Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Ponencia de Juan Fernández Aceytuno en #sngular810, evento de presentación de sngular celebrado en Madrid el 8 de octubre de 2015.
Ponencia de Esteban Moro en #sngular810, evento de presentación de sngular celebrado en Madrid el 8 de octubre de 2015.
Ponencia de José Manuel Cruz en #sngular810, evento de presentación de sngular celebrado en Madrid el 8 de octubre de 2015.
Explicar los Code Smells y Refactorings puede ser aburrido. En este vídeo veremos una posible mecánica para introducir estos conceptos de forma más amena gracias a las QWAN Cards :) Más info: http://codely.tv/screencasts/refactorings-qwan-cards
“In God we trust; all others must bring data”  La obsesión del mundo online por los datos es bien conocida. Todos hemos escuchado alguna vez que las métricas son esenciales para el diseño de la estrategia ya que ponen de relieve realidades que de otra manera serían imposibles o muy difíciles de descubrir.  Pero ¿qué medir? ¿cómo hacerlo? y más difícil todavía ¿cómo interpretar los resultados? En este Meetup intentaremos abarcar todas estas cuestiones, al mismo tiempo que repasaremos algunos de los principales riesgos que entraña el análisis erróneo de los datos.  Y después de tanto número... cervezas ¡Os esperamos!
In this talk Patrick will describe how to easily scale out using Akka Cluster. You will learn what Akka Cluster offers, appropriate use cases, and practical issues we encountered in implementing Omnia, our distributed and reactive data platform that builds on Akka Cluster. Patrick will focus on exploring the different clustering strategy, and illustrate with code examples from Omnia how to create a custom clustering strategy. Akka Cluster is a framework for coordination in a distributed system. It uses a peer-to-peer approach, where there are no master nodes and machines can join and leave the cluster at any time. This is a very flexible system but does require careful thought about how work is distributed around the cluster---the clustering strategy---to meet the availability and consistency goals of the system. On a busy Saturday at William Hill they have to cope with a peak of 5 million price updates per minute and track 300'000 active user sessions. The team needed to modernise their data pipeline. Akka Cluster provided an ideal platform to build on, due to its decentralised peer-to-peer design which avoid single point of failure, allowing easy scale-out in response to load. However you have to think carefully about how you use Akka Cluster, and primarily the clustering strategy to adopt. The strategy determines how data and load is distributed around the system, and hence determines its ability to function given node failures and under stress conditions. Akka Clustering provides and extendible model which allowed us to define our own strategy to fulfil our requirements. Patrick will describe the use of Akka Cluster in Omnia, and dive deep into the cluster strategy and other issues the William Hill team encountered in use.
With the introduction of Amazon Lambda, we can build JavaScript back-ends without having to worry about scaling them when there is an increase in traffic. If, like me, you have a background in functional programming, you may not have tried it yet because you love having a strong type system and a compiler to help you avoid errors. But... worry not! You can use PureScript, a Haskell-inspired language that compiles to JavaScript, to build your Amazon Lambda functions. During this talk you will learn PureScript and how to use it to build highly scalable and purely functional back-ends with Amazon Lambda
cats is a library of category theory and algebraic abstractions for Clojure and ClojureScript. It borrows many useful abstractions from statically typed languages like Haskell and Scala: Semigroups, Monoids, Functors, Applicatives and Monads are a few examples. It has types for error handling, validation as well as integrations with many asynchronous abstractions found in Clojure(Script) like CSP channels, Java 8's CompletableFuture, JavaScript promises or reactive streams. In this talk we will explore what's available in cats emphasizing the asynchronous types and how we can combine them using monadic and applicative operations.
At stylefruits we've been using Clojure on production since late 2012. This talk is dedicated to the newest addition to our infrastructure: a Clojure REST-inspired API. Taught by our previous mistakes in the realm of deployment and scalability we've set our requirements high. We're aiming for continuous delivery, high availability, dynamic scaling and pauseless deployments under load. Aside from deployment matters, Clojure proves to be an excellent choice for building a modular and stateless service. In this talk we're going to share our experiences, both good and bad, gained while prototyping, deploying and maintaining our newest project.
F# is an incredibly versatile and expressive language and enables you to solve a wide array of problems succinctly and efficiently. This talk illustrates, with real-world examples, how the Gamesys social team is using F# to build the backend services that support around 1 million Daily Active Users (DAU) and 250 million daily requests across its social games on both mobile and web platforms. Talk objectives: - Demonstrate the use of F# to write clean, concise game logic as well as infrastructure code, the same techniques and concepts can be easily applied to other domains; - Demonstrate how F# can help tackle recurring business problems of Efficiency, Correctness, Complexity and Time to Market