Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Nowadays, Grails has become one of the best frameworks to implement modern web applications and RESTful microservice architectures. Furthermore, in Grails 3, AngularJS profiles with targeted plugins and code generation capabilities for rapidly building Single-Page Applications (SPAs) are included. In this speech, we will review the relevant concepts and tools that we need in order to achieve a successful partnership between both technologies. Particularly, we are presenting a solution based on the Gradle & NPM combination, which we are currently and successfully applying to our new projects.
Oracle decided to give JavaFX a pure Java-API – a good one. But we have to pay the price with longer code and worse readability. GroovyFX simplifies JavaFX development, makes it nicer and more groovy. This session compares JavaFX and GroovyFX and shows how easy JavaFX development can be.
Ratpack is asynchronous and non-blocking from the ground up. Subsequently a lot of the Ratpack API returns Promises or Operations. In this talk we’ll cover the Ratpack concept of Promises. We’ll cover how to use promises, how to test it and how to control execution flow. By the end of this talk you’ll feel like Neo from the Matrix.
Solución de la kata en Scala. Primera iteración buscando semántica y segunda con una aproximación más funcional. Más info: http://codely.tv/screencasts/finder-kata-scala/
En este video, continuamos con la evolución de Application Services hacia Command Handlers. Introduciremos el concepto de Command Bus y cuáles son sus beneficios. Por último, hablaremos sobre Tactician.
Spring Cloud it’s one of the most important projects by Pivotal, where they introduce the concept of “cloud native” applications: a discipline that encourages best practices for distributed systems (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, intelligent routing, micro-proxy, control bus, one-time tokens, global locks, leadership election, distributed sessions, cluster state). This session explains the different components of the Spring Cloud ecosystem, and show how to use them in Grails 3. In particular, the focus will be in Spring Cloud Config, Spring Cloud Netflix and Spring Cloud Consul.
The Amazon Echo is more than a home toy – you can have the real star trek experience in your home with hooks into home automation platforms, streaming music, news, help you cook, tell you jokes, etc. Now let’s Groovy all the things and make a Grails app that can host new Alexa skills! I will go over how to make them in two ways, via Grails 3 and web services and also via AWS Lamba. You can use Groovy for both of these approaches! I will bring a couple Alexa capable devices to demonstrate some fun things you can do with it. I’m sure if you don’t already have one you’ll be hacking away as soon as you get home!
Por Antonio Perez (@skarcha). Cómo generarlos e interpretarlos para encontrar los cuellos de botella en nuestros programas. Patrocinan: misfolletos.com (http://misfolletos.com), folletos y catálogos online. Enreda Cooperativa (http://enreda.coop/), Tecnología para la transformación social.
Objetos conectados, objetos que hablan entre sí y con su entorno de una forma silenciosa, de tal manera que utilicen la información que obtienen unos de otros para adaptarse y modificar su comportamiento y rendimiento, e incluso tomarán decisiones, en función de los agentes externos e internos: con la visión de nuestro CEO, José Luis Vallejo, sobre lo que está por venir con el #InternetOfThings iniciamos nuestra serie sobre #SngularInsight.