
Recursos de programación de azure
In the era of big data, organizations are constantly seeking efficient and scalable solutions for managing and accessing vast amounts of data. Operational data and analytical data are converging in the big data space due to several reasons, driven by technological advancements, business needs, and the evolving landscape of data management. Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) is reshaping how organizations handle their data. HTAP's unifying architecture seamlessly integrates transactional and analytical workloads, enabling real-time insights. At the same time, Object Storage Service, such as AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage, has emerged as a cornerstone for building scalable and cost-effective data lakes and it is evolving to be the foundation that bridges the gap between Transactional and Analytical Data. In this talk, we will delve into the intricacies of leveraging different technologies as a scalable data lake, explore strategies to optimize access speed and minimize costs as well as a comprehensive exploration of HTAP's role in the convergence of transactional and analytical data, offering strategic insights for navigating the data-driven future.
📢 Il Futuro è ora: verso una Tecnologia Sostenibile 📆 giovedì 18 aprile; 🕛 alle 18:30; 💻 live sui canali Linkedin, YouTube e Twitch di Codemotion. Mentre l'innovazione si muove alla velocità della luce, una nuova consapevolezza sta emergendo: c'è il bisogno impellente di un futuro tecnologico sostenibile. In questo meetup Davide, Roberto e Mara si confronteranno in un dibattito sui temi di tecnologia e sostenibilità, consentendoci di conoscere obiettivi, sfide e complessità vantaggi del green tech, dall'efficienza energetica alla riduzione delle emissioni, fino all'impatto sociale ed economico delle scelte sostenibili nello sviluppo del software. Ospiti: ⭐ Davide Bianchi | Senior Tecnical Leader @Mia-Platform Appassionato di sviluppo e operations, dopo una laurea in Fisica Davide ha comunicato la sua avventura nel mondo dello sviluppo. Con oltre 5 anni di esperienza in NodeJS, React, Go e Kubernetes, Davide è oggi Senior Tecnical Leader di Mia-Platform. Open souce fan and contributor. ⭐ Mara Marzocchi | Co-founder @Codemotion Mara è Co-Founder di Codemotion. Da sempre appassionata di tecnologia, in Codemotion si occupa dell’ingaggio della tech community e della relazione con gli sviluppatori e le sviluppatrici. Diversity e inclusion sono la sua missione. Ama gli animali, il quartiere dove vive (la Garbatella), il Franciacorta e suoi gatti (Bart e Lisa). ⭐ Roberto Freato | CTO @Witailer e Retex Con una solida formazione in informatica e una specializzazione in cloud computing, in particolar modo su Azure, Roberto ha iniziato la sua carriera come consulente freelance. Ha ricevuto riconoscimenti come Microsoft MVP dal 2010 e ha scritto diversi libri su Azure. Ha contribuito a iniziative educative e ha parlato in molti eventi del settore. Come CTO di Retex e Witailer il suo obiettivo è fornire leadership e coordinamento tecnologico strategico. Master of Ceremonie: Luca Fregoso | Dev Talent Partner & Content Manager in Codemotion Vi aspettiamo live il 18 aprile: ------------------------------------------------------------- 🌟 Scopri tutte le novità e le iniziative della community di Codemotion: 🦸‍♂️ Diventa #CodemotionContributor: 🧡 Unisciti alla community su Telegram: 📆 Aggiungi il DevCalendar alla tua agenda: 🫶 Diventa #CodemotionPartner: 📍 Scopri l'iniziativa Cerco / Offro location per tech meetup:
Starting with an overview of the principles of green software, Paola will talk about the guidelines that many cloud vendors have published to make their workloads more sustainable. She will guide you through some of the techniques currently in use to make your applications green, such as demand shaping and shifting, and carbon awareness, and what possible actions you can take within the application to make more when the energy intensity is lower. Paola is a member of the Green Software Foundation since its beginning in 2021, and has been blogging, writing and creating awareness on this topic since 2020. Paola E. Annis has worked for over 25 years in IT. Currently at Microsoft enjoying the Azure cloud, she has extensive experience working on strategic customers, large migrations, and digital transformation projects. In her daily work, she advocates cost governance and sustainable software engineering, and women in tech’s communities. She lives in Milan with her kids, cats, and husband. In her spare time, she enjoys heavy metal music while embarking on improbable DIY projects for her country house. -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social:
