rafa gómez

Recursos de programación de rafa gómez
Este pasado 2 y 3 de Junio tuvo lugar la Pamplona Software Craftmanship 2017... Este blog post es mi crónica de la mitad del evento, puesto que el colegio de mi hija decidió que el 2 de junio era buen día para hacer la graduación del ciclo de infantil... así que la primera sesión a la que pude llegar fue la última del primer día.Bueno, vamos al tema...Sesiones:Estas son las sesiones a las que puede asistir:Los programadores no tienen que ser malos diseñadores de interfaces (Sebastian Hermida) (V...
Explicación acerca del bot para hacer favoritos de Twitter automáticamente en base a unos hashtags. Programa escrito en Clojure por Rafa Gómez
I just redid the Alphabet Cipher kata from the fantastic Carine Meier's Living Clojure book. I had done it some time ago with Eloi Poch and Rafa Gómez (thanks guys I had a great time) at a Clojure Developers Barcelona event. These are the tests using Midje: and this is the final code: I used a mix of TDD and REPL-driven development committing after each green and each refactoring. What I did was tinkering in the REPL to get rough versions of encode, decode and decipher functions. This kind of...
Yesterday we did the Print Diamond kata in the Clojure Developers Barcelona group. I paired with Rafa Gómez. We managed to complete a recursive solution to the problem using our usual mix of TDD and REPL-driven development. Later, we showed our solution and realize that, even though, it worked fine, we had to improve the names of some helper functions we had created to make our solution easier to understand. After that, Samuel Lê, presented on the whiteboard (we couldn't connect his laptop to th...