Devoogle tiene indexados actualmente 18274 recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de software.

Joel on Software Dinner Reminder: Tonight’s Bellevue (WA) Joel on Software dinner will be at 7:30 at the food court at the Crossroads Mall. - por Joel On Software
Despite the fact that it was only a year or two ago that I was blubbering about how rich Windows GUI clients were the wave of the… Read more "Advice for Computer Science College Students" - por Joel On Software
Most college students, fortunately, are brash enough never to bother asking their elders for advice, which, in the field of computer science, is a good thing, because… Read more "News" - por Joel On Software
In response to the emergency in Asia, Fog Creek Software will donate 50% of all revenues earned this week (Dec 26 – Jan 1) to Oxfam. You… Read more "News" - por Joel On Software
Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story, by Paul Auster, was the inspiration for the movie Smoke.   - por Joel On Software
Brett has written up instructions for upgrading PHP to the latest version and getting it working with FogBugz. These instructions should be useful to anyone who needs… Read more "News" - por Joel On Software
Estoy ahora a toda máquina con la formación en Linux / Guadalinex. Estuve hace poco en un curso en Jaén, la semana pasada en otro curso en Mairena, en Enero tengo otro en Sevilla… Como ya comenté en la sección de Trabajo, formar es algo que me encanta, ya que se reunen varias facetas que […] - por Diego Freniche
Mercury News: “Accounting rule makers handed down long-awaited final guidelines Thursday that will force companies to deduct the value of billions of dollars of employee stock options… Read more "News" - por Joel On Software
“When you’re setting a price, you’re sending a signal. If your competitor’s software ranges in price from about $100 to about $500, and you decide, heck, my… Read more "News" - por Joel On Software
You’ve just released your latest photo-organizing software. Through some mechanism which will be left as an exercise to the reader, you’ve managed to actually let people know… Read more "Camels and Rubber Duckies" - por Joel On Software