
Recursos de programación de ci/cd
Do we expect autonomous empowered cross-functional squads to set up their CI/CD tooling and pipelines, automate infra, test and secure all the things, and, of course, run and monitor their product live? Oh wait, there’s more: they need to actually understand who their customers are, what they need from the product, what is causing friction, and what is the viability of our product as a net positive for the organization. Sounds familiar? Congratulations, you’re already playing Tetris with team cognitive load! Manuel Pais has presented this talk in Codemotion Madrid 2024 ___________ 🌟 Discover all Codemotion community activities: 🦸‍♂️ Become #CodemotionContributor: 🧡 Join our community: 🫶 Become #CodemotionPartner: #CodemotionConference #CodemotionMadrid #CodemotionCommunity #Codemotion #TechConference
DevOps is always known and common for the backend, but it is for both Frontend and Backend development. However, DevOps for frontend projects is slightly different from Backend, and here in this talk, I will walk you through details of what DevOps means for frontend developers, and how to create a CI/CD pipeline that contributes to improving productively and releasing cycle. Key takeaways: The different types of CI/CD pipeline Tool configuration Types of pipelines for integration, release, and deployment Application versioning and infrastructure management Teresa Wu has presented this talk in Codemotion Madrid 2024 ___________ 🌟 Discover all Codemotion community activities: 🦸‍♂️ Become #CodemotionContributor: 🧡 Join our community: 🫶 Become #CodemotionPartner: #CodemotionConference #CodemotionMadrid #CodemotionCommunity #Codemotion #TechConference
Choosing the Right Architecture Style Debate with Alex Soto, Viktor Farcic, Ana-Maria Mihalceanu, Cristian Cotes Some of the topics and questions we wanted to tackle during this debate were: What is an Architecture Style? Quality Attribute: Relation between Quality Attributes and Architectural Style In the same way that we have the threat modeling environment, how do we move this to our arch environment? The Second System Syndrome And many others. - Viktor Farcic is a Developer Advocate at CloudBees, a member of the Google Developer Experts and Docker Captains groups, and published author. His big passions are DevOps, Microservices, Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment (CI/CD) and Test-Driven Development (TDD). Viktor often speaks at community gatherings and conferences. He published The DevOps Toolkit Series and Test-Driven Java Development. His random thoughts and tutorials can be found in his blog - Cristian Cotes is CTO of MusicList, a young startup that aims to disrupt how users discover music. Before, he was a software engineer at Telefonica's moonshot factory, where he was the second software engineer that joined the company and helped to create a team with more than 20 engineers in a small period of time. In 2013, while he was a researcher in distributed systems at the University, he co-founded his first startup, a Dropbox-like open source synchronization platform. Due to his experience in companies where the goal is to build new products from scratch, he feels comfortable working in a fast-changing environment where the architecture has to be thought to support radical changes in requirements. - Alex Soto is a software engineer at Red Hat in Developers group. He is passionate about the Java world and software automation, and believes in the open source software model. Alex Soto is the creator of NoSQLUnit and Diferencia projects, member of JSR374 (Java API for JSON Processing) Expert Group, the co-author of the book Testing Java Microservices by Manning, and contributor of several open source projects. A Java Champion since 2017 and international speaker, he has talked about new testing techniques for microservices, and continuous delivery in the 21st century. - Ana-Maria Mihalceanu is a custom application development enthusiast, co-founder of Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community and a constant adopter of challenging technical scenarios. Some of her older experiments are available on Dzone. In 2016, as tech passionate of cloud application development she achieved IBM Certified Application Developer - Cloud Platform v1. Since then, she has enriched her cloud expertise by learning and certifying as a Salesforce Developer and attained a better understanding on how to integrate different types of cloud offerings. GSAS (2019 edition) -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: Organizer site:
La IA, lejos de quitarnos el trabajo, es una herramienta que va a potenciar nuestra visión de todo. Abre el espectro de nuestras pruebas y hace el tedioso trabajo repetitivo por nosotros. Además, nos permite ser más creativos y explorar nuevos caminos. En este webinar veremos cómo la IA no nos va a quitar el trabajo de QA, ¿te animas? ¿Quién es el ponente? Alejandro García Alfonso. Físico de carrera e informático de profesión formo parte del círculo de QSO en Paradigma. Desde pequeño me ha encantado cacharrear, desmontar y volver a montar con el fin de comprender y desde hace más de 15 años estoy tratando de llevar la calidad un paso más allá. Implantando procesos de buenas prácticas en los equipo de desarrollo y producto, procesos automatizados de CI/CD y llevando el SW a producción.
