
Recursos de programación de node
📢 Data analytics per tutti. Imparare ad analizzare, visualizzare e raccontare i dati 📅 mercoledì 19 giugno; 🕛 ore 19:00; 💻 live sui canali Linkedin, Twitch e YouTube di Codemotion Data analytics per tutti. Imparare ad analizzare, visualizzare e raccontare i dati Si parte da un'introduzione a Node.js e alla sua storia, per poi passare all'installazione e configurazione del software. 🦸‍♂️ MC: Arnaldo Morena, Andrea Maietta e Savino Carlone 🗣️ Ospite: Andrea De Mauro ------------------------------------------------------------- 🌟 Scopri tutte le novità e le iniziative della community di Codemotion: 🦸‍♂️ Diventa #CodemotionContributor: 🧡 Unisciti alla community su Telegram: 📆 Aggiungi il DevCalendar alla tua agenda: 🫶 Diventa #CodemotionPartner: 📍 Scopri l'iniziativa Cerco / Offro location per tech meetup:
Framework Attack, ci sta sfuggendo di mano? Esploriamo come navigare l'evoluzione dei framework di sviluppo. Unisciti a noi per scoprire strategie efficaci e analizzare l'era del framework attack. 📆 giovedì 13 giugno; 🕛 ore 18:30; 💻 live sui canali Linkedin, Twitch e YouTube di Codemotion. Ospiti: ⭐ Fabio Biondi | Google Developer Expert in Angular & Web Technologies Microsoft MVP e Google Developer Expert in web technologies con specializzazione Angular, con più di 15 anni di esperienza nella creazione di applicazioni web enterprise.Sviluppatore, istruttore e speaker in più eventi. Ha fondato e gestisce diverse community italiane che si occupano di Javascript, Angular e React (quasi 20000 membri). Attualmente si occupa di formazione, code review e mentoring principalmente su Angular, React, Javascript / Typescript, Redux, NGRX e RxJS. ⭐Paolo Insogna | Staff Developer Experience Engineer @NearForm Node.js TSC Member, Polyglot Developer. RPG e LARP addicted e nerd su tanto altro! Da Campobasso, somemrso da adorabili gatti paffuti! Master of Ceremonies: Luca Fregoso | Dev Talent Partner & Content Manager in Codemotion 👉 Iscriviti all'evento Linkedin per non perderti la live! ➡️ Info e iscrizioni: ------------------------------------------------------------- 🌟 Scopri tutte le novità e le iniziative della community di Codemotion: 🦸‍♂️ Diventa #CodemotionContributor: 🧡 Unisciti alla community su Telegram: 📆 Aggiungi il DevCalendar alla tua agenda: 🫶 Diventa #CodemotionPartner: 📍 Scopri l'iniziativa Cerco / Offro location per tech meetup:
Building a database that can beat industry benchmarks is hard work, and we had to use every trick in the book to keep as close to the hardware as possible. In doing so, we initially decided QuestDB would scale only vertically, on a single instance. A few years later, data replication —for horizontally scaling reads and for high availability— became one of the most demanded features, especially for enterprise and cloud environments. So, we rolled up our sleeves and made it happen. Today, QuestDB supports an unbounded number of geographically distributed read-replicas without slowing down reads on the primary node, which can ingest data at over 4 million rows per second. In this talk, I will tell you about the technical decisions we made, and their trade offs. You'll learn how we had to revamp the whole ingestion layer, and how we actually made the primary faster than before when we added multi-threaded Write Ahead Logs to deal with data replication. I'll also discuss how we are leveraging object storage as a central part of the process. And of course, I'll show you a live demo of high-performance multi-region replication in action.
📢 Node.js. Guida per creare API e applicazioni in JavaScript 📆 martedì 28 maggio; 🕛 alle 19:00; 💻 live sui canali Linkedin, Twitch e YouTube di Codemotion. Node.js è un framework open source basato sul motore JavaScript V8 di Chrome che permette di creare applicazioni veloci, compatte e affidabili. Questo manuale accompagna nell'apprendimento delle varie funzionalità. Si parte da un'introduzione a Node.js e alla sua storia, per poi passare all'installazione e configurazione del software. 🦸‍♂️ MC: Arnaldo Morena, Andrea Maietta e Savino Carlone 🗣️ Ospite: Alessandro Miliucci Registrati all'evento per non perderti l'appuntamento!
La maquetación de los emails no tiene porque ser una pesadilla. En esta charla exploraremos cómo trabajar con los mails de una manera más eficiente, con herramientas y tecnologías más modernas, sin dolor de cabeza y hasta divirtiéndose durante el proceso. Durante la presentación haremos una demo de la herramienta. Veremos cómo están maquetados los mails, la estructura de datos que reciben y cómo se ejecutan los tests. Contenido: 1. Introducción 2. Modernizando el mundo de los emails (a) De qué consiste el proyecto (b) Herramientas: MJML, Mailjet, Node (c) Testing de los mails 3. Automatización con Cypress (a) ¿Qué es Cypress? (b) ¿Cómo lo adaptamos para los emails? (c) Demo 4. ¿Es Cypress la herramienta correcta? (a) Ventajas (b) Limitaciones 5. Preguntas
Ponente Nombre: Simone Giacomelli Título: Python all the way down: Seamless Server and in-Browser web programming with wwwpy, Pyodide and WASM. Sala: Antequera ———————— Slides for this talk: In this talk, we'll venture into a new frontier of web development by introducing an innovative method that seamlessly integrates server-side and in-browser programming. This transformative approach leverages the flexibility and power of Python and is made possible by Pyodide, a Python distribution operating on WebAssembly, and wwwpy, a pioneering library (authored by the speaker) that seamlessly integrates Python server-side operations with Pyodide. The disconnect between server-side and client-side programming is a prevalent challenge in web development: diverse languages and data structures in play at each end reduce the seamless communication and code reusability. The solution lies in Python's versatility, bridging this gap through Pyodide and wwwpy. By utilizing Python on both server and client (browser), a myriad of benefits is brought forth: The reuse of Python knowledge for client-side code which leverages the developer’s existing Python expertise and past experiences. The lower impedance between server and client is made possible by employing identical data structures (datetime, integer, float, list, set, dict, etc.) on both ends. The transparent interaction between client and server through secure RPC (Remote Procedure Call). The intrinsic development efficiency of sharing code between the two programming environments. The possibility to perform DOM manipulation and Web API usage directly with Python. The empowering capability to directly access and use JavaScript/TypeScript libraries from within Python, harmoniously blending diverse coding ecosystems and extending Python's functionality. In this context, Pyodide enables Python code execution directly within browsers and Node.js environments, effectively harnessing Python's potential to redefine the web development paradigm, and wwwpy provides a transparent way to invoke server functions from the browser and a Widget class to interact effortlessly with HTML5 elements. An additional highlight is Pyodide's support for a variety of packages, including pure Python wheels from PyPI, and pure Python and binary wasm32/emscripten wheels, featuring more than 150 packages such as numpy, scikit-learn, matplotlib, scipy, beautifulsoup4, and networkx. This talk will fundamentally change the way you perceive web development by introducing an integrated approach, reducing friction between server and client-side and elevating code reuse to new heights. Join us to explore the future of web programming, where Python reigns, from the server to the browser. Your web development journey will never be the same again! — Python España: Python Canarias: Twitter/X: @PyConES Mastodon: @pycones
Vamos a ver cómo debuggar (depurar) aplicaciones JavaScript, TypeScript y node en Visual Studio Code. Curso Visual Studio Code: ﹤🍍﹥ CodelyTV ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: ├ 🐦 Twitter CodelyTV: ├ 🧔🏻 Twitter Javi: ├ 💂‍♀️ Twitter Rafa: ├ 📸 Instagram: ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: ├ 🥋 Academy: └ 📕 Catálogo cursos: #vscode #programacion
Directo analizando el rendimiento de aplicaciones Node.js. Estaremos con Juan José, Core contributor de Nodejs y también contribuidor de V8, el motor de JavaScript detrás de Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Node.js, Deno, aplicaciones Electron, y muchas más. Veremos en qué se fijan desde Node.js cuando hacen auditorías de performance a webs con un volumen elevado de peticiones concurrentes. ﹤🔗﹥ Enlaces relacionados: ├ 👋 Twitter Juan José: ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: ├ 🍍 Twitter CodelyTV: ├ 🫧 Twitter Javi: ├ 📸 Instagram: ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: ├ 🟦 Facebook: └ 📕 Catálogo cursos:
On September 13th, 2022, we officially kicked off the third Google for Startups Accelerator: Black Founders program - a digital accelerator for black-led Seed to Series A technology startups based in the US and Canada. The accelerator program brought the best of Google’s programs, products, people and technology to our 12 startups. In addition to mentorship and technical project support, the program also focused on product design, customer acquisition and leadership development for founders. To meet the selection criteria, each of these startups are using AI/ML to solve their business challenges, generating revenue, and between their Seed to Series A funding stage or equivalent. During this event, you will hear from each startup on their business model, challenges, and success during the program plus a live Q&A. Learn more at: DNA- Edlight- HumanSquad- Innovare- Mozaic- Node App- Onramp- PaerPay- SmartAlto- Turnsignl- WearWorks- XpressRun-
En este video, Fer de Audiense y Rubén de Genialy nos muestran 5 ejemplos de código de la implementación de #DDD en #TypeScript: desde cómo arrancan las aplicaciones y el consumidor de eventos, hasta cómo migrar progresivamente proyecciones a otro sistema. Estos ejemplos están extraidos de nuestro repositorio de código ddd-typescript-example. Para explorar en más profundidad, aquí tienes los recursos 👀 👇 🐙 Repositorio typescript-ddd-example con los ejemplos de código 🆕🛰️ Curso de DDD en TypeScript: Comunicación entre #microservicios y aplicaciones 🔷 Curso de DDD en TypeScript: Modelado y arquitectura ﹤🍍﹥ CodelyTV ├ 🎥 Suscríbete: ├ 🐦 Twitter CodelyTV: ├ 💡 Twitter Fer: ├ 💡 Twitter Rubén: ├ 👨🏻‍🌾 Twitter Dani: ├ 📸 Instagram: ├ ℹ️ LinkedIn: ├ 🟦 Facebook: └ 📕 Catálogo cursos: