Devoogle tiene indexados actualmente 17922 recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de software.

At the end of last post, we had eliminated some duplication from an Angular controller by using events to make it communicate with some of the widgets it was using. This was the code at that moment: Next we got advantage of the decoupling given by using events to move the rest of the code that had to do with the date range widget to an Angular directive. First we created the directive: where we moved the code that creates and initializes the date range widget. Then we moved all the html that wa...
SVG is the old new hot thing on the web today; we’re seeing it everywhere. Despite being around for quite a very long time, we’re only getting to know SVG today and finding new things about it every day. Getting started working with SVG may seem overwhelming at first. Where do we start? There are different ways to embed an SVG, so which one should we choose? What about browser support for SVG? How well does it work with CSS? In this talk Sara wants to give an overview of how to get started working with SVG, going over several point from creating and exporting SVGs, optimizing and embedding them, providing fallback for non-supporting browsers, dealing with CSS, and much more. The slides of this talk are available at #/ See other Codemotion talks at
NO. La sottile arte di trovare il tempo dove non esiste. Non abbiamo mai tempo per fare nulla. Quante volte avete detto: "Vorrei rilasciare un progetto Open Source" oppure "Vorrei studiare Obj-C e imparare a fare App!". E poi andate su GitHub e trovate persone che hanno rilasciato o contributo a CENTINAIA di progetti, conoscono 6-7 linguaggi di programmazione diversi e parlano a conferenze in giro per l'Italia e l'Europa. Come fanno a gestire il tempo? Sono più bravi di noi? NO è la risposta.
Every millisecond counts: Techniques, strategies, and tools for a Web Performance Jedi Wannabe Developers, Designers, and Project Managers love to promise high performance for their web apps. But they know they're lying. In fact most of the websites fail from a performance point of view. In this talk I focus on every aspect and strategy that you have to consider to to fulfill the promise: performance metrics, measurements and monitoring strategy, optimization best practices, the paradox of third-party content, image rendering, browser performance tools. With one goal in mind: finding small changes that led to some of the biggest performance gains.
PHP is the king, nodejs is the prince and Python is the fool. At Namshi, an e-commerce retailer based in Dubai serving the UAE and GCC, we are using different technologies to boost our architecture. We started with a common architecture based on PHP Nginx, Mysql and Memcache: the usual suspects. During last year the architecture changed a lot, using an SOA paradigm to meet expectations and the huge increase of traffic from several millions users throughout the year. But there’s more… In this talk we will show how funny, easy and rewarding is to integrate different technologies in your stack, with PHP always being the king of the whole system.
IBM: APIs and Data Intensive Applications Composed in Cloud - Michael Ballard Small Is Beautifu- Kevlin Henney Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? - Andrew Tanenbaum
The Google Demo Day Live stream.
Francesca Tosi ci spiega come HTML5 ha cambiato il modo di pensare il web e le applicazioni e del perché RTC è una "Disruptive API".
Diego Rodriguez-Losada nos propone una versión ampliada, y en un horario mas adecuado para todos los que trabajan, de su taller: "Introducción a Sistemas Distribuidos con ZMQ y Google Protocol Buffers" En este taller se hará una pequeña aplicacion de Inteligencia Artificial distribuida, usando ZMQ como protocolo de comunicaciones y Protocol Buffers (con generacion automatica de codigo) como sistema de serialización
Todos hemos escuchado hablar de los TMS (Tag Management System) en especial de Google Tag Manager. Haremos un repaso de los principales "Tag Managers" haciendo especial hincapié en GTM. Responderemos a preguntas cómo ¿qué es un Tag Manager? ¿Cómo me puede ayudar? y tendremos una primera toma de contacto con la herramienta de Google. Hector Ferrer Linkedin: Twitter: