
Recursos de programación de lean
January - Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects, Tom DeMarco, Timothy R. Lister - An Armenian Sketchbook (Добро вам!), Vasily Grossman- La flor púrpura, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - El día 3, Miguel Á. Giner Bou, Cristina Durán, Laura Ballester - A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps, Katrina Clokie - La espada de Damocles (Finstere Zeiten: Zur Krise in Griechenland), Petros Márkaris - The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, Gene Kim, Kevin...
In this occasion, we have had the chance to dig into topics such as becoming the CPO of a blitz scaling company worldwide. What are the things to keep in mind? How do we ensure that the culture and the mindset of lean and experimentation are transmitted to teams? What are the things that help teams to make progress and don't loose sight of the vision and mission of the company? All these questions were tackled by our guest Georgie Smallwood, current CPO of N26. Simply put N26 is Europe’s first mobile bank. Founded in Berlin, N26’s growth has exploded since they launched in 2013, leading to several rounds of fundraising and a steady stream of new clients. They’re known for their no-nonsense approach to banking, an attitude that has attracted venture capitalists and financial powerhouses Peter Thiel and Li Ka-Shing as early investors. Resources: Escaping the Build Trap by Melissa Perri Leadership is Language by David Marquet
Hace unos días en Goodly lanzamos una iniciativa para obtener dibujos de ninjas o dinosaurios, con el objetivo de entrenar nuestro propio modelo (Goodlio). Ahora vamos a ver paso a paso cómo hicimos para preparar los datos, entrenar el modelo y hacer predicciones tanto online como offline gracias a Tensor Flow Lite, todo ello sin usar nada de programación ni inteligencia artificial... ¿Suena bien? Los sistemas de entrenamiento automático son una excelente opción para solucionar determinados problemas con Machine Learning. En este Webinar vamos a centrarnos en la clasificación de imágenes con Auto ML. Ponente: Tomás Calleja, Cloud Architect by Goodly en Paradigma Digital. De pequeño me encantaba solucionar problemas de manera sencilla y cacharrear con la tecnología. Han pasado los años pero mis gustos no han cambiado: Me paso el día aprendiendo nuevas tecnologías para luego diseñar e implementar soluciones sencillas a problemas complejos, siempre desde un punto de vista LEAN. Durante los últimos años me he centrado en Google Cloud Platform, soluciones Cloud Native y Serverless aunque me gusta saber un poco de todo. ¿Quieres saber más? https://www.paradigmadigital.com/ ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: https://www.paradigmadigital.com/even... Ver más eventos nuestros: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Since April 6th, I have been working at Clarity, an incredible company with an essential yet difficult mission, to change the rules of capitalism.Clarity aims at contributing to a more socially efficient capital allocation by providing decision makers with the most reliable and comprehensive tools to understand and optimize social and environmental impact, leveraging scientific research, and the latest technologies.Anyone who knows me will guess that this is a mission wholly aligned with my valu...
Since April 6th, I have been working at Clarity, an incredible company with an essential yet difficult mission, to change the rules of capitalism.Clarity aims at contributing to a more socially efficient capital allocation by providing decision makers with the most reliable and comprehensive tools to understand and optimize social and environmental impact, leveraging scientific research, and the latest technologies.Anyone who knows me will guess that this is a mission wholly aligned with my valu...
January - Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects, Tom DeMarco, Timothy R. Lister - An Armenian Sketchbook (Добро вам!), Vasily Grossman- La flor púrpura, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - El día 3, Miguel Á. Giner Bou, Cristina Durán, Laura Ballester - A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps, Katrina Clokie - La espada de Damocles (Finstere Zeiten: Zur Krise in Griechenland), Petros Márkaris - The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, Gene Kim, Kevin...
In questo webinar scopriremo principi e caratteristiche framework Agile ufficiale del PMI per l’Enterprise IT: PMI Disciplined Agile. Il framework abbraccia l’intera sfera delle azioni IT, ponendone in risalto la sua funzione di asset strategico al servizio del business. Sviluppato da Scott Ambler e Mark Lines, ed entrato nella famiglia del PMI nel 2019, l’enfasi sul termine “Disciplined”sottolinea come l’adozione dell’Agile sia un viaggio tortuoso in cui i diversi obiettivi possono essere raggiunti solo se si procede con estrema “Disciplina”. Il punto di forza di DA è l’impostazione Goal-Driven, pensata per identificare in modo puntuale lo scopo specifico di ogni azione. Speaker: Felice Pescatore si confronta quotidianamente con progetti complessi utilizzando approcci Agile/Lean/DevOps per raggiungere gli obiettivi di business. Ingegnere Informatico, con un Master in Tecnologie e Gestione del software. La sua attività di Agile Business Coach è incentrata nel supportare le aziende in un percorso di trasformazione che le renda maggiormente dinamiche e orientate al Valore, creando una a spiccata cultura Lean oriented. Questo evento é realizzato in collaborazione tra Agile Talks (comunità di agilisti romani,: https://www.meetup.com/Agile_Talks/ ), SAM, Scrum Agile Milano (comunità di agilisti di Milano: https://www.meetup.com/Scrum-Agile-Milano-SAM/ ) e gli AperiTech Codemotion: https://community.codemotion.com/agile-talks. Per restare aggiornato su tutti gli #AperiTech: Telegram #AperiTech https://t.me/aperitech Calendario del Developer https://bit.ly/devcalendar Codemotion Tech Community https://bit.ly/CodemotionTC #AperiTech è un'iniziativa di Codemotion in collaborazione con LVenture Group e LUISS EnLabs
http , .net , lean , xp , devops , ddd
UpdatedGiven the current situation and the impact it is having on Retailers and in the SaaS product for them, now, I am looking for new challenges (remote or in Madrid). I am a software engineer passionate about people, technology, product development, and having an impact.I help teams and systems grow from an end to end vision and with the ability to impact the development process, architecture, technical practices, agility, and product development. Using continuous delivery as a goal, I help t...
http , .net , lean , xp , devops , ddd
Given the current situation and the impact it is having on Retailers and in the SaaS product for them, now, I am looking for new challenges (remote or in Madrid). I am a software engineer passionate about people, technology, product development, and having an impact.I help teams and systems grow from an end to end vision and with the ability to impact the development process, architecture, technical practices, agility, and product development. Using continuous delivery as a goal, I help teams be...
Llevas tiempo oyendo hablar de Design Thinking y de Lean Startup. Conoces a Alex Osterwalder y sabes lo que es una propuesta de valor. Has visto vídeos de Néstor Guerra en Youtube y sabes perfectamente quien es Steve Blank, pero te sientes frustrado porque tu día a día todavía huele a corbata y los productos se lanzan al mercado después de triples de 200.000 € y sin una sola hipótesis. Ni hablamos de entrevistas con usuarios... El próximo 26 de marzo a las 10:00h, Pablo Rosa, Strategic Designer en Paradigma, dará un Webinar sobre cómo crear productos y servicios desde cero minimizando la pérdida de tiempo y de dinero a través de su experiencia de emprendimiento personal con Don Cicleto, donde es socio fundador y de su trabajo en grandes cuentas desde Paradigma. ¡No te lo puedes perder! Ponente: Pablo Rosa es miembro del equipo de Diseño Estratégico e Innovación en Paradigma Digital. Para canalizar sus inquietudes es además profesor de Creatividad, Design Thinking, Business Design y Lean Startup en la Universidad de Comillas. ¿Quieres saber más? https://www.paradigmadigital.com/ ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: https://www.paradigmadigital.com/eventos/ Ver más eventos nuestros: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2yjEVbRSX7XaQgyjsApXIqydTrC7v_Of