
Recursos de programación de rest
Carlos Encalada es alguien al que tengo muy lejos físicamente, al otro lado del charco, pero aquí al lado en el aspecto emocional. Le he visto crecer y este artículo es el fiel reflejo de un conjunto de elecciones comprometidas que ha hecho en el último año. Bienvenido a este blog, valiente malandriner. Dani. Acercarse al desarrollo de software actual puede resultar abrumador por el número de herramientas que existen, lenguajes disponibles, conceptos por aprender y ámbitos de especialización;...
Some time ago I wrote a post sharing my notes on SRP from Agile Principles, Practices and Patterns book because I was making an effort to get closer to the sources of some object-oriented concepts. I didn’t continue sharing my notes on SOLID because I thought they might not be interesting for our readers. However, seeing the success of the Single responsibility ¿Principle? episode of The Big Branch Theory Podcast for which I used my notes on SRP, I’ve decided to share the rest of my notes on SOL...
In software product development the batch size deeply affects flow efficiency and resource utilization. In this post, we will try to explain the underlying principles that make a good strategy to use small batches when we are developing software.Let’s start with some basic concepts: Batch: A group of items that move together to the next step in the process. In this case, is a group of changes that are deployed to production at the same time.Item/change: Each one of the individual units of work c...
As our everyday life becomes more and more digital, and as the disruptive shift that this year has brought into our way of life makes us more and more dependent on digital services that now cover critical needs we can’t address in person, one thing becomes clear: we do not accept waiting online any more. This comes as an immense challenge for companies that rely in hours long, if not days long, digital processes. Making them last seconds seems magic. But there are already pioneers proving that providing real time digital services is possible. The fast followers that are able to build their own real time digital platform will survive. The rest will see their clients go away. The race for time is on. #BIGTH20 #AI #Cloud #DataScience #BigData #MachineLearning Session presented at Big Things Conference 2020 by José Ruiz (Director of Business Development at Paradigma Digital) and Rubén Gil Gómez (Technical Director at Paradigma Digital Barcelona). 18th November 2020 Home Edition Do you want to know more?
The first day of the Big Things Conference has come to an end. Without a doubt, a marathon of great talks. Also, we would like to highlight the participation this year of great women like Nuria Oliver, Brooke Wenig or Idoia Salazar. Get ready for the rest of the event!
Primera parte: Recordad que trabajamos sobre este repo: Después de la realización del taller De 0 a Django REST con buenas sensaciones volvemos para completar el workshop. No te preocupes si no viniste a la primera parte, se seguirá profundizando en lo realizado el primer día, pero se empezará repasando todo lo de la primera parte. ¿Siempre has querido iniciarte en el desarrollo BackEnd?, ¿Eres un programador FrontEnd y al realizar un proyecto siempre te falta algo? ¿No sabes de lo que estoy hablando pero los acrónimos API REST te hacen gracia? Este es tu sitio. De 0 a Django REST es un workshop en el que se realizará un pequeño proyecto con Python y el framework de desarrollo Django para conseguir, sin tener ningún conocimiento, construir una API desde 0. Esta vez profundizaremos en los modelos, serializadores, paginación en las peticiones, filtros en las peticiones, ordenación de las peticiones, permisos en las peticiones y si nos da tiempo veremos otra forma de hacer las views mas óptima, OAuth2 y testing de peticiones. Conoce a Miguel Jiménez ℹ️ Comenta en twitter con el hashtag #MeetupsGeeksHubs. 🎥 Suscríbete: 🐦 Twitter GeeksHubs: 🐦 Twitter GeeksHubs Academy: 📸 Instagram: ℹ️ LinkedIn GeeksHubs: ℹ️ LinkedIn GeeksHubs Academy: 🟦 Facebook GeeksHubs: 🟦 Facebook GeeksHubs Academy: 📕 Plataforma online +30 cursos gratuitos:
"The purpose of a platform team is to enable stream-aligned teams to deliver work with substantial autonomy. The stream-aligned team maintains full ownership of building, running, and fixing their application in production. The platform team provides internal services to reduce the cognitive load that would be required from stream-aligned teams to develop these underlying services."Team Topologies The last year I have been leading the Platform Team in a startup during the scale phase. First...
In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favourite language? In this talk, Nicolas will describe what an operator is, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.
Il primo Meetup #AperiTech della Community italiana dedicata alla Blockchain di Algorand! Abstract: Tramite il protocollo blockchain di Algorand creare un token è un'operazione realmente semplice, veloce ed accessibile! Gli approcci di altre blockchain richiedono la scrittura di Smart Contract complessi per l'emissione di token, per creare un Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) basta una sola transazione di genesi! In una manciata di secondi si può vedere il proprio token live on-chain ed interagirci. L'approccio di Algorand garantisce sia un guadagno in termini di tempi di sviluppo che di sicurezza, senza perdere la possibilitá di sfruttare funzionalitá tipiche in ambito finanziario. Ci sono diversi modi per interagire con un network Algorand: tramite interfacce web sviluppate dalla community, tramite il proprio nodo (o di terze parti) con REST API o da linea di comando, o piú semplicemente utilizzando la SDK del proprio linguaggio di programmazione preferito. In questo webinar verrá definito uno use case che possa beneficiare dell'utilizzo degli ASA e tramite un tutorial verrá mostrata l'implementazione di un processo automatico di emssione di ASA tramite l'utilizzo della Algorand Python SDK su nodo installato su Raspberry Pi 4. Speakers: Cosimo Bassi, 31 anni, un curioso "Pirata dallo Spirito Libero" con radici pugliesi e coração brasileiro. Algorand Developer Ambassador, Laureato in Ingegneria Elettrica al Politecnico di Torino, da anni ha messo le proprie competenze a servizio della Transizione Energetica. Fabio Tagliaferro, 25 anni, ha scritto la tesi magistrale sulla verifica di Smart Contracts programmati in Java. Algorand Developer Ambassador, Neolaureato in Ing. e Scienze Informatiche all'Università di Verona, ha esperienza come ricercatore nell’ambito della tecnologia Blockchain. Per restare aggiornato su tutti gli #AperiTech: Telegram #AperiTech Calendario del Developer Codemotion Tech Community
¿Siempre has querido iniciarte en el desarrollo BackEnd?, ¿Eres un programador FrontEnd y al realizar un proyecto siempre te falta algo? ¿No sabes de lo que estoy hablando pero los acrónimos API REST te hacen gracia? Este es tu sitio. De 0 a Django REST es un workshop en el que se realizará un pequeño proyecto con Python y el framework de desarrollo Django para conseguir, sin tener ningún conocimiento, construir una API. Recordad tener instalado Python, virtualenv y postman en vuestro ordenador antes de empezar Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python3-pip sudo apt install python3-virtualenv sudo snap install postman Windows: Mac OS: Hasta el paso 4: Comenta en twitter con el hashtag #MeetupsGeeksHubs. ???? Suscríbete: ???? Twitter GeeksHubs: ???? Twitter GeeksHubs Academy: ???? Instagram: ℹ️ LinkedIn: ???? Facebook: ???? Plataforma online +30 cursos gratuitos: