
Recursos de programación de lean
Google for Entrepreneurs teamed up with Virgin Unite to host a not-to-miss conversation featuring 3 extraordinary leaders in business and product design. Moderated by Kaili Emmrich of Google for Entrepreneurs, the Hangout featured Eric Ries (The Lean Startup), Tim Brown, (CEO of IDEO), and Google Ventures Design Partner Jake Knapp. Resources:  The Lean Startup: http://theleanstartup.com/principles Design Thinking: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_thinking Google Ventures Design Sprint: gv.com/designsprint
A lean enterprise needs lean software developed in a lean way. There's a thin red line connecting Event Sourcing, CQRS, Event Storming, Kanban and Management 3.0. And it leads to software that makes a difference. But to make a different you need to start thinking differently, and drop a big part of your legacy brain. Language: English
Si tratteranno varie tematiche inerenti come le metodologie Lean Agile possono scalare a livello Enterprise, confrontando i vari modelli tra i quali Modelli di Scaling:- Scrum standard (Mike Cohn, ...)- LarmaLean e Agile (in particolari modo metodologie come Scrum e XP) hanno pienamente dimostrato il loro valore a livello di team. Cosa succede però nel momento in cui tentiamo di utilizzarli in contesti reali più complessi? Nelle reali organizzazioni che caratterizzano un importante parte del panorama dell'IT in Italia? Muovendosi dal livello dei team verso il livello dell'organizzazione si incontrano una serie di problematiche più complesse e per un certo verso nuove. Ecco quindi l'importanza di conoscere valori e principi che sono alla base del team del Lean Agile Scaling. esistono parecchi modelli che negli ultimi anni si confrontano con le realtà Enterprise. Tratteremo a livello olistico questo tema e confronteremo alcuni di tali modelli di Scaling, quali: - Scrum standard (Ken Schwaber, Mike Cohn, ...) - Larmann & Vodde - SAFe - DAD - Management 3.0 - CDE - altri modelli e approccinn & Vodde- SAFe- DAD- Management 3.0- CDE- altri ... Language: Italian Level: middle
Resumen de la #techHour con Javi Olmo - @failurez cuenta con un perfil multidisciplinar que conjuga la comunicación, creatividad y marketing con un amplio bagaje técnico de TIC e Internet. Los principales pasos para establecer la comunicación y marketing de una startup en un entorno de cambio y ajustes constantes. Transparencias: http://www.slideshare.net/entiak/lean-marketing-para-lean-startups Charla completa: https://plus.google.com/events/ckgp99pggbidukmocis0fhh2qlk Suscríbete a nuestro canal en Youtube: http://bit.ly/1dLbCyV A las novedades en Twitter: http://bit.ly/1fc96DF Y también por Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1kVU8Uq
Una startup es el germen de una empresa en la que casi todo está en proceso de definirse, por tanto el marketing que podemos y debemos hacer ha de adaptarse a esa realidad. Principales pasos para establecer la comunicación y marketing de una startup en un entorno de cambio y ajustes constantes.
Nel libro "Lean UX" Jeff Gothelf e Josh Seiden mostrano un nuovo modo di fare UX, meno waterfall e più iterativo. Diventa sempre meno netta la linea che separa l'analisi dal prodotto, dal prototipo al prodotto, dal requisito all'assunto. In questo talk vorrei fornire una panoramica riassuntiva sui contenuti del libro focalizzandosi sul ruolo del frontendista a supporto del team. Come fare CSS riutilizzabile? Come creare automatismi che semplifichino lo sviluppo? Come creare una styleguide manutenibile? E' possibile testare il css? Tutto frutto di studio e di un anno in GNV Parnters. Language: Italian Url slides: http://www.slideshare.net/Codemotion/fabio-fabbruccileanux-development
Greach 2014, The Groovy Spanish Conf 28/March, Madrid, Spain http://greach.es Follow us on twitter http://twitter.com/greach_es Slides and demo source code in: http://greach.es/speakers/steve-pember-richer-data-history-in-grails-with-event-sourcing/ As Grails developers we tend to reflexively lean on creating a pattern wherein a single Domain Object maps to one (or many related) rows in a relational database. This row represents the current state of the object in our system after some transaction or operation has been performed on it and this will typically be just fine. But what if we want to know WHY the Domain Object is in it's current state? How did it get there? Enter Event Sourcing: instead of persisting the current state of our Domain Objects, we store historical events about them. In this talk I will discuss the basic concepts of Event Sourcing. We will discuss the advantages--particularly around performance and analytics--and disadvantages of using this pattern. We will see how easily it can be implemented in Groovy and used within a Grails application. Finally, we'll examine some practical use cases and when one would consider implementation. Steve Pember Principal Consultant with Cantina Steve is a Principal Consultant with Cantina -- a technology agency in Boston, MA, USA -- which specializes in utilizing the forefront in web technologies to construct top-notch web experiences. His passion lies in architecting and developing performant, scalable, full-stack systems for the web. He an avid fan of the Groovy language, is a past speaker at GR8Conf, and organizes the Boston Grails/Groovy User Group.
La verdad es que resulta muy cool en algunos ambientes empezar a hablar de Scrum, Kanban, XP, Lean, WIP, sprints, pila de producto, kaizen, agile, deuda técnica, etc… porque se da la sensación de que se está al día en un mundo tan cambiante como el del desarrollo de software, aunque otra cosa es que …Leer Más - por Jummp
Era de esperar que en algún momento apareciera, desde el mundo universitario, formación sobre el tema DevOps, o que la incluya. Así pues, llega el curso de formación contínua Agile IT Management: Scrum, DevOps, Lean IT, ofrecido por BarcelonaTech. Este curso incluye la práctica con ciertas herramientas relacionas, entre ellas Jenkins, Puppet, o Amazon WS. De todos modos, no olvida la interacción con las metodología ágiles y los conceptos de lean aplicados a entornos de las TIC.