Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
El avance de Internet de las Cosas está expandiendo exponencialmente la cantidad de datos generados a nuestro alrededor, listos para ser recuperados y analizados con una agilidad imposible hace tan solo un lustro. Y es que la aplicación de tecnologías BigData al mundo de IoT hace manejable la recolección y tratamiento de terabytes de datos incluso para aplicaciones en tiempo real. Esta charla ofrece una mirada práctica tanto de las tecnologías más extendidas para BigData Analytics, como de casos prácticos.
El objetivo de este curso es proporcionar una visión completa y avanzada del Framework angular.js, una librería JavaScript implementada y apoyada por Google que aglutina diversas tecnologías dispersas y que cada desarrollador web anteriormente buscaba por separado e intentaba unir y coordinar dentro de su aplicación. Accede al curso en https://geekshubsacademy.com/cursos/aprende-angularjs-beta
Greach 2015, The Groovy Spanish Conf April 10th-11th, Madrid, Spain http://greachconf.com Follow us on twitter http://twitter.com/greachconf Slides in http://marcovermeulen.github.io/groovy-and-scala-talk/ #/ Scala is the other Great Force in the realm of alternative JVM languages. It has it’s strengths, as well as it’s weaknesses. This talk will look at Scala as a supplement to Groovy, showing that it can help us tremendously given specific circumstances. We will begin by looking at how Groovy and Scala differ philosophically, followed by a comparison of syntax used in the two languages. We will then dive into the most important part, dealing with their application and how they can coexist side by side. This talk aims to dismantle the wall that prevails between the Groovy and Scala communities, attempting to show that both are highly capable in their own way. It does so by showing that there is no right or wrong, but rather that they are flipsides of the same coin. Marco Vermeulen Marco Vermeulen is a South African Software Developer who lives and works in London. He is passionate about writing well crafted code, driven and guided by tests. As proponent of BDD, he has successfully applied this technique in the Enterprise as well as on Open Source Projects. When he gets a spare moment, he contributes to OSS and is the creator of GVM (the Groovy enVironment Manager).
Lorenzo González dio el pasado 9 de mayo de 2015 un taller sobre Arquitectura en tres capas y modelos ricos de Angular JS en el JS Day