Devoogle tiene indexados actualmente 17924 recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de software.

Bartek Gatz & Eve Stankiewicz (JIRA Product Managers). Recién llegados del Atlascamp: ¿Qué hay de nuevo, JIRA? Del 3 al 5 de Junio se celebra el Atlascamp en Berlín, cargado de noticias. ¿Quieres conocerlas de primera mano? Dos de los Product Manager de JIRA nos actualizarán hasta donde tengan permiso... Y además tendrás la oportunidad de charlar con ellos en los descansos y durante la comida. Una oportunidad única para las empresas que están usando JIRA y quieren sacar aún más partido. Charla grabada por Autentia.
Charla de José Morales Vicepresidente de Atlassian en el Atlassian Entreprise Day
Prosegur apostó por Atlassian hace ya varios años: JIRA, JIRA Agile, Bamboo, Fisheye...pero sobre todo Confluence. Además, son varios los plugins del Marketplace que han incorporado a su plataforma. Como en el caso de otras compañías, realmente son varios casos de éxito dentro de una misma organización.
During Atlassian Day in Madrid we had the chance of interviewing Aditya Phadke (Director of Technical Account Management at Atlassian), who kindly resumed us some of Atlassian's news. Introducing currently available TAM Program (Technical Account Manager), mr. Phadke exposed TAM's function, which implies technical support by Atlassian. This service could be offered through DEISER to big companies.
This is my solution to the Space Age problem in Clojure. In the first working iteration I made all "on-planet" functions use the on-earth function. I also used let forms to avoid magic numbers. It has a lot of duplication: In the next iteration I played with comp and partial to write the make-on-planet-function factory that can create "on-planet" functions as compositions of the on-earth function: Finally for the last version, I wrote a somehow more readable version of make-on-planet-function: Y...
I've just watched this great talk by David Nolen: Everything I Have Learned I Have Learned From Someone Else - por Garajeando
I've just watched this interesting talk by David Nolen: Immutability: Putting The Dream Machine To Work - por Garajeando
This is my solution to the Extract-Transform-Load problem in Clojure. I wrote several working versions in the REPL but this is the one that I finally submitted to Exercism as my first iteration: I used destructuring to extract the letters and score from the key-value pair which reduce was passing to the anonymous helper.It works but it's not very readable. In the second iteration I introduced a helper function, assoc-pairs, to improve its readability but the naming was still bad: So I renamed so...