
Recursos de programación de agile
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[Description in English below] ¡Bienvenidos al primer episodio de PodcAS, por Agile Spain! En esta entrevista perspicaz, tenemos el honor de hablar con Lyssa Adkins, una experta reconocida en coaching y liderazgo Agile. Únete a nosotros mientras profundizamos en el futuro de Agile, las prácticas de escalado y el liderazgo efectivo dentro de los marcos Agile. Temas cubiertos: La importancia de entender "por qué" las organizaciones necesitan agilidad Factores clave para un cambio cultural exitoso hacia una mentalidad Agile Elementos críticos para escalar prácticas Agile entre equipos y en toda la organización Perspectivas sobre liderazgo regenerativo y su relevancia para Agile Los desafíos que enfrentan los coaches Agile en sistemas complejos y cómo abordarlos La perspectiva de Lyssa sobre la evolución y el futuro de las metodologías Agile Sobre Lyssa Adkins: Lyssa Adkins es una figura destacada en la comunidad Agile, conocida por su experiencia en coaching y liderazgo Agile. Con casi dos décadas de experiencia, Lyssa ha contribuido significativamente a la evolución de las metodologías y prácticas Agile. Es apasionada por ayudar a las organizaciones e individuos a prosperar en entornos complejos a través de principios Agile y liderazgo regenerativo. No olvides darle "me gusta", comentar y suscribirte para más entrevistas y discusiones sobre prácticas Agile. ¡Activa las notificaciones para estar al día con nuestros últimos videos! #AgileSpain #PodcAS #LyssaAdkins #LiderazgoAgile #CoachingAgile #FuturoDeAgile ¿Ya has visto nuestro anterior video entrevistando a Mike Cohn? ¡No te lo pierdas! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the first episode of PodcAS, by Agile Spain! In this insightful interview, we have the honor of speaking with Lyssa Adkins, a renowned expert in Agile coaching and leadership. Join us as we dive deep into the future of Agile, scaling practices, and effective leadership within Agile frameworks. Topics Covered: The importance of understanding "why" organizations need agility Key factors for successful cultural change towards an Agile mindset Critical elements for scaling Agile practices between teams and across organizations Insights into regenerative leadership and its relevance to Agile The challenges Agile coaches face in complex systems and how to address them Lyssa's perspective on the evolution and future of Agile methodologies About Lyssa Adkins: Lyssa Adkins is a prominent figure in the Agile community, known for her expertise in Agile coaching and leadership. With nearly two decades of experience, Lyssa has contributed significantly to the evolution of Agile methodologies and practices. She is passionate about helping organizations and individuals thrive in complex environments through Agile principles and regenerative leadership. Haven't you seen our previous video with Mike Cohn yet? Check it out!
En este segundo episodio profundizaremos en la importancia del agile coach en la gestión de métricas clave que determinan el éxito de los proyectos. Exploraremos cómo estas métricas pueden impulsar mejoras significativas en los resultados de negocio, producción y calidad. A lo largo del webinar presentaremos métricas esenciales que son aplicables a la mayoría de los proyectos y compartiremos un caso de estudio para ilustrar su implementación y beneficios. Si quieres ver el primer episodio pincha aquí abajo:
Allen Holub is an internationally recognized software architect and organizational agility consultant. He speaks internationally about these topics and related implementation technology, like microservices, and provides in-house training and consulting in those areas. He excels at building highly effective software organizations and designing and building robust, highly scalable software suitable for agile environments. He's worn every hat from CTO to grunt programmer. Allen is widely published. His works include ten books, hundreds of articles in publications ranging from Dr Dobb’s Journal to IBM DeveloperWorks, and video classes for, Pluralsight (Picturing Architecture, Object-Oriented Design), and O’Reilly (Design Patterns in the Real World).
Modern software is developed iteratively, enhanced actively and released often to production. By following the ideas of evolutionary architectures one can evolve architectures incrementally and support a modern software lifecycle without the need of big bang changes. Fitness Functions provide guidance by giving objective measures of "how good" the last incremental architecture modification was. Rene Weiß supports agile software development endeavors for more than 15 years. Having had different roles as software developer, software architect, project manager, Scrum Master, Product Owner, coach&trainer and head of software development he can rely on plenty of experience in a variety of settings and industries. Today, as the CTO of FINABRO, he is responsible for the platform & product teams to deliver systems that enable more people to save for their future retirement. (Visions Satz kopieren) He also likes to write and speak about (evolutionary) software architectures and agile development teams. We will upload this streaming as well as other GSAS related video content on Apiumhub Youtube channel -- 9/11 at 12:00 ( Barcelona time ) 40 minutes talk and then questions and answers You can write down your questions on the live chat, and they will be answered at the end of the talk.
Designing software systems has always been challenging. The demand for greater business agility, faster cycle times, and bigger returns on investment has only increased the challenges software architects face. It’s often more than a single person can reasonably handle. In my book, Design It!: From Programmer to Software Architect, I described the essential knowledge and a set of foundational skills necessary to level up a team’s software design practice. Perhaps you’ve noticed something similar as I have – when the whole team is able to actively contribute to the design of a software system, things seem to go just a little bit smoother, hard problems become just a little less risky. In this session, we’ll briefly review the main points from Design It!, and explore some new ideas about growing teams of software designers. I’d love it if most of our time is spent on questions and discussion. About the Author Michael Keeling is a software engineer at Kiavi and the author of Design It!: From Programmer to Software Architect. Prior to Kiavi, he worked at IBM on the Watson Discovery Service and has experience with a variety of software systems including service-oriented architectures, enterprise search systems, and even combat systems. Michael is an award-winning speaker and regularly participates in the architecture and agile communities. He holds a Masters in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mell. About the Organizer Apiumhub is a software development hub that builds goal-driven working software. Apiumhub helps software engineers enjoy their work by improving their estimation, development, QA, automation, and delivery practices. Also, Apiumhub is the organizer of Global Software Architecture Summit.
Allen Holub is an internationally recognized software architect and organizational agility consultant. He speaks internationally about these topics and related implementation technology, like microservices, and provides in-house training and consulting. He excels at building highly effective software organizations and designing and building robust, highly scalable software suitable for agile environments. He's worn every hat from CTO to grunt programmer. Allen is widely published. His works include ten books, hundreds of articles in publications ranging from Dr Dobb’s Journal to IBM DeveloperWorks, and video classes for, Pluralsight (Picturing Architecture, Object-Oriented Design), and O’Reilly (Design Patterns in the Real World).
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que dibujaste? ¿Necesitas dibujar en tu trabajo y te da vergüenza? En este webinar os enseñaré algunos trucos para volver a dibujar y ser capaces de materializar el mensaje que queremos transmitir. ¿Quién es el ponente? Iratxe Kaltzakorta. Soy Ingeniera Técnica en Informática de Gestión por la Universidad de Deusto pero llevo más de 10 años trabajando en entornos ágiles, ejerciendo de scrum master y/o agile coach e implantando metodologías ágiles y Management 3.0. Creo en otras formas de comunicar y sé que jugando aprendes más.
Software architecture evolution, what to expect? Panel Discussion with Michael Feathers, Ian Gorton, Álvaro García, Eoin Woods Some of the topics and questions we wanted to tackle during this panel discussion were: Silver Bullets: What are they? Have we seen one in the past 10-15 years? Do you expect to see one? Many good ideas that seem to be good on paper, but turn out to be the opposite. How to detect them early on? Are we trending towards more common principles? More specialized? Is architecture becoming more specific or more generalized? Is it really evolving? How to make this evolution happen? What kind of evolution are we seeing here? Natural selection or Human selection? And many others... Michael Feathers: Founder of R7K Research & Conveyance, specializing in software and organization design. Involved in early Agile movement. Author of "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" and "Brutal Refactoring." Ian Gorton: Director of Computer Science Masters programs at Northeastern University. Formerly worked at Carnegie Mellon University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Specializes in designing massively scalable software architectures for big data applications. Eoin Woods: CTO at Endava, leading technical strategy and capability development. Co-author of "Software Systems Architecture." Recipient of the 2018 Linda Northrup Award for Software Architecture. Álvaro García: Principal Engineer at Apiumhub, believer in eXtreme Programming methodology. Co-organizer of Barcelona Software Craftsmanship meetups. Active in IT industry since 2005. GSAS (2019 edition) -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: Organizer site:
El desarrollo de software es un mundo donde personas convierten necesidades en soluciones a través de tecnología. Hay muchas formas de hacer esta conexión, unas con mejor resultado que otras. Muchas dicen ser Agile pero los equipos suelen fallar en la calidad. ¿Será que Agile no funciona sin excelencia técnica? La verdad está ahí fuera. XP es un conjunto de valores, principios y prácticas de desarrollo Agile cuya máxima es la calidad tanto del software producido como de la vida de los equipos de desarrollo. ¿Conoces las prácticas deXP-Files series? Y como la teoría es más atractiva que la realidad ¿las has experimentado? ¿has visto XP en acción? Desde los fracasos más rotundos con las ideas más simples, a auténticos casos de éxito que no podrás creer que funcionaran, con esta charla quiero compartir mis experiencias de cómo las prácticas de XP se han ido cruzando en mi camino. Todas son situaciones reales que he vivido en distintos capítulos de mi vida profesional y diferentes contextos organizacionales. Voy a contarlo desde mi rol de facilitadora Agile, guiando a los equipos con los que he trabajado hacia una cultura de excelencia técnica y responsabilidad sobre el código. Podría ser una temporada de una serie de ciencia ficción. Una cosa es segura: de todos ellos hemos aprendido mucho, y quiero compartirlos.