
Recursos de programación de scala
The 2016 Lambda World brought together Functional Programming enthusiasts from around the world for two days of presentations, hacking, networking, and a healthy dose of partying in Cadiz, Spain. Hosted by 47 Degrees, the event also featured a Typelevel Community Conference and a Scala Center Hackathon. Join in on the conversation at and using #LambdaWorld. Stay tuned to and for more on the conference and announcements for the 2017 event.
In this interview in Lambda World, Miles Sabin told about typelevel scala and funcional programming with scala. Podéis ver todas estas entrevistas y más en nuestro canal: You can see all these interviews and more at our channel: Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter: Twitter: Facebook:
Entrevista a Carlos Buenosvinos. Actual director técnico en Xing, y ex CTO de Atrápalo. Minuto a minuto: 0:00 Resumen previo 1:06 Introducción 1:40 Trayectoria profesional 11:53 Paso de Emagister a Atrápalo 16:30 Salto de Atrápalo a Xing (de PHP a Ruby) 21:00 Scala 22:50 Libro Domain-Driven Design in PHP 26:20 Eventos en el sector 30:00 Cultura en el sector tecnológico Más info: Carlos nos explica toda su trayectoria. Desde cómo empezó como programador, y qué cosas le han ayudado a seguir aprendiendo, hasta sus últimas experiencias en puestos de responsabilidad en empresas del sector tecnológico.
Testing is important for any system you write and at eBay it is no different. We have a number of complex Scala and Akka based applications with a large number of external dependencies. One of the challenges of testing this kind of application is replicating the complete system across all your environments: development, different flavors of testing (unit, functional, integration, capacity and acceptance) and production. This is especially true in the case of integration and capacity testing where there are a multitude of ways to manage system complexity. Wouldn’t it be nice to define the testing system architecture in one place that we can reuse in all our tests? It turns out we can do exactly that using Docker. In this talk, we will first look at how to take advantage of Docker for integration testing your Scala application. After that we will explore how this has helped us reduce the duration and complexity of our tests.
The accidental tourist guide to JMC/JFR - Kirk Pepperdine What you need to know about Lambdas - Jamie Allen Code battle Java Vs. Scala
El vídeo muestra un cara a cara entre dos lenguajes de la JVM que cada vez tienen más adeptos, Scala y Kotlin tratados desde el punto de vista de Android. En modo debate Javi nos hará una introducción sobre scala y como nos mejora la vida a la hora de programar para Android, además de intentar llevarnos al lado oscuro de la programación funcional y por otro lado, Antonio dará las pautas sobre cómo usar Kotlin para sacarle el máximo partido.
January- Software Architecture for Developers, Simon Brown- Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure, Michael Bevilacqua-Linn- Working Effectively with Unit Tests, Jay FieldsFebruary- Vida y Destino (Жизнь и судьба), Vasili Grossman. (2nd time)- Primer Libro de Lankhmar (The First Book of Lankhmar), Fritz Leiber- Drown, Junot Díaz- Los girasoles ciegos, Alberto Méndez- Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent BeckMarch- Las puertas del paraiso (The Vagrants), Yiyun Li- Growing Object-O...
Juan Manuel Serrano nos muestra en esta charlalas limitaciones de las interfaces de objetos, y cómo los patrones de la programación funcional (tipos algebraicos, mónadas e intérpretes) son mucho más efectivos en esta cruzada contra la eliminación de efectos de lado.Veremos que, en un lenguaje fuertemente tipado como Scala, estos patrones permiten "hablar claro" al compilador. Se utilizan ejemplos sencillos (pero reales) de programación con Play, Slick y Spark, así como unas pinceladas de la librería de programación funcional pura Scalaz.
cats is a library of category theory and algebraic abstractions for Clojure and ClojureScript. It borrows many useful abstractions from statically typed languages like Haskell and Scala: Semigroups, Monoids, Functors, Applicatives and Monads are a few examples. It has types for error handling, validation as well as integrations with many asynchronous abstractions found in Clojure(Script) like CSP channels, Java 8's CompletableFuture, JavaScript promises or reactive streams. In this talk we will explore what's available in cats emphasizing the asynchronous types and how we can combine them using monadic and applicative operations.
Everybody knows monads by now, so a talk about monads would hardly be worthwhile. Lets take it to the next level: monad transformers. Well learn what they are, how they naturally emerge in your code base and how to make good use of them in Scala nd maybe even how to create your on