
Recursos de programación de react
Cada domingo por la mañana puedes tener en tu bandeja de entrada un newsletter único sobre desarrollo y programación. Hablándote de aspectos técnicos (y también emocionales) en castellano. Apúntate gratis en /newsletter. Ejemplos de 'side project' Hay un par de ejemplos que te cuento en el episodio. Uno ya está publicado, es el ranking de podcasts de tecnología. El otro, en ejecución, es la plataforma para compartir contadores festivos. Es el protagonista de los LiveCoding de la Zona P...
This past 17th of November, we celebrated at Nextail's offices in Madrid, the second TejonesConf. This "unconference" that started as an inside joke (See TejonesConf 2018) has become a great event to share, to learn, and to enjoy with friends. The "unofficial" motto for this edition was "agility and product development, from experience and without smoke or shit." :)In this case, I was very involved in the organization, so in addition to trying to share in the sessions, I also tried to be aw...
This past 17th of November, we celebrated at Nextail's offices in Madrid, the second TejonesConf. This "unconference" that started as an inside joke (See TejonesConf 2018) has become a great event to share, to learn, and to enjoy with friends. The "unofficial" motto for this edition was "agility and product development, from experience and without smoke or shit." :)In this case, I was very involved in the organization, so in addition to trying to share in the sessions, I also tried to be aw...
Hoy volvemos al formato tradicional y hablamos de Svelte, un framework... o no que está dando que hablar en el mundo front. Si quieres saber algo más sobre Svelte puedes escuchar este episodio y sacar tus propias conclusiones. Aquí tienes algunas referencias citadas:SvelteRethinking Reactivity - by Rich HarrisComparativa Svelte/React/Angular/Vuew - by Maximiliam SchwarzmüllerRollUpY recuerda que ya están disponibles los vídeos de las charlas de la PEUM Conf 2019, puedes disfrutar de ellos en nuestro canal de youtube Charlas PEUMConf 2019 en Youtube. Tod@s l@s que tengáis comentarios o sugerencias para el podcast podéis enviarnos un correo a o dejarnos un comentario en Twitter: @progesunam .No olvidéis de suscribiros a nuestro podcast en FeedPress o itunes, o si lo preferís agregad el RSS a vuestra app de podcast preferida. En cualquier caso siempre agradeceremos reviews del podcast en cualquiera de las plataformas.También podéis uniros a nuestro canal de Slack.La música elegida para la entrada y salida del podcast son del grupo "Dilo". En concreto las canciones son "War Inside" y "Sick of reality"
La charla completa en: 1. ¿Cuál es el mayor falso mito sobre el funcionamiento de librerías como React/vue? 2. ¿Qué piensas acerca de que SvelteJS, el nuevo framework que está sonando en los últimos meses, no utilice un virtual DOM? --------------- Todos los vídeos de Barcelona Software Crafters 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Although more than half of the world’s websites are in English, only about 25% of web users are English speakers. With half of the world’s population connected and more coming online every minute, internationalisation is as relevant as ever! Let’s explore how i18n gets made on the web and what we should keep in mind and what we should avoid when making the web more accessible to the world. About: Eli Schütze Ramírez, Web engineer, Monzo Eli is a software developer currently working as an Agile UI Developer at Trainline developing a full stack javascript application (Node, Typescript, React, Redux, RxJS) with unit and integration tests (Jest, Enzyme, Selenium) with preference for functional programming design patterns. She works to constantly improve upon and create solutions for issues around web performance, accessibility, web analytics, localisation, multi-currency support, and browser compatibility. She's a big advocate of diversity in tech and coach/mentor at both codebar and NodeGirls and organizes Reactivate, a monthly meetup
TypeScript has become one of the 15 most popular languages, and it's still growing steadily. In this talk, we'll explore the differences between TypeScript and the other most popular type systems and how to use it effectively to achieve type-safer applications in React and Redux. We'll aim to strike a balance between development agility and safeness. Not everything can be easily strictly typed in React. About: Jiayi Hu, Front-end developer - Freelance Jiayi Hu is a Front-end Developer, Trainer and Consultant in React and Angular technologies, along with Redux. He's also an active member of the Italian communities *“React Italia”, "Angular Italia" and “Italia JS”* and he enjoys speaking at public tech events. He loves digging into abstract concepts, algorithms, data structures and wondering about architectures. He finds himself excited by performant clean code and he's a strong open-source advocate as well as a contributor.