
Recursos de programación de .net
A good Agile culture for a technology-based company is counterintuitive for most people. We were educated to use cost accounting and resource efficiency instead of flow efficiency. We don't know how to collaborate and work in teams. It is also very common to see Engineering as a team to control. As a service provider, instead of as part of the business.At the organization and team level, at least the following practices are counterintuitive:Increase Focus and reduce the work in progress (WI...
A good Agile culture for a technology-based company is counterintuitive for most people, as we were educated to use cost accounting and resource efficiency instead of flow efficiency. Neither do we know how to collaborate and work in teams, as well as it being very common to see Engineering as a team to control: as a service provider, instead of as part of the business.At the organization and team level, at least, the following practices are counterintuitive:Increase Focus and reduce t...
En el episodio 41 del podcast de
Presentación: https://www.slideshare.net/slaimer/vlctechfest-simplificando-controladores-una-introduccin-a-actiondomain-responder Es bastante común que los controladores de nuestros proyectos sean clases enormes, llenas de código, de métodos públicos, difíciles de testear, que ignoran por completo todos los principios SOLID. En esta charla introduciré el patrón ADR (Action-Domain-Responder), un patrón más orientado a web que MVC que está pensado para aplicaciones de escritorio. Veremos el tratamiento que se le da a los controladores en este patrón y como podemos pasar de tener controladores de cientos de líneas a controladores de menos de 100 líneas, tan solo usando actions en lugar de controladores y con un poco de ayuda del patrón command. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Chordi (@slaimer) Soy programador desde hace más de 10 años, especialmente en el entorno web. Los últimos años me he especializado en desarrollo backend, mi principal lenguaje es PHP.
Immutable infrastructure is a pattern to change/evolve processes without modifying the running code, actual configuration, and the base components (library, auxiliary processes, SO configuration, SO packages, etc).  In summary, avoid any manual or automatic configuration change to the running systems.But if we don't allow changes, how can we evolve our application and service?  Easy, change the whole piece (function, container, machine) in one shot...So to make any kind of change (code...
Immutable infrastructure is a pattern to change/evolve processes without modifying the running code, actual configuration, and the base components (library, auxiliary processes, SO configuration, SO packages, etc).  In summary, avoid any manual or automatic configuration change to the running systems.But if we don't allow changes, how can we evolve our application and service?  Easy, change the whole piece (function, container, machine) in one shot...So to make any kind of change (code...
Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the practice of defining/declaring the infrastructure we need for a system using some kind of machine-readable source files. These source files are used by a tool to provision, create or maintain in a defined state our infrastructure.These definitions help to provision/create a different kind of resources, compute, storage, communication services, networkFor cloud-based infrastructures, we can use these definitions to create "virtual resources"...
Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the practice of defining/declaring the infrastructure we need for a system using some kind of machine-readable source files. These source files are used by a tool to provision, create or maintain in a defined state our infrastructure.These definitions help to provision/create a different kind of resources, compute, storage, communication services, networkFor cloud-based infrastructures, we can use these definitions to create "virtual resources"...