
Recursos de programación de go
La IA generativa es una tecnología revolucionaria que está transformando múltiples industrias, desde la creación de contenido hasta el desarrollo de software. Pero, ¿Cómo está cambiando el panorama tecnológico y empresarial? ¿cómo pueden las empresas aprovechar esta tecnología para impulsar la innovación y el crecimiento? Hoy nos acompaña Rodrigo Aldecoa para explicarnos cómo están utilizando la IA generativa en su compañía. Link mencionado en el episodio: https://www.lexa-go.com/ ¿Quieres ver nuestros tutoriales? https://www.youtube.com/c/ParadigmaDigital/playlists ¿Quieres escuchar nuestros podcasts en Spotify? https://open.spotify.com/show/4IQF9XRgHN7j5Mz52t9wJS?si=7ba64ce69fc04a92 ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: https://www.paradigmadigital.com/eventos/
Pratim is the maintainer of the SurrealDB Go SDK. She has worked with multiple DevTool companies and helped them with Developer Experience. She enjoys writing articles on Go and building projects with SurrealDB. She is an active supporter of Women in Tech and hosts multiple meetups/workshops for the community.
From handheld AI-agents to GenAI powered robotics: LPUs (Language Processing Units) and LAMs (Large Action Models) are reshaping the AI landscape. In this rollercoaster talk, Rodger Werkhoven will dive deep into the cutting-edge developments transforming the field of generative AI. Attendees will learn how ultra-fast Language Processing Units (LPUs) and Large Action Models (LAMs) are enabling a new class of AI agents that go beyond mere language understanding to actively execute complex, multi-step tasks. Rodger will showcase how advanced AI capabilities are being embedded into wearable devices and even humanoid robots, thanks to the power of also open source development of new GenAI concepts. His talk will also explore OpenAI's latest innovation, Sora - a diffusion model capable of generating photorealistic videos from text prompts. Exclusive demos will highlight Sora's potential to revolutionize fields like robotics, gaming, and virtual assistants. Throughout his presentation, Rodger Werkhoven will draw upon the latest research and real-world case studies to illustrate how the convergence of LPUs, LAMs, open source AI, and multimodal generative models is bringing us closer to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) at an unprecedented pace. Rodger Werkhoven has presented this talk in Codemotion Madrid 2024 ___________ 🌟 Discover all Codemotion community activities: https://community-en.codemotion.it 🦸‍♂️ Become #CodemotionContributor: https://community-en.codemotion.it/community/become-contributor 🧡 Join our community: https://community-en.codemotion.it/community/ 🫶 Become #CodemotionPartner: https://community-en.codemotion.it/partners/proposal #CodemotionConference #CodemotionMadrid #CodemotionCommunity #Codemotion #TechConference
Kubernetes is the go-to platform for scaling containers, but it can be daunting for developers, particularly with the discrepancies between local and production environments. Podman and Podman Desktop bridge this gap. In this talk, we'll introduce Podman and unveil Podman Desktop, an open-source GUI tool that streamlines container workflows and is compatible with Podman, Docker, and more. It serves as a beginner-friendly launchpad to Kubernetes, enabling you to spin up local clusters or work with remote environments. Alex Soto has presented this talk in Codemotion Madrid 2024 ___________ 🌟 Discover all Codemotion community activities: https://community-en.codemotion.it 🦸‍♂️ Become #CodemotionContributor: https://community-en.codemotion.it/community/become-contributor 🧡 Join our community: https://community-en.codemotion.it/community/ 🫶 Become #CodemotionPartner: https://community-en.codemotion.it/partners/proposal #CodemotionConference #CodemotionMadrid #CodemotionCommunity #Codemotion #TechConference
Designing software systems has always been challenging. The demand for greater business agility, faster cycle times, and bigger returns on investment has only increased the challenges software architects face. It’s often more than a single person can reasonably handle. In my book, Design It!: From Programmer to Software Architect, I described the essential knowledge and a set of foundational skills necessary to level up a team’s software design practice. Perhaps you’ve noticed something similar as I have – when the whole team is able to actively contribute to the design of a software system, things seem to go just a little bit smoother, hard problems become just a little less risky. In this session, we’ll briefly review the main points from Design It!, and explore some new ideas about growing teams of software designers. I’d love it if most of our time is spent on questions and discussion. About the Author Michael Keeling is a software engineer at Kiavi and the author of Design It!: From Programmer to Software Architect. Prior to Kiavi, he worked at IBM on the Watson Discovery Service and has experience with a variety of software systems including service-oriented architectures, enterprise search systems, and even combat systems. Michael is an award-winning speaker and regularly participates in the architecture and agile communities. He holds a Masters in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mell. About the Organizer Apiumhub is a software development hub that builds goal-driven working software. Apiumhub helps software engineers enjoy their work by improving their estimation, development, QA, automation, and delivery practices. Also, Apiumhub is the organizer of Global Software Architecture Summit.
Bridging backend and front-end logic has always been a headache. You need to rewrite the logic in multiple frameworks and languages which requires more resources and expertise. As specifications scale, this becomes unmanageable. The dream is to write a package once and reuse it everywhere. Even though Rustacians are the ultimate nemesis of Gophers, utilising the potential of some Rust features like memory safety, and performance in your Go code can be a game changer. Traditionally, developers have navigated this challenge with manual bindings to C. However the code ends up with more patchwork than efficiency and consumes significant time. Enter UniFFI and uniffi-bindgen-go. UniFFI, developed by Mozilla, is a tool designed to generate foreign-language bindings automatically. This simplifies the development and maintenance of a cross-platform codebase. In this talk, we will generate Go bindings effortlessly for Rust libraries using uniffi-bindgen-go. We'll walk through its mechanics, see a live demo of its implementation and compare it with traditional ways.
Sígueme en esta historia donde te contaré cómo pasamos en Genially de una idea, un insight a una feature 100% desplegada en producción con su Go to Market incluido. Vamos a ver todo el value-stream por el cual pasamos, los actores, viendo cómo nos organizamos, procesos que seguimos, el tooling que usamos para las diferentes fases y algunas curiosidades más. Seguro que pasamos un rato entretenido.
Pratim Bhosale, Backend Developer and Developer advocate at SurrealDB, will discuss making Go talk to Rust at J On The Beach 2024.
📢 Il Futuro è ora: verso una Tecnologia Sostenibile 📆 giovedì 18 aprile; 🕛 alle 18:30; 💻 live sui canali Linkedin, YouTube e Twitch di Codemotion. Mentre l'innovazione si muove alla velocità della luce, una nuova consapevolezza sta emergendo: c'è il bisogno impellente di un futuro tecnologico sostenibile. In questo meetup Davide, Roberto e Mara si confronteranno in un dibattito sui temi di tecnologia e sostenibilità, consentendoci di conoscere obiettivi, sfide e complessità vantaggi del green tech, dall'efficienza energetica alla riduzione delle emissioni, fino all'impatto sociale ed economico delle scelte sostenibili nello sviluppo del software. Ospiti: ⭐ Davide Bianchi | Senior Tecnical Leader @Mia-Platform Appassionato di sviluppo e operations, dopo una laurea in Fisica Davide ha comunicato la sua avventura nel mondo dello sviluppo. Con oltre 5 anni di esperienza in NodeJS, React, Go e Kubernetes, Davide è oggi Senior Tecnical Leader di Mia-Platform. Open souce fan and contributor. ⭐ Mara Marzocchi | Co-founder @Codemotion Mara è Co-Founder di Codemotion. Da sempre appassionata di tecnologia, in Codemotion si occupa dell’ingaggio della tech community e della relazione con gli sviluppatori e le sviluppatrici. Diversity e inclusion sono la sua missione. Ama gli animali, il quartiere dove vive (la Garbatella), il Franciacorta e suoi gatti (Bart e Lisa). ⭐ Roberto Freato | CTO @Witailer e Retex Con una solida formazione in informatica e una specializzazione in cloud computing, in particolar modo su Azure, Roberto ha iniziato la sua carriera come consulente freelance. Ha ricevuto riconoscimenti come Microsoft MVP dal 2010 e ha scritto diversi libri su Azure. Ha contribuito a iniziative educative e ha parlato in molti eventi del settore. Come CTO di Retex e Witailer il suo obiettivo è fornire leadership e coordinamento tecnologico strategico. Master of Ceremonie: Luca Fregoso | Dev Talent Partner & Content Manager in Codemotion Vi aspettiamo live il 18 aprile: https://community.codemotion.com/codemotion-italy/meetups/il-futuro-ora-verso-una-tecnologia-sostenibile ------------------------------------------------------------- 🌟 Scopri tutte le novità e le iniziative della community di Codemotion: https://community-it.codemotion.it 🦸‍♂️ Diventa #CodemotionContributor: https://community-it.codemotion.it/community/diventa-contributor 🧡 Unisciti alla community su Telegram: https://t.me/aperitech 📆 Aggiungi il DevCalendar alla tua agenda: https://codemo.tech/devcalendar 🫶 Diventa #CodemotionPartner: https://community-it.codemotion.it/partner/proposta 📍 Scopri l'iniziativa Cerco / Offro location per tech meetup: https://community-it.codemotion.it/partner/cerco-offro-spazi-per-meetup
Event-Driven Architecture reflects how we conduct business in real life - asynchronously and in response to events. That is why it is gaining popularity as the go-to architectural pattern for building enterprise applications. ZenWave 360º is a set of tools built on the foundations of Domain Driven Design and API-First principles for Event-Driven Architectures to help developers Create Software Easy To Understand. In this session we will be building in real-time an Event-Driven Architecture with ZenWave ZDL Modeling Language, AsyncAPI and OpenAPI using MongoDB as data store and Kafka as message broker.