example of a complex outage and the learning derived from it.Altitude NYC 2018: Observability workshop Peter Bourgon Good workshop to understand how to instrument our applications for good telemetry, logging, and tracing.Kubernetes: Finally...A True Cloud Platform Sam Ghods A good description of kubernetes as...
Many presentations on Microservices offer a high level view; rarely does one hear what it’s like to work in such an environment. Individual services are somewhat trivial to develop, but now you suddenly have countless others to track. You’ll become obsessed over how they communicate. You’ll have to start referring to the whole thing as “the Platform”. You will have to take on some DevOps work and start learning about deployment pipelines, metrics, and logging. Don’t panic. In this presentation we’ll discuss what we, at ThirdChannel, learned over the past four years. We’ll examine what a development lifecycle might look like for adding a new service, developing a feature, or fixing bugs. We’ll dive a bit into DevOps and see how one will become dependent on various metric and centralized logging tools, like Kubernetes and the ELK stack. Finally we’ll talk about team communication and organization… and how they are likely the most important tool for surviving a Microservices development team.
ackend Engineer en Seedtag. Ha peleado con muchas tecnologías desde C++ a Javascript y a ratos lidia con servidores. En su tiempo libre además organiza meetups para el GDG Madrid y para grupos en los que promueve la mayor participación de las mujeres en tecnología (AgileGirls y Tech&Ladies). En WeCode ha ofrecido el taller " Infraestructura escalable con Kubernetes - Soy desarrolladora de Software y siempre voy un paso por detrás en la parte de sistemas. Pero cuando trabajas en un equipo pequeño en una startup necesitas aprender un poco más de todo. En esta charla veremos las diferentes herramientas que Kubernetes nos provee para ayudarnos a crear una infraestructura escalable. Para la realización del taller, los asistentes necesitarán registrarse en Google Cloud con una tarjeta de crédito. Para los nuevos usuarios, tendrán disponible hasta 300 euros de crédito al registrarse, los usuarios que ya tuvieran cuenta necesitarán correr con el coste de ejecución de los recursos utilizados en el taller que será inferior a 2 dólares. Durante el taller necesitaremos contar con un entorno de kubernetes. La opción más sencilla es utilizar un entorno de Kubernetes alojado en la nube. Por simplicidad el servicio elegido será Google Cloud, por lo que los asistentes necesitarán registrarse previamente. Para ello deberías crearte una cuenta si no tienes ya una. Accede la consola de Google Cloud Platform y crea un nuevo proyecto. A continuación deberás activar la facturación en esta url https://console.cloud.google.com/billing. Los nuevos usuarios pueden solicitar una prueba gratis de 300$ aquí, el coste de este taller no será de más de un par de dólares." ------------------------ Todos los videos de WeCodeFest 2018 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVh1ycmimywRWoiShVodcH4 Todos los vídeos de la pasada edición de WTM en Madrid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-cZU3Oramg&list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVgiDv0Ya7sBxM9AOTmFhH7 Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/