
Recursos de programación de tdd
"Vivimos tiempos moviditos en el frontend, pestañeas y te aparecen un par de nuevos framework javascript anunciados en hacker news. Entonces ¿qué hacemos? ¿elegimos un framework, vamos a fuego y ya si vemos que la hemos cagado lo tiramos y re-escribimos todo? ¿O tal vez podamos tirar de conceptos viejos para minimizar esto? En esta charla hablaremos de cosas nada modernas: SOLID, TDD, arquitectura hexagonal... en la que mostraremos algunos ejemplos prácticos." Todos los videos de Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
"TDD es una parte importantísima de mi flujo de trabajo cuando desarrollo software. Con el paso de los años he modificado la forma en la que lo aplico, he aplicado distintas técnicas y he experimentado distintas formas de escribir mis tests para tratar de sentirme lo más productivo posible. Dar con un flujo de trabajo que me resulte cómodo, trabajar en el nivel de abstracción y con la aproximación adecuada no ha sido fácil y aún así tengo claro que estoy lejos de haber encontrado una fórmula ideal. Elegir entre una aproximación outside-in vs inside-out, qué tipos de dobles de prueba utilizar, escribir tests que no requieran más mantenimiento que el propio código de producción son algunos de los retos a los que podemos tener que enfrentarnos cuando aplicamos TDD en nuestro día a día. En esta charla quiero hablar de cómo aproximo mi trabajo cuando desarrollo aplicando TDD." Todos los videos de Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
Dates: 7th, 8th OctoberOfficial site: Talks Feedback: : hashtag: past weekend (7-8th Oct) I was at the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Conference 2017. This is the second time attending this conference ( conference is a two days...
Dates: 7th, 8th OctoberOfficial site: Talks Feedback: : hashtag: past weekend (7-8th Oct) I was at the Barcelona Software Craftsmanship Conference 2017. This is the second time attending this conference ( conference is a two days...
There has been a lot of discussion during the last 50 years about the nature of programming: Is it an art like poetry? Is it craftsmanship like pottery? Is it an exact science like physics? Or a non exact science like medicine? Is it engineering like bridge building? Whatever the nature of software development is: during this time, a lot of tools and techniques have appeared to make your lazy-developer life more difficult: Coding conventions, OOP, FP, SOLID, Design Patterns, Tests, TDD, UML, Use-cases, CASE tools, Refactoring, RUP, Agile, SCRUM, Continuous Integration, Code Complexity Metrics, Emergent Architecture, DevOps, SCM... and whatnot! But, sometimes, being a lazy developer makes you do things that seemed counterintuitive, in order to pursue your main objective: WORK LESS.
En este curso aprenderás los conceptos básicos sobre Software Testing utilizando las herramientas más populares en el ecosistema Java: Eclipse, Maven, JUnit, Jacoco, Mockito y Hamcrest. Accede al curso:
Disclaimer: I am experimenting with different formats to create presentations, blog post, and other documents, mixing sketch noting and using index cards... I will appreciate your feedback.I prepared these notes for the past AOS 2017, but finally, the session was not selected... The initial idea was to describe our process for creating an agile software development team and create a discussion to identify next steps to expand our agile culture to the rest of the organizationHoney Badge...
Disclaimer: I am experimenting with different formats to create presentations, blog post, and other documents, mixing sketch noting and using index cards... I will appreciate your feedback.I prepared these notes for the past AOS 2017, but finally, the session was not selected... The initial idea was to describe our process for creating an agile software development team and create a discussion to identify next steps to expand our agile culture to the rest of the organizationHoney Badge...
@asafmesika "To mock or not to mock" that is the question which has been dividing the developer community for quite a while. The discussion climaxed after the heated debate between DHH, Kent Beck and Martin Fowler - “Is TDD Dead?”. The developers siding with mocks do it primarily due to the difficulty of launching third party components. Some are written in Java - like Kafka or Elasticsearch - which makes it easier to use the real thing - but some are not, which leaves you only with binaries, like MySQL, Redis or Consul. Launching binaries using the shell from Java, being platform agnostic, and taking care of downloading the correct platform binary are just some of the difficulties developers are facing. In this lecture I will show how the existence of Docker transforms the way tests are written. I will introduce you to the innovative library Testcontainers, which provides a complete toolset for controlling Docker in tests. For example, we will take a look at how it enables starting up Consul or MySQL using three lines of code. We will review what the Testing Dichotomy looks like with this power in your hands. At the end of this lecture the audience will know how to test in a pragmatic way making it productively as a result. I believe this approach is mandatory as the world shifts heavily towards team autonomy which means automating your tests on your own - i.e. No QA team dependency.