Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - A discussion about how to get things done and some inside about our coding process and methods. Some little insights about our architecture.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Come realizzare mobile app cross-platform massimizzando il riuso del codice? Vi raccontiamo pro e contro della piattaforma Xamarin riportando la nostra esperienza nei progetti di digital transformation, con uno sguardo attento sul futuro del mobile development.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - “WebXR” is the API formerly known as WebVR, upgraded to embrace the web’s potential not just for Virtual Reality, but for immersive Mixed Reality experiences. We can start exploring the possibilities now, using libraries like Mozilla’s WebXR Polyfill and Google’s three.ar.js, plus special development browsers that incorporate ARCore (Android) or ARKit (iOS). This talk will share how you can begin to blend the real world and the digital world as a Mixed Reality web developer - and a glimpse into the exciting future of the Immersive Web.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Structured dialog in games is often limiting for conversation, cognitive computing is changing the game. Integrating chatbots into your game or application can give interactive character dialog conversations. We will go over integrating Watson SDK into Unity projects. Using IBM Watson to integrate conversation AI, tone analyzer, and speech to text services to interact with the game for immersive character conversations throughout the story. Create a dialog with the players, simulation the personality of the avatar, integrate speech to text.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - User-centric tracking is a model that helps you understand and measure performance so that users can have the best possible experience. With the addition of a few new browser APIs we can measure the First Contentful Paint (FCP), Time to Interactive (TTI) and Component First Paint (CFP). To leverage these new APIs we are going to use Perfume.js (http://zizzamia.github.io/perfume/). It not only helps us measure performance that matters (#perfmatters) but also reports to Google Analytics, ultimately preventing regression through integration in your end-to-end tests.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - CI is an eternal topic in software engineering, it is still evolving for mobile. With an introduction to Docker, and a full-fledged Docker image for Android, this presentation will guide you through all facts about using Docker for Android CI - benefits, limitations, pitfalls, tweaks, and performance. Follow me, you can build your own Acme CI at zero cost. Last but not least, there are some other tips about how Docker could help your mobile engineering.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Cryptography is a magic ring of darkness and mistiness, but seems that every time a new attack comes in town, technicians need to evaluate, configure or change something, surviving in the sea of the unawareness or following signals coming from misterious compliance regulations. We'll try to give a little survival guide for this world, which can make us more aware and confident on the future, or at least prepare for the next fashionable attacks. Maybe.
Many presentations on Microservices offer a high level view; rarely does one hear what it’s like to work in such an environment. Individual services are somewhat trivial to develop, but now you suddenly have countless others to track. You’ll become obsessed over how they communicate. You’ll have to start referring to the whole thing as “the Platform”. You will have to take on some DevOps work and start learning about deployment pipelines, metrics, and logging. Don’t panic. In this presentation we’ll discuss what we, at ThirdChannel, learned over the past four years. We’ll examine what a development lifecycle might look like for adding a new service, developing a feature, or fixing bugs. We’ll dive a bit into DevOps and see how one will become dependent on various metric and centralized logging tools, like Kubernetes and the ELK stack. Finally we’ll talk about team communication and organization… and how they are likely the most important tool for surviving a Microservices development team.
Manuel Peña se considera un reciclado desde la ingeniería mecánica hacia el desarrollo de software. Concienciado de la necesidad de empatizar con las personas de su entorno y de la entrega continua de valor. Remoto por convicción y necesidad. Aquí un resumen de su carrera: https://trello.com/b/rQI4OK4S/manuel-pe %C3%B1a-angulo En WeCode ha dado un taller con formato Open Space donde proponía un clon de twitter con los frameworks MeteorJS y Vue. --------------------------- Todos los videos de WeCodeFest 2018 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVh1ycmimywRWoiShVodcH4 Todos los vídeos de la pasada edición de WTM en Madrid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-cZU3Oramg&list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVgiDv0Ya7sBxM9AOTmFhH7 Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/