
Recursos de programación de solid
I've just watched this wonderful talk by Jim Weirich: SOLID Ruby - por Garajeando
I've just watched this wonderful talk by Derick Bailey: SOLID JavaScript In A Wobbly (World Wide Web) - por Garajeando
I've just watched this interesting talk by Damian Nicholson in which he talks about how to test JavaScript GUI code: Writing (testable | maintainable | scalable | rock solid) JavaScriptHere are the talk slides. - por Garajeando
http , go , .net , solid
Last month @pclavijo and I went to the Craft Conference in Budapest.It was my first international conference and it was a great experience.This were my favorite talks in no particular order:Conway's Law and you: How to organize your organization for optimal development, Michael FeathersPolyglot Data, Greg YoungResponsibly maximizing craftsmanship in software engineering, Theo SchlossnagleAcknowledging CAP at the Root - in the Domain Model, Eric EvansFind the right abstraction level for your test...
I've just watched this great talk by Kevlin Henney: The SOLID Design Principles Deconstructed - por Garajeando
http , go , solid
I've just watched this interesting talk by Cory Foy:Thinking in PatternsHe talks about thinking in the forces and the context of a given problem before deciding if any pattern is suitable. Once you decide that a pattern is suitable, instead of using the pattern implementation by the book, he advises to go on using design principles (SOLID, DRY, etc) to guide the development. This way the pattern would just be used as a reference of how the design might end being. - por Garajeando
[PHP Conference Argentina 2013 - 4 de Octubre] Los 5 principios SOLID (Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation y Dependency inversion) encarnan la esencia de un correcto diseño y programación orientada a objetos. Tristemente, solo unas pocas personas conocen de ellos, y aún menos los aplican en su trabajo diario. Esta sesión no solo explicará estos principios sin abrumar a la audiencia con conceptos teóricos, sino que también mostrará cómo aplicarlos al trabajo diario, utilizando ejemplos prácticos para solucionar problemas reales.
Autores: Alberto Pérez, Eduardo Ferro, Guillermo Pascual, Néstor Salceda Track: Produban (Básico)
One of the FogBugz developers complained that compiling was pretty slow (about 30 seconds), which was leading to a lot of sword fights in the hallway. He… Read more "Solid State Disks" - por Joel On Software