
Recursos de programación de react
We'll talk about our experience developing an SPA' browser and native versions that share 90 sth % of their code using React and ReactNative and about the advantages of using a functional language like ClojureScript combined with the re-frame framework which has an architecture similar to Redux but with great conceptual improvements such as effects and coeffects that improve testability by eliminating the need of mocking inside the SPA business logic, or reactive subscriptions which make views dumber and can also reduce the number of renderings. Todos los videos de Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
For many use cases such as fraud detection or reacting on sensor data the response times of traditional batch processing are simply to slow. In order to be able to react to such events close to real-time, we need to go beyond the classical batch processing and utilize stream processing systems such as Apache Spark Streaming, Apache Flink, or Apache Storm. But these systems are not sufficient by itself. One common example for such fast data pipelines is the SMACK stack using Apache Spark, Mesos, Kafka, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka
Hace 6 meses nos planteamos un rediseño completo de nuestros sites. Anteriormente teníamos el típico site con Symfony + jQuery + CSS a pelo. En su momento decidimos dejar de lado jQuery y apostar por algún framework de JavaScript moderno. Seis meses después es el momento de compartir las lecciones aprendidas en este camino. La idea de esta charla es exponer en forma de decálogo los trucos que hemos aprendido sobre Server Side Rendering, SEO, Routing, Progressive Web Applications, Webpack, Code Splitting, Testing. Todo de manera rápida y clara.
What if someone told you that you could use the full capacity of your server? That you could have the same performance on the backend as your react frontend? Don't you believe it? That you could choose the best language/tool for the task and you were not limited by what you already know? In this talk, I'll show you that you can use the full power of React on the frontend and Vert.x on the backend. You will see a fast full stack development workflow with Rollup/Webpack + Babel + React. How you can mix JavaScript with any other language. Build microservice applications in minutes.
I'm working for Green Power Monitor which is a company based in Barcelona specialized in monitoring renewable energy power plants and with clients all over the world. We're developing a new application to monitor and manage renewable energy portfolios. I'm part of the front-end team. We're working on a challenging SPA that includes a large quantity of data visualization and which should present that data in an UI that is polished and easy to look at. We are using ClojureScript with Om (a Clojure...
My current client is Green Power Monitor (GPM) which is a company based in Barcelona specialized in monitoring renewable energy power plants and with clients all over the world. I'm part of a team that is developing a new application to monitor and manage renewable energy portfolios. We use C# and F# in the back-end and ClojureScript in the front-end. I'm in the front-end team. We're developing a challenging SPA with lots of data visualization which has to look really good. We're taking advant...
In my career I've created several component libraries, and always found it challenging and rewarding at the same time. The engine we developed at WorkWave is the result of such attempts: it offers a great tradeoff between flexibility and ease of use. Styling with inline styles greatly simplifies the developer's work while the use of Aphrodite to output real classes enables the full spectrum of css features. I'll show you the choices we made, what problems have arisen while developing the components and how we solved them, hopefully helping you make better choices for your own libraries.
Since its 2013 release, React has brought a new way to design UI components in the world wide web. The same fundamentals have been taken to another important environment in our contemporary world: the mobile applications. We'll see the philosophy behind React Native - learn once, write anywhere - and how this new framework helps developers to build native apps using React.
Since we started to see JS on the server side, the dream of developers has been to reduce the gap and the cost of switch between frontend/backend. Today with Node.js, React and a whole ecosystem of tools, this dream is becoming true! In this talk, I am going to discuss Universal (a.k.a. Isomorphic) JS and present some practical example regarding the major patterns related to routing, data retrieval, and rendering. I will use Node, React, Webpack, Babel and React Router and give you a series of example to get you started easily with this new technology trend.