Enjoy thist talk about sustainable software with Annie Freeman. Annie is a software engineer at Xero in New Zealand. She is captivated by how engineers can help solve climate change using green software practices. In particular, she is interested in building carbon aware software that dynamically runs in the least carbon intensive region or time period. Most recently, Annie spoke about green software at the 2023 Grace Hopper Celebration in Orlando, Florida. She is also an enrolled barrister and solicitor in New Zealand and is interested in how software and law can intersect to find solutions to climate change. Join us for an engaging dialogue with Annie Freeman, where she addresses key questions about her journey, sustainable software initiatives, the relationship between AI and Green Software, and offers valuable perspectives on the future of green software. -- 🍃 Green Software Foundation: 👉 Green Software Practitioners Course: 👉 Software Carbon Intensity Guide: 👉 Green Software’s Carbon Aware SDK and Web API: 👉 Green Software Foundation Speakers: 👉 International Energy Agency - Data Centre energy use, emissions and activities to reduce emissions: 👉 AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool: 👉 Azure Carbon Tacking Tool: 👉 Cloud Carbon Footprint (Open Source tracking software for cloud usage): 👉 Code Carbon (Track and reduce emissions from AI): 👉 Dr Sasha Luccioni’s TED talk on the dangers of AI including environmental impact: -- Apiumhub is a software development hub that solves complex problems with high-quality solutions. Our purpose is to build scalable software to help our clients strengthen their businesses with powerful technology. Large and well-known companies have trusted us including Inditex, Mango, Bitpanda, Nestle, Axa, Tous, Adidas and more. Our services include web development, mobile app development, devops, quality assurance and software architecture. In addition to offering these services, we have a learning platform called ApiumAcademy where we offer customized courses. We have two digital products. VYou, a user management and access management solution and Koople, a Feature Flags tool. Both developed by developers for developers. Every year, we host the Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS). An event that brings together hundreds of software architecture experts interested in learning, sharing, and connecting. Successful industry professionals such as Mark Richards, Neal Fords & Carola Lilienthal have attended our event as speakers. -- Visit our site: Learn more about our ApiumAcademy courses: Attend our event, Global Software Architecture Summit: VYou, our digital product: Koople, our Feature Flags tool: -- Social: -- 0:00 Introduction 0:56 Annie's journey to Green Software Advocate 3:00 Green software initiatives 5:34 AI and Green Software 7:11 Insights regarding the future of Green Software 8:25 Closure
Este año ha llegado a su fin el soporte para Windows Server 2012 y 2012 R2. SQL Server 2012, expiró el año pasado. Esto implica la interrupción de actualizaciones regulares, lo que plantea riesgos significativos de seguridad, compatibilidad y cumplimiento para cualquier compañía. Si tu compañía cuenta con alguno de estos productos, en este webinar te contaremos qué alternativas tienes a la hora de afrontar este desafío dentro del ecosistema de Microsoft y Azure, así como las importantes ventajas tecnológicas que obtiene al hacerlo. 📅 AGENDA DEL EVENTO: 00:00 Inicio 00:08 Intro 08:03 Posibles consecuencias de seguir usando Windows Server 2012 y SQL Server 2012 22:36 Y ahora qué? Opciones de migración y qué beneficios aporta 48:10 Despedida 🎙 NUESTROS PONENTES: Eva Rodríguez – Lead Gen Manager, SNGULAR Juan José Muñoz – Project Manager, SNGULAR Francisco Gómez - Cloud System Engineer
¿Os gustaría conocer como se puede asegurar la calidad de vuestros productos mediante integración continua (CI) de una forma automática? En esta sesión os contaremos como podemos verificar que cualquier implementación es segura y cumple todos los criterios de aceptación de forma automática mediante pipelines Sonar Cloud: Importar los resultados de Sonar Cloud para comprobar que se cumple con las Quality Gates definidas. Integration Tests: Comprobar los resultados de la ejecución de los test automáticos en cada uno de los despliegues de los dintintos entornos. Specflow+LivingDoc with Azure DevOps Integration: Permite acceder y compartir tus ficheros de pruebas en lenguaje Gherkin directamente en Azure DevOps. Azure load testing: Ejecución de pruebas de rendimiento a través de un script de JMeter mediante la definición de los requisitos no funcionales desde Azure DevOps. Aparte de todo esto, no estaría de más tener unos pipelines definidos y programadas para que se ejecuten en una franja horaria donde el servidor no esté sobrecargado ni estresado. A esto se le denomina nightly execution. Te mostraremos como podemos crear desde Azure DevOps dashboards interactivos y, por qué no, también atractivos, con el resultado de la ejecución de los proyectos de tests automáticos y su duración con un enlace directamente al resultado de loa mismos. Con todo esto, aplicado en el sector de Banca y Seguros, es como aseguramos la calidad para conseguir la máxima eficiencia en cada uno de los productos de una forma automática. ¿Te gustaría conocer por qué QA es imprescindible en el proceso de CI? Pues no dudes en apuntarte a este evento. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
Our long journey into replacing our current search index in Solr answering 2 million queries daily with minimal disruption and loss. Our most embarrassing moments and proudest successes and some thoughts on how we could have done it better. We had an old version of Solr installed on an on premise Linux machine that we wanted to upgrade and also move to Azure. The upgrading was a whole journey of itself, but the testing, deploying and setup is what I'll be focusing on. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
MLOps se ha convertido en una las palabras de moda cuando hablamos sobre ML pero realmente sabemos qué consiste realmente este concepto, cómo de complejo es su implantación y uso o como podemos utilizarlo en nuestras organizaciones con el objetivo de acelerar, simplificar o mejorar la producción de nuestros modelos de Machine Learning. En esta charla describiremos en qué consiste el concepto de MLOps desde la perspectiva de Azure Cloud y como funciona a nivel global (almacenamiento de datos y modelos, ejecución de algoritmos, creación de canalizaciones, etc) con el objetivo de mostrar cómo podemos construir canalizaciones de ML para construir nuestro modelos de manera semi-automática. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
MLOps en Azure Cloud - ¿Puedo realmente automatizar la producción de modelos de manera sencilla? MLOps se ha convertido en una las palabras de moda cuando hablamos sobre ML pero realmente sabemos qué consiste realmente este concepto, cómo de complejo es su implantación y uso o como podemos utilizarlo en nuestras organizaciones con el objetivo de acelerar, simplificar o mejorar la producción de nuestros modelos de Machine Learning. En esta charla describiremos en qué consiste el concepto de MLOps desde la perspectiva de Azure Cloud y como funciona a nivel global (almacenamiento de datos y modelos, ejecución de algoritmos, creación de canalizaciones, etc) con el objetivo de mostrar cómo podemos construir canalizaciones de ML para construir nuestro modelos de manera semi-automática.
Carlos Baquero is a Professor in the Department of Informatics Engineering within FEUP, and area coordinator at the High Assurance Laboratory (HASLab) within INESC TEC. From 1994 till mid-2021 he was affiliated with the Informatics Department, Universidade do Minho, where he concluded his PhD (2000) and Habilitation/Agregação (2018). He currently teaches courses in Operating Systems and in Large Scale Distributed Systems. Research interests cover data management in eventual consistent settings, distributed data aggregation and causality tracking. He worked in the development of data summary mechanisms such as Scalable Bloom Filters, causality tracking for dynamic settings with Interval Tree Clocks and Dotted Version Vectors and predictable eventual consistency with Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types. Most of this research has been applied in industry, namely in the Riak distributed database, Redis CRDBs, Akka distributed data and Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB.