Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
SESSION LEVEL: Basic SESSION LANGUAGE: English Are you interested in writing contributed modules, themes or distributions for Drupal 8? Then this is the session for you. In this session, we'll look at the most important APIs you would use to integrate with and best practices to use to ensure that your project is fully multilingual-ready. This session will be valuable to all contributors even those whose projects are not inherently multilingual. Even if your project is not immediately intended to be multilingual, having a multilingual-capable module, theme or distribution makes your solution appealing to a much broader audience and is likely to provide value to global users. Drupal 8 is a great platform to work with not only because it is so multilingual capable out-of-the-box, but also because you can easily expand while maintaining the translatability of your data. Drupal 8’s multilingual core offers a robust multilingual foundation, making the integration process much more seamless. The majority of Drupal 8's APIs are designed to support multilingual by default and make sane assumptions about common scenarios. As a result, there are several important things to keep in mind to build the best integration possible. In this session, we will walk through: Working with language APIs, and the language your data is in. Making your output strings translatable: t() and its friends, but also in twig templates Why you should and how to code translatable content entities. Customizing your field properties translatability so site builders can choose. Configuration translation: translating your configuration entities Intended Audience Drupal developers working with contrib or custom modules that are designed for multilingual or non-English sites would benefit from this session (that means nearly every Drupal developer out there). Drupal themers intending to make their theme templates translation ready. Attendees will walk away with knowledge to add Drupal 8 multilingual support to your modules, themes and distributions. Skill Levels This session is suitable for beginners or intermediate Drupal users. It is best if you come to the session with some exposure to OOP, Drupal 8 code and twig templates, but even if you don’t have that foundation I’m sure you can catch up. Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVNaEYO5GKQaN5x_tveHpjO Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
SESSION LEVEL: Intermediate SESSION LANGUAGE: Spanish Recorrido por el framework de migraciones de Drupal 8. Empezaremos revisando las opciones que proporciona Drupal (core y contrib) para realizar migraciones automáticas desde Drupal 5, 6 o 7, o Wordpress. Continuaremos exponiendo algunos escenarios complejos en los que se requiere implementar migraciones a medida para filtrar y procesar los datos de origen (de Drupal o fuentes diversas) antes de volcarlos en destino. Por último, veremos algunas estrategias que hemos usado para ejecutar la migración de grandes volúmenes de datos. Charla adecuada para niveles de iniciación y avanzados. Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVNaEYO5GKQaN5x_tveHpjO Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
SESSION LEVEL: Intermediate SESSION LANGUAGE: English Carto is one off the most powerful platform to visualize and analyze spatial data in the web ecosystem. In this session I will present a module I am working on to synchronize Drupal data with Carto to take advantage of the amazing features provided by this service. I will cover the different steps of the creation of the module and the different Drupal 8 APIs and components involved in this process. Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVNaEYO5GKQaN5x_tveHpjO Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
SESSION LEVEL: Basic SESSION LANGUAGE: English Is “luck” truly where opportunity meets preparation? Preparation is easy to understand, but what is opportunity? In this session I’ll talk dive into this and how to influence and create your own opportunities. We’ll discover that it’s not as random as you think. I’ll run down some examples of people from both inside and outside our community throwing caution (and embarrassment) to the wind, and striking up relationships that opened opportunities that changed the world. Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVNaEYO5GKQaN5x_tveHpjO Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
SESSION TYPE: Standard (45 min) SESSION LEVEL: Intermediate SESSION LANGUAGE: English "Nowadays it is very common to work in projects that depend on multiple external libraries. Historically, one of the challenges when working with external libraries, has been the little to no consistency in the way such libraries were organised, in regards to the way that files were loaded when needed. Not to mention maintenance and staying up to date with newer versions. Thanks to the new standards created for autoloading of PHP libraries, and tools like Composer, managing such dependencies is easier than ever before, and we can take advantage of this in Drupal 8 as well. This session will consist of two main parts: - Introduction to composer and its main commands. - How to use Drupal-project to scaffold projects in Drupal 8 in just a few minutes, and perform the daily tasks in the repository, like adding new modules, updating them, etc." Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVNaEYO5GKQaN5x_tveHpjO Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
SESSION TYPE: Lightning talk (10min) SESSION LEVEL: Intermediate SESSION LANGUAGE: Spanish "Cuando Tim Berners-Lee creó el World Wide Web en 1990 lo hizo pensando en una enorme biblioteca de documentos entrelazados. Por eso cuando diseñó su protocolo de comunicación (HyperText Transfer Protocol o HTTP) no se preocupó por la seguridad. Toda la información que HTTP envía es visible para cualquiera con mínimos conocimientos sobre redes. No fue hasta unos años después cuando Netscape desarrollo HTTPS, que añadía una capa de seguridad a HTTP. Toda la información se envía encriptada. Ya es posible hacer la compra semanal, gestionar las cuentas del banco o compartir las fotos de nuestras vacaciones con los amigos del instituto. Pero para que HTTPS funcione, debemos tener un certificado que garantice quien somos, solo así se puede crear una conexión segura. Y para garantizar que el certificado es cierto, los navegadores solo confían en los certificados creados por un número limitado de entidades. Estas entidades certificadoras siguen un costoso proceso para garantizar que somos quien decimos ser y cobran sus honorarios proporcionalmente. Así, para tener una conexión segura, lo que tenemos que hacer es gastar nuestro dinero en un certificado. Hasta que llegó Let’s encrypt. En la primavera de 2016 nació esta entidad certificadora avalada por una colección casi infinita de partners de casi todos los sectores de la industria. Rompe con la tradición en dos puntos: los certificados son gratuitos y el proceso para su creación automático. En Atenea tech hemos creado un certificado y lo hemos puesto a funcionar en un par de horas. Nos ha sorprendido tanto la sencillez del proceso que queremos compartirlo con vosotros. Nosotros tenemos un servidor virtual con Ubuntu y Apache. Si vuestro sistema es diferente el proceso debe ser muy parecido, solo debéis buscar en la página de Let’s encrypt." Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVNaEYO5GKQaN5x_tveHpjO Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
SESSION TYPE: Standard (45 min) SESSION LEVEL: Intermediate SESSION LANGUAGE: English "Developing a module in Drupal 8? Write the tests first! In this session I will try to explain how writing tests will not only validate your code, but will also help you write it: tests will help you organise and document your code in a better way and improve the overall developer experience. I will illustrate this by going through the different tools Drupal 8 has to offer (Unit, Kernel, Browser and Javascript), applying each of them to real and specific scenarios of an example module called 'Connect Four' Attendees can (but are not required to) clone the example module from https://github.com/nuez/connect_four. "Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVNaEYO5GKQaN5x_tveHpjO Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
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