Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Our software needs to become reactive, this realization is widely understood: we need to consider responsiveness, maintainability, elasticity and scalability from the outset. Not all systems need to implement all these to the same degree, specific project requirements will determine where effort is most wisely spent, but in the vast majority of cases the need to go reactive will demand that we design our applications differently. In this presentation we explore several architecture elements that are commonly found in reactive systems (like the circuit breaker, various replication techniques, or flow control protocols). These patterns are language agnostic and also independent of the abundant choice of reactive programming frameworks and libraries, they are well-specified starting points for exploring the design space of a concrete problem: thinking is strictly required!
In this talk, we present Apache SAMOA, an open-source platform for mining big data streams with Apache Flink, Storm and Samza. Real time analytics is becoming the fastest and most efficient way to obtain useful knowledge from what is happening now, allowing organizations to react quickly when problems appear or to detect new trends helping to improve their performance. Apache SAMOA includes algorithms for the most common machine learning tasks such as classification and clustering. It provides a pluggable architecture that allows it to run on Apache Flink, but also with other several distributed stream processing engines such as Storm and Samza.
En esta jornada se tratará el desarrollo de videojuegos y como poder hacerse un hueco en este competitivo sector. Carles Pons y Daniel Garcia llevan 15 años desarrollando videojuegos, han cofundado Exelweiss y Akamon (Akamon ha sido recientemente vendida a Imperus por 23 millones de euros) Nos hablaran de cómo ha sido su experiencia, y cuales han sido sus aciertos y errores
The Garbage First Garbage Collector is scheduled to be the default collector in Java 9. Although it's supposed to be more self-tuning than any previous collector. tuning it can be very daunting. On the surface it looks like an evacuating generational collector but in reality it is very different. In this talk we'll deep dive into G1 and then use case studies to get an idea of how one might configure this collector to improve both application and GC throughput using information found in the GC logs.
Much of today's big data processing deals with structured data, while there are reports that up to 80% of big data may be unstructured. For more than a decade, RavenPack has been focused on deriving value from unstructured data. Here we'll look at how we've migrated to a cloud platform, and what advantages this gives us. We'll also consider some options we have now that were almost entirely impractical before.
Distributed systems are notoriously difficult to get right. We’re constantly improving the frameworks we use and the way we test production code, yet we rarely invest in tools for system design. The best design tools we have are still low-tech, like whiteboards and back-of-the-envelope calculations. Runway is a new tool to help design distributed and concurrent systems. It combines specification, simulation, visualization, and model checking into one tool, so you can write a single system model and do a bunch of useful things with it: the same model can help you evaluate a design’s correctness, availability, and performance while also helping others learn how the design works.
Interview with Heidi Howard, PhD at Cambridge University during J On The Beach 2016.
Interview with Jörg Schad from Mesosphere during J On The Beach 2016.
Interview with Kevin Crosbie, Director of product @RavenPack during J On The Beach 2016.
Interview with Quentin Adams, CEO at Clever Cloud during J On The Beach 2016.