Descubre el poder transformador de la inteligencia artificial en el desarrollo de software. Únete a nosotros para explorar casos reales y presenciar cómo la IA puede potenciar tu productividad, elevar la calidad del código y acelerar el tiempo de desarrollo. No pierdas la oportunidad de estar a la vanguardia en la revolución del desarrollo de software, especialmente al crear una aplicación desde cero con IA. ¿De qué hablaremos? - Desarrollando con IA en Tiempo Real - Integración Continua y Despliegue Continuo (CI/CD) Potenciado por IA - Reflexiones sobre el desarrollo de Software con IA - La IA a través del tiempo: Desde sus raíces hasta los Modelos LLM ------------------- Síguenos en nuestras redes para enterarte de las próximas charlas: - Twitter: - Instagram: - LinkedIn: - Facebook:
Noticias de la semana en el mundo tecnológico, especialmente relacionadas con la programación. Abajo desglose minuto a minuto 🤟☕ ¡Aprovecha el Black Friday de Codely! 💸👉 El Café con Codely es el directo semanal que hacemos en Twitch cada viernes a las 9h CET. Algunas veces lo resubimos a YouTube para que se pueda consultar a posteriori a pesar de que se pierda en Twitch 😊 ﹤🍍﹥ Codely ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: ├ 🔖 Cursos: └ 👋 Redes sociales: ├ Desglose minuto a minuto: 00:00:00 Introducción al Café con Codely 00:00:28 ✨ Cómo trabajar con Lean, XP, TDD, TBD, y CI/CD 00:04:16 Diferencias entre Continuous Delivery y Continuous Deployment 00:05:51 Tests post-deploy que hacen rollback 00:08:08 Tests pre-deploy en Trunk-Based Development 00:10:42 Tests integración vs aceptación vs end-to-end 00:16:00 ✨ pkgx: Sucesor de brew para macOS 00:19:08 Black Friday en Codely 00:20:35 Patrón Change Data Capture para salir del legacy 00:23:26 ✨ OpenAI: Resumen del no-cambio de CEO 00:31:20 Cómo hablar del drama de OpenAI en la cena de acción de gracias 00:32:34 Anécdota hablando en entorno no técnicos 00:33:25 Keychron se pasa a los ratones: Keychron M6 Wireless Mouse 00:34:18 Usa Felt y Apify para mostrar trampas para turistas 00:35:50 Cursor: AI-first IDE 00:36:18 Redsys se cae (otra vez) 00:38:15 Homey: Plataforma de Smart Home con UX top 00:45:00 De screenshot a código con IA Open Source 00:45:48 Reservan nombres de paquetes en npm 00:46:32 Home Assistant: Huele a Open Source (UX no tan top) 00:49:03 Por qué se desordenan los mensajes en sistemas distribuidos como RabbitMQ 00:50:01 Seat Guru: Cómo elegir el mejor asiento en un avión 00:50:50 Slack app: Doble swipe para moverte entre canales 00:53:04 Google: La web puede ser mucho más que landings aburridas 00:54:04 Updates en Microsoft Copilot (antes Bing Chat) 00:54:50 Cloudflare pieza clave para aguantar portada en Hacker News 00:55:34 Resumen de cómo funciona el buscador de Google 00:57:32 Setup: ¿Cuántas Stream Deck son suficientes? 00:58:11 IcePanel: Diagramas de sistemas que no se quedan desactualizados 01:00:01 Biome supera el reto de portar prettier a Rust 01:01:49 ✨ Tips para mejorar tus mensajes de error 01:04:38 Infraestructura de Hacker News: 100$/mes 01:05:50 Krea AI: Tú Paint, la IA diseña 01:06:32 Diferencia entre cuenta individual y de empresa en Codely 01:07:47 YouTube perjudica UX si usas AdBlock 01:09:16 Push ifs up and fors down 01:12:40 Anuncio de Google Chrome en Las Vegas Sphere 01:15:10 Virus en el código de una prueba técnica 01:16:34 iMessage para Android: Bug de seguridad de Nothing 01:18:20 ✨ gpt-crawler: Crea tu CustomGPT en base a una web 01:19:52 Fey: Usan dynamic API de Next.js para optimizar 01:21:52 Stable Video Diffusion 01:23:42 Suno: Crea canciones con IA 01:26:18 ✨ Canción de Codely y DDD generada por IA 01:27:19 Nominación a GitHub Stars 01:28:46 Cómo mataron a Mercurial en Mozilla 01:30:31 WhatsApp integra IA y 2FA 01:31:34 GitHub Copilot Chat en JetBrains ya en beta privada 01:39:00 JetBrains AI Assistant vs GitHub Copilot 01:34:31 OPA de Blackstome y Premira a Adevinta 01:34:52 ✨ AltTab: Utilidad para macOS 01:36:06 Lo de interaccionar entre ventanas del navegador 01:36:31 Vision: De screenshot a código IA 01:37:16 Claude vs GPT-4-Turbo 01:37:55 Hechos en drama de OpenAI 01:38:11 Despedida
