
Recursos de programación de nosql
Leaving side effects aside: the quest for functional purity and the perils of object-orientation Believe it or not, side effects are behind most of the software headaches you suffer at work: if you can't easily reuse, test, optimize, compose, or understand some piece of software, chances are that it's contaminated with side effects, i.e., that it's not made of pure functions. Yet we may think of side effects as necessary evil, since calls to the database, web server, logger, tracker, etc., have to be placed somewhere in your code. So, the problem we face as designers can't be their full removal, but their maximum isolation. In this talk we compare how effective functional and object-oriented patterns are in this segregation or purification process. We show how functional abstractions allow us to extend the realm of purity in our code, far beyond what we can achieve with object orientation. We show how easy we can do that using Scala and the scalaz library, and explain in simple terms the role that monads play in this process. Last, we argue that no matter how hard you try with maps, flatmaps, filters, immutable values, and so forth, if side effects are not properly tamed, you won't get the benefits of functional programming: you won't be able to easily accommodate changes in the way your effects are executed (e.g. asynchronism, NoSQL persistence), perform mock-free unit testing, keep business logic strictly decoupled from non-functional concerns, etc., etc. Slides:
Como ya comentamos en el último episodio del podcast, para su 4o evento, la NoSQL matters ha cambiado su nombre a Distributed matters. De ese modo, se amplía el ámbito de temas tratados en sus conferencias a asuntos tan interesantes y relacionados con los sistemas NoSQL. Con ello, los temas de los que se hablará serán, principalmente, sistemas distribuidos, microservicios, gestión y administración del Cloud, soluciones de bases de datos, NoSQL, Big Data y DevOps. Además, aunque ya se ha acabado el plazo para conseguir las entradas al precio más reducido, hasta el 30 de septiembre se venden las entradas Early Bird, pero la cantidad es limitada.
Ya se ha anunciado la cuarta edición de la NoSQL matters Barcelona. El evento se celebrará durante los días 20 y 21 de noviembre y, como las anteriores ediciones, tendrá lugar en la bonita Casa de la Convalescència. El pasado día 27 de abril se anunció el inicio del período para presentar propuestas de charlas. Hemos estado en contacto con la organización y nos han contado algunas cosas. En este artículo podréis encontrar todo lo que sabemos por ahora.
Lot of time past since the last post about podcast/talks, but better late than never :-)A Thoroughly Practical Approach to Having Your Dream Job  J. B. RainsbergerBeyond Value Streams: Experimental evolution in action Claudio PerroneNoSql: An introduction to poliglot Persistence Brief description about diferent persistences and the fact that nowadays we should known about diferent technologies and use the right tool for each problem.Stream Processing Made Heka Easy  Rob...
Los pasados 20 y 21 de Noviembre tuvo lugar la tercera edición de la NoSQL matters Barcelona 2014 a la que tuvimos la oportunidad de asistir, y que este artículo trata de resumir. Recordad que estas conferencias comprenden un día de talleres, y otro de charlas, celebrándose ambos en las instalaciones del Hospital de Sant Pau, conocidas como Casa de la Convalescència. Como cada año, ha sido una oportunidad espléndida de encontrarse con gran parte de la comunidad NoSQL, y hablar de los últimos cambios y novedades. En cuanto a los talleres, este año ha habido más afluencia. Además, se podría decir que la coincidencia con la Strata de O'Reilly podría haber provocado que mucha gente se decidiera a asistir también al evento sobre NoSQL. Abstract: In the recent years, NoSQL databases have been gaining a lot of traction. Most of them haven been designed and written from scratch. Building on the principles of schema-less and high scalability, they offer a distinct approach to that of relational databases. But rather than re-using what the industry has learned in the last 3 decades of database development, most of these databases are re-inventing the wheel and designing the data storage layers -one of the toughest part when building a database- from scratch. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 17th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: Abstract: Nowadays some business professionals are unable of develop processes to manipulate data because it is in different distributed systems or databases and they need to adquire new knowledge and being in continunous learning. Kettle is a tool that was made to simply the action of developing data processes to extract, transform and store data. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 18th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: Abstract: Distributed key-value stores are now a standard component of high-performance web services and cloud computing applications. While key-value stores offer significant performance and scalability advantages, the first wave of NoSQL stores typically compromise on consistency, fault-tolerance, performance, or functionality, and sometimes on all four. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 17th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: Mario Cartia, Software analyst ed esperto di Big Data presenta qui il suo workshop "Hands On Big Data: Getting Started With NoSQL And Hadoop" che terrà a Codemotion Milano il 27/11/2014