
Recursos de programación de scala
Benefits of distributed tracing for performance evaluation in distributed systems, how it helped us at Quantexa identify a bottleneck and examples of implementation using Scala and Monads
Effective Architecture Practices Debate with Álvaro García, Sandro Mancuso, George Fairbanks, Juan Manuel Serrano, Carlos Blé, Eoin Woods Some of the topics and questions we wanted to tackle during this debate were: Effectiveness vs Efficiency How to measure the effectiveness & efficiency of certain practices? How can we generate our KPIs? How can we measure waste? Comparison between the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) and the Scenario Based Analysis Method Evolution of a software architecture And many others Sandro Mancuso: A software craftsman, author, and founder of the London Software Craftsmanship Community (LSCC). With extensive experience in various projects and industries, Sandro is known for promoting Software Craftsmanship and Extreme Programming practices globally through speaking engagements and consultancy work. George Fairbanks: A software developer, consultant, educator, and speaker with a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He has diverse experience in software development, including work at Google, and is renowned for his contributions to software architecture, as evidenced by his book "Just Enough Software Architecture" and participation in conferences and publications. Juan Manuel: The CTO and co-founder of Habla Computing, specializing in Scala and functional programming for real-world applications in the banking sector. He is also active in the Scala community, organizing meetups and conferences, and has extensive experience in both industry and academia. Carlos Blé: Founder of Lean Mind, a software craftsmanship boutique, Carlos is passionate about collaborative work with customers and users. He is an advocate for open source and has a wealth of experience as an XP (eXtreme Programming) practitioner, consultant, trainer, and speaker, with notable contributions to the Spanish-speaking software development community. Eoin Woods: The CTO at Endava, Eoin leads the technical strategy for the company and is recognized for his expertise in software architecture, distributed systems, and computer security. He is a published author, conference speaker, and active member of the London software engineering community, having received awards for his contributions to the field. Álvaro García: A software developer and Principal Engineer at Apiumhub, Álvaro is a proponent of eXtreme Programming methodology and is involved in organizing software craftsmanship meetups in Barcelona. He is dedicated to continuous learning and providing feedback to technology authors, with over a decade of experience in the IT industry across various roles and sectors. GSAS (2019 edition) -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: Organizer site:
Join us for an engaging interview with Andrea Magnorsky, a highly experienced Software Architect, Systems Thinker, and Scala Consultant. In this interview, Andrea shares her journey as a professional programmer with over 20 years of experience, including her co-founding of BatCat Games, a prominent game development company in Ireland. Discover Andrea's passion for strongly typed functional languages and software architecture as she discusses her current role as a consultant/contractor. Furthermore, Andrea's interest in mobility, particularly Electric Vehicles (EVs) and conversions from ICE, adds an intriguing aspect to the conversation. Dive into Andrea's technical interests, including F#, game development, programming languages, and the philosophy of computing. Learn about her love for exploring different coding approaches and her involvement in organizing Functional Kats and GameCraft. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from Andrea Magnorsky, a distinguished figure in the world of functional languages, game development, and software architecture. -- The Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) is a 3-day event that aims to attract and connect software architecture experts from all over the world as well as all those interested in building working software to improve their skills, share knowledge, and connect. The event features two days of talks by industry experts such as Mark Richards, Neal Ford, Nathaniel Schutta and one day of workshops. It is focused on software architecture topics as backend & frontend development, DDD, mobile development techniques, software architecture models & beyond. The summit is held every year, so if you are interested in attending do not hesitate to buy your ticket. It is an excellent opportunity to give your career a boost and meet professionals in the industry. EVENT ORGANIZER: APIUMHUB Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Every year, we host this event in Barcelona to support the software architecture community and provide a space for the exchange of new and interesting ideas. -- GSAS website: Organizer site: -- 0:00 Welcome 1:20 Andrea Magnorsky's Introduccion 3:12 Global Software Architecture Summit 4:28 GSAS 2023 edition 8:02 Software Architecture insights 10:40 Any mentions on GSAS23 beyond your talk? 11:50 Contributing to the community 13:00 Maybe a new book? 16:10 Closure
xef es una de las librerías más potentes que existen para trabajar con AI y Raúl Raja es uno de sus creadores. Hoy vamos a ver cómo se utiliza y cómo funciona por dentro para exprimir este lado de la programación. Esta librería es una alternativa a LanchChain, pero para el mundo Kotlin, Java, Scala, C# y siempre respetando el tipado de los datos. ﹤🍍﹥ Enlaces ricos ├ 🐦 Twitter Raul: └ 🧑‍🍳 xef: ﹤🍍﹥ CodelyTV ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: ├ 🐦 Twitter CodelyTV: ├ 💂‍♀️ Twitter Rafa: ├ 📸 Instagram: ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: ├ 🟦 Facebook: └ 📕 Catálogo cursos:
Welcome to "Talks withs software development experts". A new iniciative by Apiumhub. Where we will have interviews with software development experts and leaders of software development communities. Today we interview Juan Manuel Serrano, CTO & cofounder at habla computing & computer scientist at URJC. 📕 ¿Qué libros recomendarías a tus compañeros? El libro rojo: El libro azul: Wadler: Eugenia Cheng. 💻¿Qué expertos en desarrollo de software recomendarías seguir? Bartosz millewski. Jeremy gibbons. Oleg Kyseliov. 📃 ¿Cuáles son tus blogs/vlogs favoritos sobre desarrollo de software? Bartosz Millewski. Gabriella Gonzalez. Dan piponi. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 00:00 Introducción 00:30 ¿Quién es Juan Manuel Serrano? 1:32 ¿Qué destacarías del año 2022? 3:55 Eventos de software favoritos 7:05 Libros y autores de referencia 10:52 Desempeño en la URJC 12:18 Nuevas formas de aprendizaje 14:10 Objetivos para 2023 16:54 Despedida
Join the Lambda World Programming Meetup - Cádiz Chapter and ScalaMAD for a presentation from Juan Manuel Serrano from Habla Computing & the University Rey Juan Carlos for a talk on Scala. A Few Things You Always Wanted to Know About Tagless-Final* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) - Is tagless-final the same as the MTL style? - Which is the type of tagless-final programs for a given algebra? - Pattern-matching on tagless-final terms ... is that possible? - Bottom-up or top-down? How do I optimize tagless-final programs? These are some questions about the tagless-final style which we will attempt to answer in this talk (using Scala). In doing so, common themes in functional programming practice will pop-up everywhere: phantom types, type systems, Church encodings, Reader/Writer monads, etc. Familiarity with the style is not mandatory, but it will help. We'll do our best to make a programmer-friendly talk! Lambda World on Twitter - --- This Meetup is proudly sponsored by: Xebia Functional - Habla Computing -
Aparte de java, existen más lenguajes que pueden correr en la Máquina virtual de Java (JVM). Existen lenguajes creados específicamente para la JVM, como Scala, Kotlin o Groovy. También hay implementaciones de lenguajes populares para que puedan correr en la JVM, como Jython (Python), JRuby (Ruby) o Quercus (PHP). #KnowledgePills #Back #LenguajesAlternativosJVM Descarga nuestras píldoras de conocimiento en formato ficha 👉 Síguenos en nuestras redes para estar al día de las novedades: - Twitter: - Instagram: - LinkedIn: - Facebook:
Software Crafters Barcelona is a two day event which aims to attract and connect software development professionals, who feel passion for their work and share the values and principles of the Crafters movement. It aspires to be a meeting place that facilitates the magic of learning, teaching and collaboration, where participants create a gratifying and enriching experience. It doesn't matter who you are, your knowledge level or your favorite programming language. We encourage you to participate There are great teams out there who are obsessed with the idea of breaking down complex problems into smaller, easier to solve problems. Many of them are choosing a combination of agile and domain-driven design, where this idea is predominant. Local reasoning is a good way to tackle a problem, as long as we don't lose sight of the bigger picture: the purpose for which we write a program. Achieving this global vision is challenging and requires some strategy. We simply cannot catch up with a smart idea plus some luck. It forces us to learn new ways to give more weight to the purpose than to the details of implementation. This talk will challenge some best practices that are generally accepted, and will present others that in some cases could be superior in outcome. This story is part of my own journey transitioning from object-oriented to functional programming. A journey that took me to scrutinise some of the habits that I learned in the past and understand them in depth. I hope I can foster an open-minded discussion that will give everyone more options for their future decisions. I will present code examples, mostly in Java and Scala. #SoftwareCraftersBarcelona`21 #SoftwareCraftersBarcelona #SCBCN21 Síguenos en nuestras redes para estar al día de las novedades: - Twitter: - Instagram: - LinkedIn: - Facebook:
La serialización de Java es el caballo de batalla de la JVM, donde los fallos de seguridad no parecen llegar a su fin. Además, con las arquitecturas de microservicios en la nube, el intercambio de información entre múltiples plataformas de forma rápida y segura se ha vuelto más indispensable que nunca. JSON se ha impuesto como el intercambio de datos en la WEB, pero tiene sus limitaciones: transformar a objetos de json puede resultar lento por su naturaleza basada en texto. Protocol Buffers, Protobuf, es un mecanismo para serializar datos de forma binaria entre múltiples plataformas. Protobuf es estructurado, compacto, rápido y simple. ¿Cómo utilizar Protobuf en tus aplicaciones distribuídas y servicios? ¿Merece la pena? En esta charla, través de ejemplos sencillos con proyectos que utilizan Protobuf, espero que descubras esto y mucho más. #Sobre la ponente Katia Aresti Katia Aresti is a software engineer at Red Hat, part of the Infinispan/Datagrid team since 2017. She has been in the field since 2005, most of the time coding as a backend developer in Java/Scala. Katia is very involved in user groups since 2010, she co-organises the french chapter of Duchess since then, and she is very active mentoring and sharing knowledge whenever she can. She is also one of the @NoSoloTech podcast co-founders.
L'Agile sta vivendo tempi interessanti: dal budgeting alle risorse umane, dalla leadership alla facilitazione. Un filo comune inizia ad emergere: l'agile sembra essere ormai ben oltre il software. Ma quali sono le implicazioni per le aziende, i leaders e i professionisti che gravitano attorno al settore? E mentre nessuno sembra più parlare di software e cresce sempre di più la moltitudine di keywords - e anche buzzwords - utilizzate nel campo (agile HR, agile marketing, digital transformation, business agility, etc) quali saranno i risvolti di questo cambiamento nell'ecosistema e che impatti hanno o avranno sul panorama dell'industria italiana? Questa è una riflessione ad alta voce sullo stato dell'arte dell'agile, su dove siamo e dove saremo in futuro. Perchè qualsiasi tema che riguardi dei cambiamenti su larga scala merita anche una riflessione etica. Questo #AperiTech Codemotion é stato realizzato da Agile Talks ( in collaborazione con SAM, Scrum Agile Milano, comunità di agilisti di Milano ( * Speaker: Matteo Carella è un Agile Coach, Trainer, facilitatore e conference speaker. Ha lavorato in diversi settori: dallo sviluppo software alla UX, in ambito digital transformation e nel campo HR. Ha lavorato con teams, gruppi di lavoro e fatto da coach a top managers e Leader di livello C in diversi contesti aziendali quali IT, welfare, banking e TELCO. La sua mission è "aiutare le aziende a fare business nell'incertezza". Per restare aggiornato su tutti gli #AperiTech: Telegram #AperiTech Calendario del Developer Codemotion Tech Community