Have you ever struggled to release new versions of your application in a multicluster environment? How do you know that the new version of your application will work as expected and will give a great experience to the end user? By using CI/CD to deploy the new version across all clusters, advanced deployment capabilities and progressive delivery features to release a new version of an application without affecting the end user. We will achieve this in a Multicluster Service Mesh environment with the help of Istio, ArgoCD and Argo Rollouts. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
The purpose of the presentation is to explain what CI/CD is and what problems it can solve, also briefing on how to implement it, including a high-level demo. Use case for CI/CD will be presented based on the experience from speaker’s life during the beginning of her career, when confusion around different versions of the code and lack of good DevOps practices led not only to hours wasted on pointless application testing, decrease in productivity, but also - even though it is not easy to admit - to the conflict in developers’ team. The talk is about accepting that “to err is human”, and learning how to agree on and implement processes which will minimize impact of these potential errors, such as implementing version control system, branching strategies, and finally, CI/CD pipelines. It is also about learning by doing and learning from scratch, as the IT project the speaker was working on back then was the first IT project of the economic team. This fact makes that journey unique: the DevOps toolbox described in the talk was an actual response for real challenge. Usually it is the other way around, i.e. developers encounter DevOps practices because they are already implemented in the company they work in, and there is no space to experiment what would happen if they were not in place. Therefore, this talk may serve as a sandbox to observe that. This helps to understand the need for DevOps toolbox, as well as appreciate it more. Last, but not least, there will be a technical component: demo of CI/CD pipeline (stack: Terraform, GitHub Actions, AWS) automatically creating branch-based environments to ensure seamless and safe deployments, separation of work in progress, as well as opportunity to test it easily. The demo will be high level and focus on functionalities and its benefits, not code per se, to adjust for audiences with different backgrounds. Audiences interested in more technical deep dive would be able to access the repository with a code afterwards. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
Guillermo is a Telecom engineer with a backend development background, who transitioned to DevOps when someone had to deploy those new pesky microservices. He is also a Kubernetes administrator and is well-experienced in coaching developer teams to adopt good CI/CD practices.
Integrar la calidad en cada fase del ciclo de vida de la entrega de software no es fácil, pero reducir el riesgo y mejorar la calidad de las aplicaciones es obligatorio en un mundo tecnológicamente competitivo. ¿Cómo podemos mejorar nuestras Pipelines de CI/CD para lograr este objetivo? Esta charla os guiará a través de diferentes ejemplos de pruebas tempranas, automatización generada directamente a partir de requisitos, lo que permite que cualquier equipo aprenda basándose en feedback continuo. Explicaremos las distintas prácticas DevOps y cómo participa el QA en ella, el rol de QAOps. La charla incluye una DEMO con la herramienta Gitlab CICD para crear pipelines sin conocimientos previos y veremos como lanzar pipelines que incluye test unitarios, tests de API y tests de Cypress. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook: