
Recursos de programación de scala
Israel Gutiérrez (Adalab) @gootyfer Si queremos aprender el paradigma funcional, tenemos dos opciones: 1) meternos de lleno a aprender un lenguaje nuevo a la vez que el paradigma, por ejemplo, con Scala; 2) tener un acercamiento con más sigilo, más poco a poco, desde un contexto y un lenguaje conocidos y centrarnos en aprender los conceptos. En esta charla vamos a aproximarnos con sigilo a algunos conceptos de la programación funcional usando nuestro lenguaje favorito: JavaScript. Desde funciones puras y efectos secundarios, hasta a llegar el borde del abismo de las mónadas. Para ello partimos del estupendo libro del Prof. F. Risby "Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming" y la librería funcional Ramda. Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
Rodrigo de Frutos (Intelygenz) @DarkRodry "Durante gran parte de la universidad y mis primeros años en el mercado laboral, todos mis desarrollos han tenido una cosa en común: Java. A principios de este año me surgió la oportunidad de trabajar con un nuevo lenguaje y un paradigma de programación con una infinidad de posibilidades: Scala. En esta charla explicaré la sintaxis básica del lenguaje y daré algún ejemplo de como cambia el enfoque entre un código en Java y Scala" Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter;
Una sesión para revisar los conceptos de la arquitectura hexagonal, desde un enfoque práctico, que exponga las dificultades que puede encontrarse cualquier desarrollador al aproximarse a este modelo. Adoración González es ingeniero informático con más de 7 años trabajando con PHP, búscala en twitter @srtaDeveloper.
La semana pasada Luis Rovirosa y yo impartimos una formación de TDD en las oficinas de Gradiant en Vigo. Gradiant es el acrónimo en inglés del Centro Tecnolóxico de Telecomunicacións de Galicia (Galician Research and Development Center in Advanced Telecomunications) y utilizan los conocimientos y experiencia de sus profesionales de investigación para aportar valor a empresas y organizaciones mediante la transferencia de conocimiento y el diseño de productos especializados. La naturaleza del cen...
Desarrollar un chat con Scala, Akka y WebSockets desde 0. ¡¿Qué puede salir mal?! Estos últimos meses hemos desarrollado un nuevo sistema de chat para la aplicación de Letgo. En esta charla os contaremos toda la experiencia vivida al respecto, tanto a nivel del proceso seguido, como de nuestro proceso de aprendizaje sobre las tecnologías usadas y los errores que hemos cometido. Por lo tanto no es una charla puramente técnica (hay material mucho mejor para aprender Akka y Scala) pero sí que haremos una breve introducción al paradigma de actores. Viniendo de desarrollar webs en PHP, muy concienciados por temas como SOLID, Arquitectura Hexagonal, DDD, y CQRS; nos encontramos con un paradigma donde nos ha costado encajar según qué planteamientos. Con lo cuál, os contaremos justamente eso: * Estrategia seguida para salir del monolito e ir al microservicio rico * Evolución del proyecto a lo largo de estos meses * Por qué decidimos apostar por el stack tecnológico escogido a pesar del cambio que implica * Paradigma de actores de Akka en el chat de Letgo. * Cómo hemos intentado llevar el CQRS a un protocolo de comunicación por WebSockets * Cómo hemos usado Akka Streams para el proceso de migración inicial de datos * Qué cosas nos han sorprendido del cambio de ecosistema (tanto para bien como para mal) * Cómo hemos conseguido mantener retrocompatibilidad con las versiones anteriores de la app que apuntan al sistema de chat anterior * … Esta charla proveerá de una visión más amplia de lo que se expuso en la Software Craftsmanship de Pamplona ( ). Donde nos centramos únicamente en analizar cómo conseguimos mantener la retrocompatibilidad entre los dos sistemas de chat gracias a eventos de dominio, SNS, y SQS. La charla la daríamos a medias entre los dos, @SergiGP y @JavierCane :)
Os propongo una charla donde repasaremos gran parte de los algoritmos de Machine Learning. Conocer qué tipos hay, para qué demonios sirven, qué dificultad tienen, cómo los podemos usar, etc. La idea es salir de la charla sabiendo qué es para qué sirven: Linear Regression, SVM, Random Forest y los demás amiguitos, poderlos explicar a vuestros colegas y usarlos para frikear en vuestros próximos experimentos. Si da tiempo, veremos algo de código: en R, en Java o en scala… A lo berserker no es sólo aprender a lo bruto: sino que NO vamos a detenernos en los detalles matemáticos, NI vamos a profundizar en las fórmulas que sustentan cada algoritmo; se trata de entender la lógica y el sentido, y ganar la intuición para aplicarlos.
Even if you have learned about specific functional programming techniques, it can be tricky to get a feel for how to build a ‘real-world’ functional program. How do you piece functional concepts and components together to produce a working application? How should your codebase be structured? How do you go from a high-level goal such as ‘separate a program’s description from its execution’ to a real implementation in Scala? This talk will use a real-world case study to attempt to answer some of those questions. Chris will guide you through the code of one of his recent Scala apps, first highlighting some Scala best practices and then looking at how the codebase could be refactored into a more functional style. About Chris: Chris is the tech lead for the Content Platforms team at the Guardian in London, working on the backend APIs that power Before joining the Guardian, he worked for M3 in Tokyo. He is the creator of the ScalaCache library and the author of Re-Engineering Legacy Software. About Lambda World: The 2016 Lambda World brought together Functional Programming enthusiasts from around the world for two days of presentations, hacking, networking, and a healthy dose of partying in Cadiz, Spain. Hosted by 47 Degrees, the event also featured a Typelevel Community Conference and a Scala Center Hackathon. Join in on the conversation at and using #LambdaWorld. Stay tuned to and for more on the conference and announcements for the 2017 event.
Doing Data Science with Clojure: the ugly, the sad, the joyful Having programmers handle data science is a terrible idea if everyone else were not even worse. The problem is, of course, tools. We seem to have settled on either: a bunch of disparate libraries thrown into a more or less agnostic IDE, or some point-and-click wonder which no matter how glossy, never seems to truly fit our domain once we get down to it. The dual lisp tradition of grow-your-own-language and grow-your-own-editor gives me hope there is a third way. This talk is a meditation on the ideal environment for doing data science and how to (almost) get there. I will cover how I approach data problems with Clojure (and why Clojure in the first place), what I believe the process of doing data science should look like, and the tools needed to get there. Some already exist (or can at least be bodged together); others can be made with relative ease (and we are already working on some of these), but a few will take a lot more hammock time.” About Simon: Simon built his first computer out of Lego bricks and learned to program soon after. Emergence, networks, modes of thought, limits of language and expression are what makes him smile (and keeps him up at night). Simon is currently working at GoOpti making the company data-driven; setting up their analytics infrastructure (end goal: provide any answer stemming from data in 2 min or less); and building their predictive-realtime-superduper pricing engine. You can follow Simon and his Clojure adventures here: About Lambda World: The 2016 Lambda World brought together Functional Programming enthusiasts from around the world for two days of presentations, hacking, networking, and a healthy dose of partying in Cadiz, Spain. Hosted by 47 Degrees, the event also featured a Typelevel Community Conference and a Scala Center Hackathon. Join in on the conversation at and using #LambdaWorld. Stay tuned to and for more on the conference and announcements for the 2017 event.
Category Theory for the Working Hacker The talk will explain why category theory is of interest for developers. The principle of Propositions as Types describes a correspondence between propositions and proofs in logic, on the one hand, and types and programs in computing, on the other. Category theory constitutes a third leg of this correspondence. Assuming only enough familiarity with functional programming that you know why ‘Lambda World’ has that name, the talk will explain how to model products (logical and), sums (logical or), and functions (logical implication), and why you already learned the most important stuff in high school. About Philip: Philip Wadler is an American computer scientist known for his contributions to programming language design and type theory. In particular, he has contributed to the theory behind functional programming[8] and the use of monads in functional programming, the design of the purely functional language Haskell,[9] and the XQuery declarative query language. In 1984, he created the Orwell programming language. Wadler was involved in adding generic types to Java 5.0.[10] He is also the author of the paper ‘Theorems for free!’ that gave rise to much research on functional language optimization (see also Parametricity). Cool Fact: In 2005, Wadler became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and in 2007 was inducted as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. Find out more at here: Philip Wadler’s home page About Lambda World: The 2016 Lambda World brought together Functional Programming enthusiasts from around the world for two days of presentations, hacking, networking, and a healthy dose of partying in Cadiz, Spain. Hosted by 47 Degrees, the event also featured a Typelevel Community Conference and a Scala Center Hackathon. Join in on the conversation at and using #LambdaWorld. Stay tuned to and for more on the conference and announcements for the 2017 event.
Room to Grow: Evolving Functional Programming Languages Lambda World Opening Keynote About Erik: Erik is a member of Typelevel and a maintainer of Cats, Spire, and several other libraries and the creator of tools like kind-projector and jawn. He studies philosophy, art, math, and computer science and works at Stripe supporting machine learning. He is the recipient of the Phil Bagwell Memorial Scala Community Award for 2016. About Lambda World: The 2016 Lambda World brought together Functional Programming enthusiasts from around the world for two days of presentations, hacking, networking, and a healthy dose of partying in Cadiz, Spain. Hosted by 47 Degrees, the event also featured a Typelevel Community Conference and a Scala Center Hackathon. Join in on the conversation at and using #LambdaWorld. Stay tuned to and for more on the conference and announcements for the 2017 event.